Allied Country with Best Fighter Plane in WW2

Apology accepted. However, I am college educated and I’ve been around a lot longer than you, so be careful who you claim has not read a history book, young man. Please, don’t go off bash my country or insult my intelligence just because you have a tainted, libertarian, slanted understanding of WWII and the tools therof which is based on PC games and what other America haters spoon out as they sit around a in a pub passing around cigarrettes and saying things like, “Yea fxxk the yanks! We had better stuff than them anyway. We didn’t need them to beat the germans!”

We Americans understand quite well what is going on in the world. We are well aware of the jealousy and hatred that is mindlessly passed around in other countries infecting the minds of the youth and which results in misguided people like you who try to inject insults about America into your seemingly benign comments. Just please, keep it outta here from now on. Ok? :wink:

I’m done with you.[/quote]

I don’t care how old you ar epal you obviously didn’t learn from the real events in history and as for a college education well whoopee I think I passed that level at primary school.

I am getting personal now because you did , You rubbish the truth then say we are wrong. You are the only person in the world to ever mention reliability problems in the same sentence as the Spitfire, The Hawker Typhoon had engine troubles later in the war and structural faults as well maybe you are confused?

As for apologising well only to any inteligent Americans out ther such as General Sandworm because their country is blighted by small minded muppets like yourself.

There I feel better :slight_smile:

from your post earlier which you declined to acknowledge you state that realism is important for you, I ask again what combat experience do you have?

I also noticed that you edited your earlier thread :wink: did youralise that you had made yourself look daft?

As for Libertarian Well I don’t think so and As for America they have never won a war on their own except the civil war because no one else was involved. Britain has fought and won wars since before your country was overrun by the white man from Europe.Imperialistic you can call us but at least we didn’t march into every tin pot contry that mentioned communism.

You will learn in time that all of your smooth-as-paste view of things in WWII were not so smooth. Give yourself time. BTW, I think you are confusing the Hurricane with the Spitfire.

BTW, the .303 of the Spitfire made it undergunned and it had a harder time penetrating than the .50 of other planes. Another reason it was not as good a plane as the Mustang. LOL SIGH

No I didn’t get personal. I simply told you to leave your America bashing out of the conversation.

All this hatred from you simply because I said: “You are correct about the speed. The Mustang’s top speed was 439 mph, the Spitfire 450. An 11 mph difference. Nonetheless, the Mustang is my choice for best fighter of WWII. It was fast (2nd fastest by 11 mph), manuverable, durable, and had great range. Overall it was the best of the era.”

… so you troll my posts constantly posting something negative to say about my choice? Then you come at me with your little smart mout blathering… “Naaa… it was bla bla bla…”

ago. Get over it already. I know it burns you that the best fighter of WWII was not british, since the Spitfire had certain reliability problems and was under-gunned. But stick to the facts.

Dude, in case you don’t know it, (get ready for an astonishing enlightenment now) YOUR WHOLE COUNTRY IS LIBERTARIAN. Do you not know what the term means? You understanding of politics is as afluent as your understanding of WWII, it seems.

LOL So now America has never won a war on their own eh. Yes we have my misguided lurch. Against Spain and Mexico seperately a hundred years ago and twice in Iraq. and before you strt in, no, insurgents don’t qualify as an army. LOL Again, you blather without understanding. Wipe your drooling mouth now, ok? And stop discussing politics and history with drunks over dark beer in the pubs. You will learn nothing there. And kiddo, with the help of a few thousand Canadians, we saver your country and the rest of Europe twice from the Germans. I know that burns you up, as you so make it so plain, but we Americans don’t expect gratitude, but we don’t deserve snot-nosed little punks to bash America at every opportunity either. So put a plug in it and get back to posting sensibly now, alright?

So now you say our country was overrun by Europeans? Wait a minute. Your’re British, so you are European. Gosh. That’s right. A lot of you guys immigrated to our counrty. LMAO Still trying anything you can to bash America eh? Silly boy. Let’s not forget that Britain was “overrun” by Celts about 2-3,000 years ago. Every part of this earth has had one tribe or another overrun by another. Sheesh. Get a life.

Let me try posting my prefernce once more without you jumping in with antagonistic blathering and America bashing, shall we? Here goes:

“You are correct about the speed. The Mustang’s top speed was 439 mph, the Spitfire 450. An 11 mph difference. Nonetheless, the Mustang is my choice for best fighter of WWII. It was fast (2nd fastest by 11 mph), manuverable, durable, and had great range. Overall it was the best of the era.”

listening, waiting for the flying bits of saliva and the near-comatose attack of opinion bashing and anti-American blather

Well what a moron you have proven yourself to be :roll: I did and have never confused the Hurricane with the Spitfire you clown as they were completely different.As for it being outgunned yes the .303 was poor but still managed to knock plenty of german aircraft out of the sky whilst we were fighting over France and Britain. And by the time the Mustang came around they were being fitted with Cannon armament so your argument fails again.

As for winning a war in Iraq on your own FFS the British made the main Decoy for the Iraqi’s and British troops werer some of the first over the Border in the First Gulf War so even modern history escapes your notice

And before you ask for evidence I have worked with some of the people and met others who went into Iraq first and have spoken to them about it so I know what I’m talking about.Come back to me you senile idiot when you have read a real history book not a movie plot along the lines of U-571.

Right, first things first. Yes South Africa was in the Commonwealth during WW2, but not anymore. I dont think we have very good relations with the U.S. or the U.K., we have better relations with Fidel Castrol (lol) but that is true.

2nd, this forum was very nice and quite, and ppl were debating about things with FACTS, but since you (IRONMAN) came along it has somehow got personal both ways. And yes IRONMAN you are bashing the U.K. and Europe so dont say u dont. Both sides seem to do some bashing here and there.

Now I will argue this topic using REAL facts from a REAL history book, not a crappy made up website.

-Right, the Griffon engined Spitfire the best off the Spirtfires, came out around the same time as the Mustang.

-Its max speed was 448m.p.h. It had a 2,035hp Rolls-Royce Griffon 65 engine, and loaded weight was 10,280lb.

-Its arnament was four 20mm (0.78in.) Hispano cannons, and up to 1,000lbs in bombs or rocket projectiles.

-It claimed over 300 V-1 flying bombs and also shot down the first ME-262. This is an example of its great manuvuability, and going against the ME-262 which I would say was the best fighter plane in WW2-it had 4 30mm (1.2in.) Mk cannons,- would make the Spitfire very tough.

Now the Mustang:

-The First Mustangs with the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine which is when it got its fame entered service in december 1943 (which is about 1944)

-Its max speed was 437m.p.h. It had a 1,510hp. Merlin V-1650, and its loaded weight was 11,600lb.

-Its armament was six 0.5 in. Browning maching guns, max bomb load of 2,000lb or you could have six 5in. rocket projectiles.

Now to clarify some posts: Yes the P-51 Mustang was designed to meet RAF requirement, I dont see if it matters much, but you guys seem to argue allot about it.

Also IRONMAN, the post you said about “you guys are bashing… and so I wont even read your posts.” Well if you say that, then you may as well leave now, because you dont seem to take in more than one view, and I practically hate ppl like that. I like to hear everyone out, and get all the views about a topic so I can better decide. I dont get all patriotic and personall, that deffinetely does not control my ideas. And I hope it doesnt with you.

So my conclusion: I find that the Spitfire was very agile, and was also heavily armed, more so than the Mustang. I find that if the two would meet together, I would think that the Spitfire would come out strong.

I do not underestimate the Mustangs role during WW2, but I find that it was more of a Long Range escort Fighter (that was its role) than a interceptor fighter (and that was the Spitfires role).

The Mustang was very valuable during WW2, becaues it enabled daylight bombing, becasue of its large fuel tank, and the Spitfire could not reach such distances.

And Im not making this up from my ass, and I hope more people will give more information to back your opinions.

My Sources:

Book: David Lee. World War 2 Airplanes. 1998.

I specially don’t interrupt the discussion of two americans. That was intresting… :?

to Gen. Sandworm

That I was talked about in another topic. You learned history and know a lot. But so many people from USA and not only USA don’t know much about WW2.


You an idiot. You don’t know not only world history, but even don’t know history of own country. The Korea was small country? Yes. But losses of chinesse and americans was great, huge, enormous. I think you put a shame on Korean veterans with that position. Best aces of Korean war(russians pilots) have a 10-40 air wins each. And was many of them. Human losses was also great. America lost in Korea more troops than in the ww2. THAT was real ww2 for America. The americans soldiers was faced with 10-millions chinese army, armed by Soviet Union and best Soviet pilots.

about fighters
There is a point, that all members of forum is always miss :). When we speak about last-war planes, the differense in some mph isn’t mean so much. In gunpower also. Can you find differense between “shoot down” and “chop to pieces”? Plane is out of battle, and only this matter. In that case, main points is manurability and easy in mastering. The latest soviet planes was designed for very fast studying. And was VERY simply in control. The pilots told about that planes was like continue of theirs own bodies. That was a reason, than pilots choose soviet planes. For pride of Britain, the Spifire also was good plane to control, but King Cobra was suxx in that point. The soviet pilots often specialy damaged Land-Lease Cobras to change them for more good plane. With that Soviet HQ made an order to kill pilots who specially damaged engines or landing without shassy…

It is true, that a good plane must be easy to master. But with good engineers and mechanics, you can easily repair any damaged plane, just make sure that the plane isnt destroyed. In the case with Russia, it benefited Russia more when they had easy to control and to master planes, becuase they had many pilots and loss of life was not that big of a deal. In the case of Britain and other countries, a pilot was more valuable than the plane, because it would of taken longer to train and to become an advanced pilot. You can look it in many ways, a good plane might be an easy to manufacture, easy to control. Or a good plane could be high tech, harder to control, but with better advantages.

Hmm… I said easy in mastering means have poor advantages? Not that. For example, find the information about lag-5. Specially want to do it by yourself. Is this a bad plane? Me-262 was shooted down with it. I told about combination of advantages with mastering. Balance between them. As I think, from allies planes only Spitfire have such balance. Soviet have more types of it. Of course, SU also have a big number of “flying graves”, unuseable in real battle, but production of it was closed very fast after war was begin.

Sorry, but that’s very incorrect. In fact, it’s way, way off the mark. The United States lost 405,000+ men in WWII, and 53,000+ in Korea. Look it up, because apprearently, you haven’t. BTW, my father was there in Korea, he went all the way up to Chosin and fought there in a foxhole. : )

What the heck are you thinking?

And you called me an idiot. Sheesh. :roll:

Indeed. That alone made it inferior to the Mustang. It’s gun was too weak and had penetration problems. :cry:

Oh by the way, another war the US won was against Britain when they came at us in 1812. As my American History classes serve me, I don’t think anyone fought with the US either. maybe a few native Americans shot arrows though. Just the US vrs Britain. Those Brits are stubborned eh? Twice in less than 40 years they tried.

I have not been doing anything but defending against your attacks on my country, but if you’d like me to give you some facts and boast just a little, as you have been doing about Britain while insulting my country, here goes:

On Iraq: Incorrect. You mean the French. The French were the 1st over the border on the left flank. THE FRENCH were the diversion, not the small force of British that were with the Americans on the right flank. Naturally, he kept the Brits and the French sperate from each other. LOL The operation was planned by US General Shwartzkauf, and he sent in the French on the left as a diversion. He called it the “long bomb fake”, like in a football (American football) game. On the right flank was a batallion of US and a small force of British soldiers. As it were, the vast majority of the fighting was done by the US army, as has been the case with every war the US has been involved in. So your insults about the US can’t win a war without help is just more of your insulting crap. The war had already been won from the air by US air forces before a single soldier stepped into Iraq. LOL

We didn’t need anyone to help us in Iraq as you suggest. We won the war by devestating the enemy on the ground from the air in 6 weeks before we sent a single man in. All the soldiers and tanks did was finish them off and secure the land. When the soldiers did roll in, they fought a few skirmishes with tanks and small arms and looked around at all of the devestation caused by the American air forces. Roads were littered, yes littered with destroyed Iraqi - tens of thousands of them. The US only got other nations involved so it would be a coalition thing and we could get the UN to take some respoinsibility for the war. Other nations joined in with small numbers of troops as a political thing. Let’s see, I think about 5-6,000 soldiers went to Iraq this last time and served as police forces. : ) None went into regular combat. The US lost less than 140 men in Iraq, and destroyed tens of thousands of Iraqi. Talk about a kill ratio. There’s never been one like that in history.

Even at Chosin (the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare) in Korea most of the 27,000 (20,000 UN, 7.000 US) remained in the rear firing artillery while the 7th US Marines Division - 7,000 men is all, were at the front lines and fought most of the 240,000 Chinese who attacked… by themselfves, and achieved a 10-1 kill ration in -40 F weather. They used oil-based hair tonic to lubricate the action of thier M1 Carbines and keep them firing in the extreme cold.

Britain has fought few wars without allies too, as have most nations. So what is your stupid point? None. You just want to gripe. All of this because you want to insult my country and gripe.

For that matter, the US didn’t even come close to throwing all it had into WWII. We used what we had on hand and what we could manufacture in a year. Had the US thrown all it had into the war, we would have drafted an army of 10,000,000+ men and sent hundreds of thousands of tanks and planes. Afterall, the US population was 120,000,000+ back then. It simply did not take all of that to do the job. We re-tooled existing factories and hired companies to make things for the war. There were no government built factories. but there could have been hundreds of them. We just didn’t need all of that to push the Germans back on the west. When the Japanese destroyed half of our navy at once, we built it again, but larger, in less than 1 year.

The point I am making, is that your insults about the US having needed help to win wars does not hold water. They are simply empty insults.

The only problem I have with you, is that you keep insulting my country by inserting little insults between the words of your sentences. You can be incorrect about what was the best fighter in WWII all you like. I could care less what you think of it. But I have asked you several times to keep your nationalistic bashing out of it. You are the only one here doing that, and it should stop.

This is not the appropiate place for insulting other nations, making nationalistic snide remarks, and name calling. If it bugs you that Britain no longer has an empire, that’s one thing, but you really need to stop insulting my country and refering to it as the “commonwealth” and other such childish things. That era ended hundreds of years ago. So far you have trolled every other post I have made on other threads in this forum to try to start an argument, because that’s how childish you are. You even made up some fake reference about some imaginary person stating that they happened to know that memebers of the Russian army dislike a movie I suggested in a movie thread, simply to be inciteful and start a childish argument. My God boy. You are desperate aren’t you?

Your kind is not uncommon in forums - those few who troll threads to incite others, bash other people’s countries, insult them with name calling, seek to start arguments instead of calmly discuss, and actively try to incite others - those who simply cannot accept than anything that comes from their country is not and has not always been the best of it’s kind in the world. That world is long, long gone my friend. Insulting other people’s countries and trolling them to start childish arguments does does not earn you respect.

Grow up and act like a member of the world society why don’t you. Just please keep your insolent counry bashing and name calling to yourself and out of the forum. Then you can discuss things without calling people names and insulting their country, and you can be respectable.

Sorry, but that’s very incorrect. In fact, it’s way, way off the mark. The United States lost 405,000+ men in WWII, and 53,000+ in Korea. Look it up, because apprearently, you haven’t. BTW, my father was there in Korea, he went all the way up to Chosin and fought there in a foxhole. : )

What the heck are you thinking?

And you called me an idiot. Sheesh. :roll:

Indeed. That alone made it inferior to the Mustang. It’s gun was too weak and had penetration problems. :cry:

Oh by the way, another war the US won was against Britain when they came at us in 1812. As my American History classes serve me, I don’t think anyone fought with the US either. maybe a few native Americans shot arrows though. Just the US vrs Britain. Those Brits are stubborned eh? Twice in less than 40 years they tried.

I have not been doing anything but defending against your attacks on my country, but if you’d like me to give you some facts and boast just a little, as you have been doing about Britain while insulting my country, here goes:

On Iraq: Incorrect. You mean the French. The French were the 1st over the border on the left flank. THE FRENCH were the diversion, not the small force of British that were with the Americans on the right flank. Naturally, he kept the Brits and the French sperate from each other. LOL The operation was planned by US General Shwartzkauf, and he sent in the French on the left as a diversion. He called it the “long bomb fake”, like in a football (American football) game. On the right flank was a batallion of US and a small force of British soldiers. As it were, the vast majority of the fighting was done by the US army, as has been the case with every war the US has been involved in. So your insults about the US can’t win a war without help is just more of your insulting crap. The war had already been won from the air by US air forces before a single soldier stepped into Iraq. LOL

We didn’t need anyone to help us in Iraq as you suggest. We won the war by devestating the enemy on the ground from the air in 6 weeks before we sent a single man in. All the soldiers and tanks did was finish them off and secure the land. When the soldiers did roll in, they fought a few skirmishes with tanks and small arms and looked around at all of the devestation caused by the American air forces. Roads were littered, yes littered with destroyed Iraqi - tens of thousands of them. The US only got other nations involved so it would be a coalition thing and we could get the UN to take some respoinsibility for the war. Other nations joined in with small numbers of troops as a political thing. Let’s see, I think about 5-6,000 soldiers went to Iraq this last time and served as police forces. : ) None went into regular combat. The US lost less than 140 men in Iraq, and destroyed tens of thousands of Iraqi. Talk about a kill ratio. There’s never been one like that in history.

Even at Chosin (the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare) in Korea most of the 27,000 (20,000 UN, 7.000 US) remained in the rear firing artillery while the 7th US Marines Division - 7,000 men is all, were at the front lines and fought most of the 240,000 Chinese who attacked… by themselfves, and achieved a 10-1 kill ration in -40 F weather. They used oil-based hair tonic to lubricate the action of thier M1 Carbines and keep them firing in the extreme cold.

Britain has fought few wars without allies too, as have most nations. So what is your stupid point? None. You just want to gripe. All of this because you want to insult my country and gripe.

For that matter, the US didn’t even come close to throwing all it had into WWII. We used what we had on hand and what we could manufacture in a year. Had the US thrown all it had into the war, we would have drafted an army of 10,000,000+ men and sent hundreds of thousands of tanks and planes. Afterall, the US population was 120,000,000+ back then. It simply did not take all of that to do the job. We re-tooled existing factories and hired companies to make things for the war. There were no government built factories. but there could have been hundreds of them. We just didn’t need all of that to push the Germans back on the west. When the Japanese destroyed half of our navy at once, we built it again, but larger, in less than 1 year.

The point I am making, is that your insults about the US having needed help to win wars does not hold water. They are simply empty insults.

The only problem I have with you, is that you keep insulting my country by inserting little insults between the words of your sentences. You can be incorrect about what was the best fighter in WWII all you like. I could care less what you think of it. But I have asked you several times to keep your nationalistic bashing out of it. You are the only one here doing that, and it should stop.

This is not the appropiate place for insulting other nations, making nationalistic snide remarks, and name calling. If it bugs you that Britain no longer has an empire, that’s one thing, but you really need to stop insulting my country and refering to it as the “commonwealth” and other such childish things. That era ended hundreds of years ago. So far you have trolled every other post I have made on other threads in this forum to try to start an argument, because that’s how childish you are. You even made up some fake reference about some imaginary person stating that they happened to know that memebers of the Russian army dislike a movie I suggested in a movie thread, simply to be inciteful and start a childish argument. My God boy. You are desperate aren’t you?

Your kind is not uncommon in forums - those few who troll threads to incite others, bash other people’s countries, insult them with name calling, seek to start arguments instead of calmly discuss, and actively try to incite others - those who simply cannot accept than anything that comes from their country is not and has not always been the best of it’s kind in the world. That world is long, long gone my friend. Insulting other people’s countries and trolling them to start childish arguments does does not earn you respect.

Grow up and act like a member of the world society why don’t you. Just please keep your insolent counry bashing and name calling to yourself and out of the forum. Then you can discuss things without calling people names and insulting their country, and you can be respectable.[/quote]

Dude, just cut the crap out o.k.? WTF was this post? 90% wasnt related to WW2, so maybe u should bug off. And I agree with Komissar you are an idiot, maybe you should read my post eh? Spitfire being outgunned is not true. Let me explain something to you IRONMAN cause you dont seem to know much about WW2 planes. The Spitfire was built in many versions that had different speeds and armament. Yes at one time the Spitfire did have 0.303 gun. But I think we are all talking about the Griffon engined Spitfire This verson of the Spitfire came out at around the same time as the P-51 (the merlin engined one, the one that actually got its fame from).

The Spitfire was armed with four 20mm(0.78in.)Hispano cannons, and up to 1,000lbs in bombs or rocket projectiles.

The P-51 was armed with six 0.5in. Browning machine guns, max bomb load of 2,000lb or you could have six 5in. rocket projectiles

I dont know if you can read, but the Spitfire was not outgunned. But anyway please read my post on page 3, as I have related the two planes using facts.

Even a search in Google for “best fighter of WWII” supports the widely known fact that the Mustang was the best fighter of the WWII era - most of the resulting pages chose the P-51."best+fighter+of+WWII"

As for my post, it was in response to each of the ridiculous untruths meant to insult that you claimed about my country, which I corrected individually …like the British were the 1st into Iraq, and such and such and such and such.

What I do care about, it your name calling and country bashing. It seems you are improving. You didn’t do any country bashing that time and only called me an idiot once. Well done young man!

Alas! We have found where IRONMAN gets his information from! From small and crappy websites! Come on, all those websites are saying the the P-51 and other American aircrafts where the best during WW2. Surely IRONMAN, you have enough brains to figure out that the Germans had the best aircraft. Me-262 and the Komet can take down almost any plane, and yes many allied planes did shoot them down, but that was just because it was late in the war, and the pilots were kids.

That is the main reason why I didnt add Germany to the poll.

No, just from 40+ years of living. But the sheer number of sites that chose the Mustang are a nice indicator of what others are thinking. : ) Some of those sites are .uk. LOL

Oh, so now you say that the only reason America pilots shot down any German planes is because the German pilots were “kids”? I suppose all the Japanes pilots the US downed between 1941 and 1945 were kids too. LMAO :roll: Where are your “brains”?

The only German plane that compared to Allied planes was the Stuka as an attack bomber. Other than that, all the German planes were ecliped by those of other nations, largely because they were less manuverable.

You’ve spent a lot of time saying the Spitfire was the best… now you say the me-262 was the best. You really don’t know what to think I see. You just want to gripe and try to bash America, and here you are trying to do it once more.


You said in these forums that you are in the RAF. How could that be if you are a citizen of South Africa, as you have also stated? And you expect others to believe the garbage you spew. :wink:

No, just from 40+ years of living. But the sheer number of sites that chose the Mustang are a nice indicator of what others are thinking. : ) Some of those sites are .uk. LOL

Oh, so now you say that the only reason America pilots shot down any German planes is because the German pilots were “kids”? I suppose all the Japanes pilots the US downed between 1941 and 1945 were kids too. LMAO :roll: Where are your “brains”?

The only German plane that compared to Allied planes was the Stuka as an attack bomber. Other than that, all the German planes were ecliped by those of other nations, largely because they were less manuverable.

You’ve spent a lot of time saying the Spitfire was the best… now you say the me-262 was the best. You really don’t know what to think I see. You just want to gripe and try to bash America, and here you are trying to do it once more.


You said in these forums that you are in the RAF. How could that be if you are a citizen of South Africa, as you have also stated? And you expect others to believe the garbage you spew. :wink:[/quote]

HAHA! Wildboar said that he was in the RAF. Ive never been to Europe before. LOL.

No Im not saying that the only reason that they got shot down was because they are kids, and I did not say that all japanese pilots are kids, you are twisting what I am saying. What I really mean is, during the latter years the German pilots did not have experience and were not trained well, and yes alot of them came from the youth movement or som like that.

No I did not say that the Spitfire was the best plane in WW2, I hope you know that in this discussion, we are comparing only Brtish planes to American planes. Also I think alot of people in this forum think that Germany had the best WW2 aircraft.

I do hope you give discuss your opinions using information rather than saying stupid remarks about another guys post.

I didn’t twist anything you’ve said. Not at all.

I’m all for people expressing thier opinions. But when they inject insults about my country into their opinions, that is when it becomes offensive, and you have been doing plenty of that under your breath. I came to this forum to discuss things with people. Not to defend my country against insolent remarks snuck in between the words of their sentences.

Let’s start over shall we?

The Spitfire was a great plane. So was the Mustang. I don’t know much about Russian planes, but I don’t think the German planes were manuverable enough. The Japanese planes were very manuverable, but a bit too slow, had poor armour, and were under-powered.

That’s just my opinion. I’m through with this subject, unless I am called an “idiot” again or my country is insulted again. Let’s hope that is overwith.

here you go with your bashing things again, I have never insulted you or your country, and I have many american friends by the way.

I agree and disagree with you for the following reasons:

-Both the Spitfire and the Mustang where great planes.

-I still think Germany had the best planes during WW2, but the British Meteor was a fair competitor, however it was built late in the war.

-And I would say that the Japanese planes where pretty sad during the war. They where quite heavily armed, but were EXTREMELY slow, and that was their major downfall.

K, so i did. The total lost in WW2 is probably a bit closer to 450,000. But your Korean War total is off.

From “An Encyclopedia of Battles” by David Eggenberger. Page 222. ISBN-0-486-24913-1

Korean War
US dead - 29,550
US wounded & missing - 106,978
U.N. dead - 447,967
U.N. wounded & missing - 547,904

Losses for N. Korea and China would be roughly 1.42 million.

I told you that 53,000+ US lost their lives in Korea. I was off by about 1,000, which is far from your 29,000+ number. I don’t know where you are getting your misinformation, but here are the numbers from the United States Governemt:

The United States Department of Defense:

“Of the 88,000 Americans missing from all conflicts since the beginning of World War II, more than 8,100 are from the Korean War.”

United States House of Representatives:

“The American casualties were high. More than 54,000 paid the ultimate price in the defense of freedom, another 92,000 suffered casualties, and 8,176 soldiers never returned home and are listed as missing in action.”

United States Department of Veterans Affairs:

Battle Deaths 33,686
Other Deaths (In Theater) 2,830
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 17,730
Total: 54,246


The numbers are precicely what I told you that they were: 405,000

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs:

Battle Deaths 291,557
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater) 113,842
Total: 405,339

Well, there you have it. Those are the numbers from agencies of the US Government itself. Shouldn’t you spend more time listening to me than trying to disprove everything that I say?

Im a bit confused at the moment, what does this have to do with best allied fighter plane of WW2?

S.A.M. your right and it does not need to be here… we need to stay back on Topic. Thanks for pointing it out. From now on Keep on topic or start a new one. I didnt really want to go back and delete a bunch of posts of please disregard those. Please stay on topic in all forums.

There is something that I hope you will all read here: