All Herman2 Discussion Here

I’m feeling a bit more tolerant towards him at the moment.

He’s confining himself to the soccer thread as he voluntarily promised after mod warnings and, apart from his most recent post there revealing his loyalty to the Fatherland, this suggests that he’s pulled his head in after the most recent warning from mods.

He’ll never be normal, but if he learns to control himself I’d let him stay.

Although I’m betting that it won’t be all that long before we agree that it’s time to post the public mod statement.

I agree with your assessment, no reason at the moment to ban him. My purpose was more along the lines of us all being on the same page with respect to handling any future flights of fancy on his part. It is always a possibility that he may learn to behave in a rational manner, causing the Nation of Canada in relived gratitude to bestow some National honor upon you. (at the very least a half off coupon for a bottle of Canadian Whisky.) :wink: :slight_smile:

Given that often there’s only one mod on the board at any time, I’ll agree with whatever any mod decides to do at any time with herman if a mod thinks he’s due for a ban, perma or otherwise, or lesser penalties such as debarking or castration, (although we might be a bit late for the latter. :wink: :D).

Herman certainly stressed in his DU, and DUI, opinions that we must accept that anything is possible, but I think you’ve just found the boundary where something clearly is not possible. :wink: :smiley:

I doubt that Canada has sufficient resources properly to reward anyone who renders herman rational. It’s a task that is beyond all the Nobel Prize winners in all categories of science and medicine since the Prize began. I think Canada would prefer to export herman to somewhere where he’d fit in better, which probably is a lunatic asylum in a country ending in ‘stan’ or thereabouts. :wink: :smiley:

RS*:“I doubt that Canada has sufficient resources properly to reward anyone who renders herman rational. It’s a task that is beyond all the Nobel Prize winners in all categories of science and medicine since the Prize began. I think Canada would prefer to export herman to somewhere where he’d fit in better, which probably is a lunatic asylum in a country ending in ‘stan’ or thereabouts.”

Well, by your own description of that place, perhaps the Opal mines would be a fitting residence for him. :wink: :slight_smile: ( I know, there ain’t enough Whiskey in the World for that)