Best WW2 computer game

Yeah, the points system was a bit on the naff side! It stopped you putting realistic forces into the fray.

Was never too much of a fan of 17 pdrs either, given how vulnerable guns were in the game - they seemed too much like one nice big expensive target which could take all the serious anti-tank capability out in one fell swoop! Or worse still, place your 17 pdr at the start of the battle at one street corner - so find the Germans just send their tanks another way. Meanwhile, the Sturmgrenadiers and Schutzen (if I recall the names correctly) start to move in on the gun. Mortars also used to make a bit of a mess of guns once their position was know, from what I remember.

Those b@st@rd German rocket trucks were the worst! :evil:

One hit and your high value piece of equipment was destroyed or lost its crew!

I have played and enjoyed all except CC1. I think both systems have the good and bad points. With CC£ you had to work your way up to full command I also enjoyed the early battles with armour that was not all powerful. I would agree that the mortars have a habit of finding gun after one or two bombs and the AI has an annoying habit of finding concealed AT weapons (taking out a Panther with a Gammon bomb brings a cheer). Putting AT guns in building works well. I would normally put an AT in the big house in Goosbeck heights along with a Vickers. Also doing the same with the Arnham bridge map worked well. The game also taught ammo control and keeping a reserve as you could find your troops running out of ammo and if you have not kept a reserve you have problems.

4 and 5 moved to formation orbats i.e. the weapons that a formation had to hand not what the nation had in its arsenal. Also the use of air power came into the game. Off board artillery had arrived in CC3 but in CC5 you also got NGF. In CC4 the troop box was a bit rigid, in CC5 you had a little flexibility to change units around, just remembered in CC3 you could rest and repair units.

The game had its problems but on the whole it was very good and have not seen any WW2 game that could compare. The Homeworld AI that is also used in Dawn of War would probably make a better one?

There are also a lot of mod for CC but have only managed to get the SJG to work.

Call of Duty United Offensive is pretty much the best game for sale right now (even with what they did to the poor Webley :’( )

Battlefield is by far one the most historicaly inaccurate games I have ever seen. The Americans use the Enfield, and it has five shots. I’m not going to go into it much, but it pretty much sucks weapons wise.

However there is a great mod for Battelfield 1942, Forgotten Hope. It is the most awe inspiring, realistic, accurate game about WWII I have ever seen. Only thing is the Enfield No.2 revolver the Brits have is trash. But you can get the PTRD if you’re the Russians, and even the Boys .55 rifle if you’re the Brits in some of the earlier battles. It is 1.7gb to download, but it is well worth it. The map pack has over 40 new maps :x

A good, fun game is Day of Defeat. It is pretty realistic and the weapons are pretty well done.

Tell me what is wrong with the webley in CoD UO? just wondering but that thing in the game has quite a punch.

Well in my experience it take about 5-6 shots to the chest to kill one German soldier (even on easy mode). The Mk.IV is a scaled down version of the Mk.VI, and fires a .38/200 bullet (a regular S&W .38, but has been modified to be a heavier bullet) instead of the .455. I wish they had put the Mk.VI in because even though it was declared obsolete in 1932, many British officiers and crews still had them.

However, I’d still like to see a game with the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver > :smiley: .

First person shooter – Medal of Honor

Tactical level – Blitzkrieg (and that’s coming from a big Panzer General 2 and 3d fan)

MoA is a great 1st person shooter, Blitzkrieg was also a wonderful game, both on my top 5 list :smiley:

ok, not sure if theyve been mentioned so w/e

red orchestra - great game, very realistic. no crosshairs (use iron sights), tanks. its all ruski vs nazi. its a mod for ut2k4 so u need that to play it.

dod - u must know it. i play it a lot cause it runs perfectly on my pc. dod s is coming out and will be really good (i hope). - looks promising, a mod for hl2, again ull need hl2 to play this. btw its not out yet, its in the works

No question Call of Duty. :smiley:

By the way, I know a lot of people are getting sick of WWII themed games, but not me. They Rock!

Also, I heard of this new game where you can be a U-Boat commander…looks awesome, I might want to pick that up! :slight_smile:

I enjoy WW2 themed games as well. I don’t see myself getting tired of them anytime soon. :stuck_out_tongue: Do you have any regular servers you play CoD on?

Has no-one played Hidden and Dangerous?

I loaded up H&D2 again.

  • It is very hard - one or two shots mean death.
  • It is non-linear.
  • You control a team of 4 (all controllable first-person) with the capability of issuing brief orders (movement and fire) using the number pad.
  • The inventory is realistic, with weight limits and only 2 weapons.
  • The scenarios range from Norway through North Africa and Burma to Europe.
  • No crosshair aiming, it is all iron (or optical) sight!
  • None of this instant health nonsense; you need a medic on your team with an aid kit who takes 10 seconds or so to heal a wounded character.
  • You can select 4 characters (from 20 or so) with different skill-sets (shooting, stealth, first aid etc) who improve as the game progresses.

The downsides are limited:

  • It is very hard and sometimes the enemy are too accurate (300m+ with a SMG or pistol).
  • It is memory-intensive and slow-moving on occasion, sometimes slower than Call of Duty.
  • The missions can be slightly bizarre, for example capturing a Luftwaffe general.

I tried a H&D demo it was cool, however it just really wasn’t my type of game. I am more proned towards the CoD type stuff. :smiley:

For me, best 1st person shooter still has to be Day of Defeat, graphics are a bit older but still good fun. I still fire it up on occassion.

Best platoon/company/battalion sized level of game - the CM series. Again the graphics are a bit dated, but there is no game like it and it employs the we-go system.

And finally the strategic side is TOAW, another oldie but still in my opinion the best strategy game out there.

I enjoy WW2 themed games as well. I don’t see myself getting tired of them anytime soon. :stuck_out_tongue: Do you have any regular servers you play CoD on?[/quote]

Yes, I run a clan, GFH, that has 3 gaming servers. One 20 man SD public (rotational maps), one 32 man SD 24/7 Carentan, and a 26 man private. PM if you have Xfire, AIM, or MSN and I can give you the ips there. :slight_smile:

Call of duty, even though its an old game, i love it, i have downloaded a music pack from enemy at the gates even and copied that in the sound files.
Call of duty united offensive is also good, especially multiplayer with LAN, but of course , internet or lan i always get best scores heh heh.

Very soon enough “Call of Duty 2” will be coming out on P.C, exposed to be the best War game so far with realistic graphics and attacks.
Just like the realistic charge on red square on call of duty, the producers promised it to be a full 5 star game.

I also did hear “Medal of Honour” will be coming out soon, i seen the demo for that and it actually looks quite poor.
I would probably say Pacific Assault graphics look more better.

Day of Defeat!!!,it was my old love!.
I liked that game as hell :twisted: !.

It`s great,thanks for doing me remember firefly!.

do you know what is the last version of day of defeat,and if it`s with steam or what.


Day of Defeat!!!,it was my old love!.
I liked that game as hell :twisted: !.

It`s great,thanks for doing me remember firefly!.

do you know what is the last version of day of defeat,and if it`s with steam or what.


Still on steam now, they are doing an update to Half Life 2 style graphics. Still one of the best live shooters around I hve to say.