Balloon attack against America

I give up.

Thanks to the overwhelming horde of dullards and trolls that now populate this once fine site I will no longer try to reason with anyone.

I will stop reading any of the “factual” parts of the site and restrict myself to Off Topic and Site Feedback. I fear that even the Film/Book/Game pages would inflame my overwhelming desire to reboot my PC with an axe every time I read yet another ill-informed twat either ignoring the facts as laid out in front of them or defending an untenable point/attitude.

I am particularly sick of bone questions (especially “What if?”), lists copied and pasted from elsewhere and sodding polls!

I will leave all of you morons to rewrite history while trying desperately to boost your post counts up so that you can become “Lord High Generalissimo of the Site” with more medals than God. I wish you all the best of luck!

What happened to lurking on a site for a few months and reading all of the posts before making a few tentative posts of your own?[/quote]

Wait why you call me moron ,i dont tell nothing to you means if i dont desagrie with you i am moron ,and i dont want to become “Lord High Generalissimo of the Site” i am member on the others forums and there i have about 1190 post here thats not my wish,and who rewrite history if i dont disapprove with you i am not moron ,and i not rewriting history .

I give up.

Thanks to the overwhelming horde of dullards and trolls that now populate this once fine site I will no longer try to reason with anyone.

I will stop reading any of the “factual” parts of the site and restrict myself to Off Topic and Site Feedback. I fear that even the Film/Book/Game pages would inflame my overwhelming desire to reboot my PC with an axe every time I read yet another ill-informed twat either ignoring the facts as laid out in front of them or defending an untenable point/attitude.

I am particularly sick of bone questions (especially “What if?”), lists copied and pasted from elsewhere and sodding polls!

I will leave all of you morons to rewrite history while trying desperately to boost your post counts up so that you can become “Lord High Generalissimo of the Site” with more medals than God. I wish you all the best of luck!

What happened to lurking on a site for a few months and reading all of the posts before making a few tentative posts of your own?[/quote]

Wait why you call me moron ,i dont tell nothing to you means if i dont desagrie with you i am moron ,and i dont want to become “Lord High Generalissimo of the Site” i am member on the others forums and there i have about 1190 post here thats not my wish,and who rewrite history if i dont disapprove with you i am not moron ,and i not rewriting history .[/quote]

I dont think Clauss von stauffeberg ment any harm or to annoy anyone 8) :wink:
and it wasn’t really called for to call everyone morons.

Looks like Tubbyboy dont think like you .And i never call them moron never.

OK guys! DROP IT!!
Clauss von Stauffeberg and Commando Jordovski, nobody called you moron.
Tubbyboy doesn’t said “Clauss, you moron…” or “Commando, you moron…”.
Stop adding gas on fire!!

For your satisfaction, please read as follows:

Tubbyboy, in your statements, please do not post things that could be harmful for some users.

ok :oops:

Sorry Dani, will do :wink: :wink:

The Japanese balloon bombs was one of the best kept secrets in the War, Some 9,000 balloons made of paper or rubberized silk and carrying anti-personnel and incendiary bombs were launched from Japan during a five-month period, to be carried by high altitude winds more than 6,000 miles eastward across the Pacific to North America. Perhaps a thousand of these reached this continent, but there were only about 285 reported incidents. Most were reported in the northwest U.S., but some balloons traveled as far east as Michigan.

There were other incidents involving balloon kills in U.S.A , On May 5, 1945, six picnickers were killed in Oregon when a balloon bomb they dragged from the woods exploded. The U.S. Government quickly publicized the balloon bombs, warning people not to tamper with them. These were the only known fatalities occurring within the U.S. during WWII as a direct result of enemy action.

I like this site!!! :smiley:

Arguements are good for the advancement of knowledge.

First of all, again, I have never found evidence in any archives that states that NBC devices were used in the balloons.

No one knows howmany were realeased but many would have crashed in to the sea. They were not a reliable weapon.

The yanks did indeed see them as a serious threat and they did do serious damage.

A whole para company (either 222 or 666) was deployed as fire jumpers to extinguish forest fires during 1944. Some of which would undoubtedly be started by these devices.

The company used, was the only all black, an in Negro, para trained company in the Army.

Welcome Mate - its always good to have our knowledge advanced by an expert.

I like the sentance above - just a quick question - I assume that when you say again, and as this is your first post - that you are emphasising what others have said and in no way hint that you have already posted about this as someone else already?

This is not my first post firefly.

However there is another thread in which someone claims the allies were going to drop an unconventional weapon on Berlin. I had posted that just previous to the above post.

Is it me or are there some very touchy people on this site?

Can I use the word Negro? I have already upset someone with the word Nips.

the moderators in this site don’t really tolerate name calling, racism, stupidity, etc.

the politically correct term is “african american” but negro isn’t racist.

But that offends carribean-americans :shock:

Pleeeease don’t go down the PC road - it will lead us nowhere.

African American? What if they are in Britain? Are they British African Americans?

I hate all this PC drivvel!!!

i guess you can,negro means black,as you speak english,why don’t you use just africans/african descendents?.

DON’T DISCRIMINATE :wink: (advice for the future).
and GET IN TOPIC :wink:

If it’s PC to say Caucasian (bio) then Negro or negroid should be fine.

Negro is offensive to a lot of black people, just call them black people, black persons really don’t care about being called that. And don’t say OH ITS POLICALLY CORRECT FOR AFRICAN-AMERICANS, you ever notice how the white people made up all this politically correct hibby-jibby?

well,i see,and im agree with stalingradk,just call them blacks.
btw,why negro?

Negro is a term used a lot in the 50’s when racism was at its primein the US.

Negro is black in spanish also