Being British isn't so bad


I’ve shagged police officers and defence lawyers but, overall, I prefer women.

Police are too bossy and lawyers are too argumentative.

Come to think of it, women are too bossy and too argumentative, so I guess I’ll shag anyone. :smiley:

Would You Shag A Gongavarmi ?..(if it existed)?..LOL

I passed the age of shagging a longtime ago, my firend.

I make love - and babies. :wink:

What? RS are you a bi man?

Yeah making british babies.
Least i can stay with the thread title.

Yes, I wondered if anyone would notice.

I borrowed it from King Richard. :slight_smile:

It’s remarkably well preserved and almost lifelike.

Oh, sorry, were you talking about your avatar? :wink:

No, because they’re a protected species.

Also, they have a terribly small vent. :wink:


I use it to protect my ‘Bobby’s Helmet’ when in the scrum, but it’s a very tight fit. Cour de Lion must have had a smaller head. :smiley:

Not so far, never having been in the navy, but I’m not dead yet so I wouldn’t entirely rule it out.

The lousy ratio of men to long living women in the Happy Valley Home for the Terminally Bewildered where I currently reside suggests that I might have to go bi for a bit of erupting groin fun before I die, if only because at least the men shave every day unlike the old girls with the big whiskers growing out of the moles on their faces.

I don’t mind a mole on my face, but not like that. :wink:

Well, they were only about four feet tall then, which would give Lion Heart about four inches.

I’m not so much surprised that you can get that withered relic on, as that you manage to get it off.

Then again, it’s not all that surprising as it’s just covering another withered relic. :smiley:

Yes, but priceless! :wink:

BTW - he (Dick the first) was about 5’10" considered to be a pretty big chap for his time - obviously not! :smiley:

I’d be happy with 10", never mind 5’ 10". No wonder they needed horses to get around. :wink:

Reminds me of Spike Milligan, who served well in WWII. Asked “How long were you in the Army?”, he replied “About 5’ 10”." :smiley:

I have probably made this boast before, but mines about 1",…

…from the gorund, that is. :cool:

Did you mean gropping groin fun?
Is it that bad for you is it.
Why dont you give the old girls a hint, give them waxing cream!

I might be impressed, if I knew what a “gorund” is. Is it anything like a growler? :wink: :smiley:

Somebody’s been on the turps, methinks. :smiley:

I had been talking to some Scottish chap, must have been contageous. :slight_smile:

Just to prevent translation misunderstandings, "suspender belts and stockings* " translate into American English as “Garter belt, and stockings” In America, suspenders are that which hold up someones pants, crossing over the shoulders, and clipping to the waistband. Now, for another odd translational problem for my American brothers and sisters. although in England, it is a nickname for Frances/Francis, The word “Fanny” has an entirely different meaning a few hundred miles north in Scotland, where is is a slang word for vagina. so be careful of using it if you are ever there…:mrgreen:

Yeah, we believe you! :rolleyes:

We know you’re a bunch of cross-dressers. :smiley:

One doesn’t have to go north-of-the-border for Fanny to mean vagina.

But I did think that Fanny in the States was a term for bottom.
It’s not unheard of for the odd American to raise a few laughs when they make some comment to do with their fanny. :slight_smile:

We are found out EGADS!! :slight_smile: i thought the fanny gaf was a Scot thing alone, all I can say is that The looks on the faces of my lady friends there was priceless, as if I had called them Campbell or something. And as for Americans comments, as long as it is they, and not their “fannies” making the comment, all is well. :slight_smile: