Allied Country with Best Fighter Plane in WW2

Ya exactly, none have been rocorded. Im still not too sure about the P-80.

The meteor was operational before the end of the war but it’s pilots were not allowed to go over enemy lines to engage the enemy.

Britain and Germany both had jet planes flying early in the war but the production models came later. The technology was basically handed to the americans and Russians in order to pacify them and even everything up. The meteor was used to intercept V1’s as far as I know but that was it.

Have you seen the pics of the New build 262’s in America they look nice :slight_smile:

I would say the Mustang was the best fighter of the war. Unfortunately, it was developed too late to be of much use in the war. It was the fastest, very durable, manuverable, and had good range. Overall score takes it to the top, largely because it was so fast. If you will remember, although the Corsair was not a nimble plane, it was very effective against the very nimble Zero - because it had so much horsepower and could run wide circles around the Japanese planes and swoop in fast for a kill. In WWII era planes, power and speed were more important than lightness and nimbleness. It is for this reason also that the Mustang was the best, IMO. Fastest, fairly nimble (much more than the Corsair for example), and durable.

You are wrong about the Mustang being the fastest allied plane, the Griffon engined Spitfire was the fastest plane that the allies had, even faster than the jet meteor. Id say the main feat with the Mustang was its long range.

You are correct about the speed. The Mustang’s top speed was 439 mph, the Spitfire 450. An 11 mph difference. Nonetheless, the Mustang is my choice for best fighter of WWII. It was fast (2nd fastest by 11 mph), manuverable, durable, and had great range. Overall it was the best of the era.

Nah it was one of the best but the high number of kills is purely down to weight of numbers.
I have read from people who have flown all types that the Russian aircraft were probably the best but they aren’t in the Poll so British it is.

Most important was the ability of the pilots and by the time the yanks got properly involved half way through the war the top german pilots had been in combat for nearly 3 years and were getting very Battle fatigued and the rest wer made up of new pilots who weren’t getting the training necessary to live very long especially against the overwhelming odds.


Surely you jest. There has not been one machine that ever came from Russia prior to 1965-70 that could be considered anything less than crap with the exception of tanks.

By the way, the Mustang entered the war late. More kills were made in the Pacific Theater in Corsairs, Hellcats, and other planes than in the Mustang over Europe. I don’t know why you’re hung up on the number of kills in Mustangs, therefore.

The Spitfire was a very good plane, but it was not terribly reliable; one of the most important criteria for judging the worth of anything mechanical. In fact, it was the US that constantly supplied the Brits with American made parts for their planes. Not only because German bombing slowed production, or because the planes were used so heavily and stressed, but more because the plane was simply not terribly reliable. As many Spitfires sat on fields awaiting parts as were in the air. The reliability problem was so great that british pilots constantly cursed the plane they loved so much. The British are very industrious, hearty, and stalwort, and when one factory was bombed, another popped up almost over night. The engine of the Spitfire was powerful, but plagued by failures under stress. The Mustang was very reliable, and it was the equal of the Spitfire in manuverability, accelleration, etc., with the exception of being 11 mph slower than the Submarine models of the Spitfire which saw service just before the end of the war.

Since the Mustang was the Spitfire’s equal in performance and more reliable, obviously, it the best plane of the war. Russian planes chuckle don’t even figure in. If you ask any professional war historian, they will tell you that the Mustang is generally considered to be the finest fighter of WWII.

scratching head Dude, the war started in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. The US declared war on Japan in December of 1941. Germany surrendered on may 7th 1945 and japan surrendered on August 14th 1945. It was a whole year before even half of Europe was involved in the war. The US was involved "properly(?) for most of the war.

Let’s recap, shall we? The war started in 1939, US entered in 1941, it ended late 1945. What was that about the US getting “properly” involved half way through the war?

“properly involved half way through the war”???

It’s very clear that your choice of words is designed to belittle the US and influence the minds of those who are ignorant enough to think after reading them, don’t put a twist on historical facts to further your cause. If you don’t like the US for some reason, this is not the place to air it. Look for a US bashing forum for that. I am sure you can find one.

I don’t mean to blather about it, but it makes me such to hear so many Europeans carrying on about how the US is so bad and worthless after the US, with some help from Canada and other nations, saved every single country in Europe from the Germans (& Nazis) - twice in one century. My father faught in the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare trying to free people from oppression, and when we talk about it, he becomes humble. I can almost see the muzzle blast of 105mm guns and submachineguns and exploding grenades and flying body parts in his eyes as he looks out of the window. I’d like for once to enjoy posting in a forum without having some European sqeezing insults about America in between the words of thier posts.

Well Ironman I am 32 and serving in the RAF with a keen interest in this topic from an early age so You are sorely mistaken.

Spitfire with reliability problems? That’s something new then they might have been sat on the ground due to lack of spare parts but that’s just a lack of production ability and since our factories were being bombed it couldn’t be helped.

As for Russian equipment I think you’ll have to read up as I wasn’t stating my views but those of people who have been lucky enough to fly planes from all sides including your beloved Mustang (which in any case wouldn’t have been built without the Brits).

You are quite clearly another Brainwashed yank who just cannot accept that someone else may have built something better especially God forbid the Russians who were an unknown quantity so people assumed they were building crap and a lot of migs were doing a lot of shooting down of american planes over Korea (One of which was shot down by the fastest Piston engined fighter the Sea Fury).Same with the Japs, The americans got a shock when they first came up against the zero as they were under the belief that all the japanese had were some old knackered planes.

I was refering to the war in Europe as well which wasn’t entered by the US until nearing the end of 42.

When you americans stop being so insular perhaps you’ll understand.

Just 32? I missed it by 2 years. Damn. And yes, the Spitfire had reliablity problems. It was not the only the bombing that kept so many Spitfires on the ground, it was the parts breaking down, constantly.

The US could not have made the Spitfire without the Brits? LOL Dude, it was an American design manufactured in the US. The US did not need britain, a war ravaged and almost cripple nation, to help them design and built a thing. Could you really be so wacked out?

Um, no, the Koreans did not shoot down “so many” American planes in Korea. Korea was almost excusively a land war with artillery and small arms. Almost every plane used in Korea was an American one, and most of these used were Corairs, because they came from aircraft carriers and flew inland. Korea had no air forces to speak of. You are so far out into left field now. Sheesh. Just trying to bash America with that one too eh? lol

As for the Zero shocking Americans. yea, we were shocked at how FEW bullets it took to down one of those tin cans. The Zero was very very nimble and it was reliable. But it was very poorly armoured and was no match over the seas for faster, better armoured planes, like the Corsair and Helcat, which circled them like sharks and flew in for a kill at 400 mph from above. You need to learn a lot more about the air war in the Pacific. It took the US no time at all to realize that the slower zero was bait for a Corsair at higher altitude where the more powerful engines of the Corsair and lower air pressure combined to put the zero at a complete loss for competition. And that is what American pilots did. They coaxed the japanese to fly high to attack the Corsairs, where they were circled and shot down.

No, you said the US entered the war half way through it, which is a lie contrived with the intention of bashing Americans. The US launched the largest invasion force in history to save your Euro butt - one which included many tens of thousands of American men. It took a lot of preparation and time to do it, ya know? Do you think we should have simply asked the Germans not to shoot at us and wait until we went back to the US over and over for more men, vehicles, and equipment before blasting at us on the beaches? LMAO

First, get your war facts straight.

:lol: Quite clearly you are delusional

One point of the many you got wrong The Mustang was built to a British spec and required the British engine built under licence before it became as good as it was.I don’t beleive you ever actually made spitfires either.No jealousy just an intense dislike of people who can’t get history straight.

The Brits were fighting all over the world alongside the commonwealth countries and others who valued their freedom long before the americans got properly involved and only then because the japs attacked at Pearl Harbour. Once the amercians got involved they relearned all the lessons that everyone else had already learned and tried to tell them.

Here in Britain we accept any shortcomings our country has however in your country you blindly follow anything you are told without question which is a shame.

Just 32? I missed it by 2 years. Damn. And yes, the Spitfire had reliablity problems. It was not the only the bombing that kept so many Spitfires on the ground, it was the parts breaking down, constantly.

The US could not have made the Spitfire without the Brits? LOL Dude, it was an American design manufactured in the US. The US did not need britain, a war ravaged and almost cripple nation, to help them design and built a thing. Could you really be so wacked out?

As for being “a brainwashed yank” we see now clearly your hatred for America. I know you could not keep it in for long. It simply had to come out in plain words. Didn’t it? lol

Um, no, the Koreans did not shoot down “so many” American planes in Korea. Korea was almost excusively a land war with artillery and small arms. Almost every plane used in Korea was an American one, and most of these used were Corairs, because they came from aircraft carriers and flew inland. Korea had no air forces to speak of. You are so far out into left field now. Sheesh. Just trying to bash America with that one too eh? lol

As for the Zero shocking Americans. yea, we were shocked at how FEW bullets it took to down one of those tin cans. The Zero was very very nimble and it was reliable. But it was very poorly armoured and was no match over the seas for faster, better armoured planes, like the Corsair and Helcat, which circled them like sharks and flew in for a kill at 400 mph from above. You need to learn a lot more about the air war in the Pacific. It took the US no time at all to realize that the slower zero was bait for a Corsair at higher altitude where the more powerful engines of the Corsair and lower air pressure combined to put the zero at a complete loss for competition. And that is what American pilots did. They coaxed the japanese to fly high to attack the Corsairs, where they were circled and shot down.

No, you said the US entered the war half way through it, which is a lie contrived with the intention of bashing Americans. The US launched the largest invasion force in history to save your Euro butt - one which included many tens of thousands of American men. It took a lot of preparation and time to do it, ya know? Do you think we should have simply asked the Germans not to shoot at us and wait until we went back to the US over and over for more men, vehicles, and equipment before blasting at us on the beaches? LMAO

First, get your war facts straight. Then, come back without so much hatred for the US in your heart. Vent your insolence elsewhere. It might help you think straight enough to say at least one truly factual thing, which you have not yet done. You make it clear that you are bitter, jealous and hateful. I’m not smug about it. I just wish you’d post your alter history of WWII and your hated for the US somewhere it’s more appropriate, like a neo-Nazi web site, or such. :arrow:[/quote]

As I have read all the posts from my last visit, it seams like your bashing the U.K. and Europe considerably :smiley: Spitfire had reliability problems? Well that the the first time I have heard that, it was a very reliable plane while fighting in the air. Of course alot came backe badly damaged and had to be reapaired. One thing for sure the Rolls-Royce engine did not fail at all while in the air. America launched the largest invasion force to save Europes butt? Why only America? You sound like one of those patriotic Americans who cant think in more than one view. BTW, the operation was not made up by America, it was planned by Montgomery, and yes it is true that the that the Americans had more soldiers on the beaches, but you are forgetting about all the speciall forces ops, and paras before the landings, not to forget the great bridge that crossed the English channel to save everyones asses in France. In the beggining of the war anyway in N Africa, the Americans were practically useless in that front. Not very experienced and had major problems. Britain and the commonwealth could take the Germans without your help.

But thanks for joining anyway, Im pretty sure you couldnt take on Germany with-out Britians help. (and no Im not British so dont say that crap about, “well you said this, so therefore you must be British”)

At last what might be considered a neutral commentator although being South African you are probably a member of the Axis of evil allies THE Commonwealth :slight_smile:

As I said before the P-51 was equipped with the same engine albeit made in the USA so if it was so unreliable how did the mustang cope :wink:

Firstly IRONMAN your and idiot if you think the US won the war by itself. If you think so … please get out of my country. The Russians bore the brunt of the fighting in WW2 and did the most to win it. During WW2 America had a 16 million man army and only 1 million ever saw combat. More Russians died than the size of our army during the war.

Secondly, I get so tired of hearing that the Americans didnt join the war untill late. Go get bent already. We where just there 20 years before helping out in WW1. Now we didnt “win” that war but we sure as hell did help bring it to a conclusion. We cant be there every time one of your countries goes nuts. Also Herman Goering admited that the war probably would have come to a conclusion early on if France and Britian had attacked on Germany’s West front early in the war. Since you where obligated to with your alliance with Poland. So piss off you guys could have probably stopped this before it got out of control. Furthermore, George Washington said when he left office to stay out of European affairs and especially alliances.

My brief overview of WW2 the Americans and Brits helped keep the Axis powers at bay untill Russia finally got their s**t back together.

So IRONMAN and WildBoar quit being silly and look at the real facts.

The Mustang was indeed the best fighter of the war. The entire world knows it. The Germans thought so, and stated it. lol I’m not going to debate with you, and I didn’t bother to read thrugh your posts, and won’t read any others you post.

We are discussing thngs about WWII. America has been your ally for a long time, and your country has benefited very greatly because of it. When you do your bashing, you might as well be spitting on the graves of the many thousands of Americans, and British, that died in that war, and that is just sick. Keep your hatemongering to yourself.

You don’t hear me slipping insults about britain or any other nation into my sentences, so try not to do that in the future please

Please,don`t fight because of fighters,USA and England are brother country (They have the same blood)

I liked german aircrafts,but americans and british were bad,and don`t forget soviet!.

and yes,this isnt a nazi/nacionalist forum or another thing. you can have parents of the war,like the uniforms or something,but that doesnt mean you have the same political opinion as the countries in fight.

I hope this wasnt aimed at me coz im an American and proud of it. I wasnt bashing nations I was bashing the both of you. :smiley:

Anyhow enough with the fighting coz Gen. Sandworm said so. :lol:

I think that? Show me where I stated anything like that. No, I don’t think so. how did you come to such a misguided conclusion? What does that have to do with that sissiy’s America bashing that I was not letting him get away with without a spanking?

Indeed. Salute. Then they come in here and try to bash America with insults slipped in-between their words. Sheesh.

Nobody is asking for thanks.

The Allies on the western front faced a very large and well equiped force of Germans. It was nasty. And we didn’t “hold them at bay”. The US lost 450,000+ men, mostly in Europe fighting the Germans. We fought hard and forced the Germans all the way back to berlin itself as the Russians did the same thing on the eastern front. That’s not quite the same as “holding them back”.

Now let’s keep this forum to the facts, not fabricate things and bash Americans because you are lusting to piss at them, shall we?

Well General Sandworm thx for your post,

I think however with ironman you might be wasting your breath as he seems to forget what he posted before.

I am sorry if I offended you but to have people like that who obviously haven’t read a history book telling us what they believe to be facts does get annoying.

I was branded a neo nazi Lol I won’t get upset because I realise that the person making this comment obviously doesn’t understand the term anyway.

Back to the real point of this thread and we were asked for our opinions, most of us realise that that is what they are and don’t claim them to be absolutely without question unlike some.

Apology accepted. However, I am college educated and I’ve been around a lot longer than you, so be careful who you claim has not read a history book, young man. Please, don’t go off bash my country or insult my intelligence just because you have a tainted, libertarian, slanted understanding of WWII and the tools therof which is based on PC games and what other America haters spoon out as they sit around a in a pub passing around cigarrettes and saying things like, “Yea fxxk the yanks! We had better stuff than them anyway. We didn’t need them to beat the germans!”

We Americans understand quite well what is going on in the world. We are well aware of the jealousy and hatred that is mindlessly passed around in other countries infecting the minds of the youth and which results in misguided people like you who try to inject insults about America into your seemingly benign comments. Just please, keep it outta here from now on. Ok? :wink:

I’m done with you.