Being British isn't so bad

RS ,Did you realized that you gave youre age away. Youre younger than i thought you where.

What a shame you cant use it though, youre missing one thing a Woman.hehehe. cheers

This is the funniest thread since that Pz.k VS RS Battle thread!
(This is why I prefer BBC Radio 4 or even Radio 7 to Comedy Central…)

The only reason I can’t use it is that all the women around here are 240V AC and my love pump is 1,000V DC, so I keep frying their wiring. Although women are born with wiring that’s already fried, so it’s hard to be sure it’s my fault.

If you know a woman who can handle 1,000V DC, let me know.

If you give me any names I may have to put them in a queue as my love pump is temporarily out of action as the last time it was used was in salt water and it blew a seal.

The seal, which had been lonely for a long time, was very grateful and promised not to tell anyone.

You know what, you got a bit of humour.

Im stuck on this one, i have too come back later and answer you again.

Sorry I’ve been away (moving house and no internet yet).
NSFW = Not Safe For Work, i.e. viewing the contents of that link at work may lead to an interview with your boss at which coffee will not be required…

I was wondering what happen to you PDF!..It’s been so Loney without you…Please come back soon. It’s not the same without You…Get internet quick!You are missed!!

Back too the title- Being british ist so bad.
What did you mean by that. Most British women are unattractive compared to Brazilian and agentinian women.


Assumption and sweeping generalisation of the inexperienced. :wink:

Why should it be just about women?

Then, again, why not? :smiley:

Well youre oreginal post had group of women, so i thought youre post was something about british women.

Thats queer, I could have sworn there was only one. :confused:

Women in the UK are among the ugliest in the world, according to a global survey of men.

They finish second in the list of the planet’s worst-looking women compiled by FHM magazine.

The only country with worst rated women was Afghanistan.

However, British women did come fifth in a list of the most attractive women, which was topped by the US.

The looks league was compiled from 59,000 online votes from users of the magazine’s website around the world.

According to the poll, the top 10 countries with the ugliest women were: 1, Afghanistan; 2, UK; 3, Germany; 4, US; 5, China; 6, Russia; 7, Albania; 8, Turkey; 9, France; and 10, India.

British totty is equal to any totty anywhere in the world. In fact there is much totty in the world which was sired in some foreign field by some Tom, Tar or other, blissfully unaware that they are of British stock. Yet another reason why the sun never sets on the Empire.

OK,OK., Alright no need to blind me with those hippos in the first pic.
Im understanding youre langage now, i think i know what you mean be totty.Maybe im starting to learn.

Before a love sessionwith em:

After I’d given them the good news: :wink:

HI 32Bravo,

Didnt i tell you not to blind me with those hippos, youre another one with humour.
I see you and RS get tips of each other on how too score women.:smiley:

But they’re no longer hippos. :slight_smile:

I see you and RS get tips of each other on how too score women.:smiley:

We don’t require tips from anyone : those that can - do! :wink:

RS and I are both peerless masters in our own hemisphere. :smiley:

No, 32B and I each have our own red hot tips which are to women as a candle’s flame is to a moth. Irresistible, hot, and bound to burn their flappers. :smiley:

32B and RS
You to guys got dirty minds, youre brains are in youre pants and youre privates are on youre heads.
Hey i can have humour too guys.I was only joking ok.
This is wierd, A police officer and a defence lawyer sharing women.
Whos better?

RS, have you been passing on your rejects to the Bobbies?

I suppose my redhot tip does resemble a Bobby’s helmet

Some other Bobby exhibiting helmet

NO,NO. I didt mean me, I meant you too and other women.
RS cant handle younger girls, not all men have it you know.


I’ve never been rejected.

Ejected a few times before firing, perhaps, but due only to an intermittent fault in intense action causing a misfeed which was readily corrected by banging the butt repeatedly on a hard surface. :smiley:

We used to call these “helmet heads”.

Not unlike your medieval avatar. :smiley: