Battle of Stalingrad

Just one small point to clarify, the UK was at war with Germany BEFORE USSR.

Germany declared war on the US in 1941:


Don’t get me started on the lend lease in regards to the UK and US directed to the USSR.

Besides, Stalin couldn’t have been a corporal.

Here, on this forum:
stalin’s Avatar
stalin is Corporal

It is a joke.

I know I am rather stupid - but I simply do not understand the last comment. Are we to go philosophical on this ? Yours from the Stoa, JR.

It might be a slight based on the Fuhrer’s glorious military career in WWI…

The US and Britian were sending lend lease supplies to Russia by 1942 and they were already allies by 1942 not 1944. Many times I see the eastern front figures blown up just so it makes it look like Russia did more then it did. Ron

I recently came across such rare interesting photos of Germans in Stalingrad. I recommend you to take a look