Best WW2 female ace-fighter

SS-Master’s photo signature is interesting.

It’s a tribute to the WWII German army.

Check out the places on the bottom line, which is on odd selection.

They include ‘Atlantic’. This would be what? The barges that never left port in Sea Lion?

Also included is ‘Berlin’. Yep, that’d be the Heer’s finest moment, losing the national capital.

If only they’d had some of those Russian sheilas in the Luftwaffe, it might never have happened. Nonetheless, one of the last German flights into and out of Berlin was a gutsy effort by a German woman, Hanna Reitsch.

On April 25, 1945, Greim told Reitsch she must fly with him to Berlin for a meeting with Hitler. As a result of a proposal by Göring to take over leadership of the country, Hitler had ordered Göring arrested, and he intended to appoint Greim the commander in chief of the Luftwaffe.

The last leg of their trip to the Führerbunker in devastated Berlin was made in a little Fieseler Fi-156C Storch (stork), with Greim at the controls and Reitsch crouched behind him. Flying through a hail of Soviet anti-aircraft fire, the plane was hit in the engine and fuel tank. An armor-piercing bullet smashed Greim’s right foot, and he passed out. Reitsch managed to successfully land the Fieseler on the boulevard before the Brandenburg Gate, and they both made it to Hitler’s bunker, where they stayed for two days. Ordered by Hitler to flee Berlin in the final hours of the Russian assault on the city, Greim and Reitsch escaped in an aircraft hidden near the bunker.

So, should be this:

Belgium: About 3,120 women make up 7.18 percent of the Belgian armed forces. In February, for the first time, nine women began serving on a minehunter, thereby making up 19 percent of the vessel’s crew.


So in your twisted view either Belgium is a communist country or the Belgium military leaders are morons.

Might it be that the only moron in the Belgian military is one member of the 1st battalion parachutists Belgian army?

Does such a unit exist?

Cool down RS.

He just said “Mister Norden”. Norden means “The North” or “Scandinavia” in Norvegian and Danish. Though you probably know that.

P.S: Or does “Norden” means the same in German?

To the SS-Master’s defence I should say that he is not the only person who has oppinion about women in RKKA in WW2. Like it was only the sick communist Stalin’s regim that whould send women to war.
I saw similar messages before several times.

All nations sent women to war.

Most didn’t send them in combatant roles in regular forces, but they were wounded and died nonetheless in war areas and on their way to and from them.

Women were much more likley to be combatants or in operational roles in irregular forces.

I have only one question. You are a registered user of that one?

I’d say my temperature was just about right, in view of this revelation at Post # 28 which confirms what I saw in SS-Master’s posts and why I oppose him and everything he represents.

Besides that, I didn’t make that sig, one of my mates on made it.

Also this in the same post

You and all of you are going to listen to me very carefully.
In our Belgian army I am in one of the greatest units: Paratroopers.
In my Belgian country people have respect for us because we protect them for attacks of lunatics.
In our Belgian army there are alot of women but guess what, we don’t send them in war to let them die.
I also don’t really care what you guys think of me.
There are other forums to make friends, I registered myself here to show some of you the real German view and not only the sloppy American and Russian opinions.

A Belgian showing us the real German view?

I marked this bloke as a Nazi troll from the start.

He should be named SS Master Baiter. Say it fast and you’ll understand him.

Neahhh! I am not going to!

There are other forums to make friends, I registered myself here to show some of you the real German view and not only the sloppy American and Russian opinions.

REALLY??? Ok, show us REALL GERMAN VIEW. Interesting.

I’m still waiting an answer from you.

No I am not a member of Stormfront.
I don’t share the most of those member’s opinion.
They’re a bit over the top.

My bold. So. I don’t buy it.

I don’t share at all.

Your future here is in doubt.

Well guys let me express also that SS-sir could mean as a “communist blunder”:wink:
Actually the woman complected units in the Red Army was not a great issue. It was a forced mean after the catastrofic loses of Red Army in the 1941.
Already in beginning of the 1942 the soviet command feels “shortage of troops”, especially aviation. The last reserve of Siberian troops that were taken from the Far East ( those troops guarded the bother from Japanes Kvantung Army) was spended in the winter battles near Moscow.
In this situation In mid of 1942 the special order of Stavka declared the creation of special air -units VOLUNTARY complected by the woman.
Thus appeared the famouse the “Night witches” units- where the gurls on the primitive biplans U-2 dropped the bombs by the nights.
Also this order stated the creation the Fighers FEMALE regiment (it seems it was 585 regiment but i could be mistaken here).
THIS WAS UNIQUE combat troops in the WORLD that was fully complected by the female personall ( except the mechanic-engeneering personal).
Exactly in this regiment our heroine Lilia Litvak has bagin her fighter carier.

So athought the Creation of the female-fighter units was forced mean of Soviet command, nevertheless those brave girls clearly PROVED -they could fought togerther with mans, instead of mans and better then mans;)
They absolutly voluntary come to the fight - for some of them it was a much better way to DIE IN BATTLE then die from famine in Leningrad or be killed by germans bombs.

P.S. The western feminists - who try all its life to prove that the woman could be so succesfull in the man’s work- should simply learn the history. ALREADY in WW2 our girls clearly proved it.

I am forced to ban you for trolling.
I’ll not miss you.

I knew you got Nazi shit from somewhere.

I’ve never seen anyone melt down on a military forum before.

It’s not a pleasant spectacle.

You’d be a lot better off ringing a helpline for your problems.

Way old-nazy service boy will introduse us the REAL GERMNAS views.
How is it interesting;)
So tell us pleas what those old nazy think about WW2- do they suffer that the Germany losed the war?

Thanks Chevan for keeping this thread on topic.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, we go back to Chevan and his lady pilot, and related topics.

I think is idle to name “the best woman fighter pilot” since the former USSR was the only to actually use women in combat units, is funny the the germnas with his historical shortage of pilots begining in 1943-44 dint use females, I guess still was a quote of machismo despite the nacional socialist views, the place of the woman was in home.
