Balloon attack against America

Yeah, but racists always turn something that means something else into something bad or degrading. Negro is like calling someone a black degenerate.



If it’s PC to say Caucasian (bio) then Negro or negroid should be fine.[/quote] Furthermore, ‘Nips’ is a contraction of Nipponese, any clown complaining about this has got to be a bit soft in the head as they never seem to think that ‘Brits’ is offensive !

Do you really think that it was only whites that made up political correctness ?
Now by the same reasoning that is a racist statement !

Thanks to PC we no longer have Golly Wogs.

These were the mischievous characters in Noddy books. But because they were black, and had afro hair, they were seen as racist.

Noddy is now banned in Britian, after 50 years of entertaining children, because of the Golly Wogs, and because Noddy shares a bed with Big Ears.

Of course anyone reading the first book will know that Big Ears took noddy in when he had no where to go and was homeless. But Big Ears only had one bed in his BedSit house.

But any way.

Thomas the Tank Engine is also seen as sexist because all the steam trains are male and the carrages are female. There is one female train but she doesn’t have any carrages so is seen as lesbian or something.

Oh and bob the builder has recently been abused because of not promoting the correct Health and Safety procedures on building sites.

But apparently Telly Tubbys are acceptable

I ask you, world gone bad.

Apologise to the non Brit viewers who may not have a clue about what I just mentioned!!1

In short Political Correctness is BLX!!!

But Dipsy (the green one) had a lighter face to start with - now he’s got a darker one - so even that got PC’d - they’re meant to be aliens, FFS!

Do you really think that it was only whites that made up political correctness ?
Now by the same reasoning that is a racist statement ![/quote]

No it is not, learn what is racist and what is not, saying that white people mostly made up politically correct statements is true by the way, and NOT RACIST, god, it’s like you’re too afraid to be racist, so the first thing that involves saying ones’ race, it’s offensive.

Ok my old china, I’m more than happy to be re-educated.
What, in your opinion, is racist and what isn’t ?

I was deployed with the SPAMs during Telic. I have never seen such a fundamentally raciest army/nation at base level. I say that because all this comes from somewhere, and I have seen, or been told about it, in a few other units.

They sat in ghettos in the chow hall, and our one and only black female (AGC clerk) was given the name and location of a Black dudes girlfriend if she ever wanted a night with “the sisters”!!!

Similarly things were said or implied to the whites for sitting with blacks and vice versa.

Racism is not itself racist, it affects all and can be conducted by all.

Oh yeah, the lunch time speaches that were conducted were outragious.

20 minutes while your trying to eat, especially if you were late and ended up sitting within ear shot, on such topics as

Black power, women in uniform, the gay soldier, the injustices against the american native peoples, blah, blah, blah.

Never once heard a speach on the hetrosexual white male, aged 18 to 40 in uniform.

Being racist is grouping someone and giving a HURTFUL steriotype. Being racist usually involves thinking your race is superior, or think that another race is inferior.

Damn, some people :roll:

So by saying that “the white people made up all this politically correct hibby-jibby” is not grouping the whites together nor being hurtful or denigrating about their decisions ?
Besides being just plain wrong of course.

Edited to add:
I hope the word ‘denigrating’ isn’t hurtful to anyone.

this has nothing to do with balloon bombs, no ones being rascist