Best WW2 female ace-fighter

From a purely practical viewpoint, there are some things that women can do as well as men that are wrongly regarded as exclusively male preserves.

Anything that involves operating machinery that equalises male and female power should be available to women.

Flying a plane is one thing there’s no reason women can’t do as well as men. So is driving a tank or a truck.

Infantry warfare isn’t so good because women aren’t up to it, as demonstrated by lowered fitness, endurance, and load carrying standards when women are run on the same courses as men.

Aggression isn’t exclusively a male preserve, either.

Sure, most women lack the killer instinct, but so do a lot of blokes who get weeded out in training. It’s just that a much higher proportion of blokes have the right stuff than women, but there’s plenty of women who have the same stuff.

If you wanted to create a really fearsome female unit, grab a bunch of fatarsed overalled radical lesbian feminists, train them to use some machine that equalises them with men, and point them at the blokes.

In WWII, women on the non-Soviet Allied side performed a range of duties

Australian women in WWII show they’re just as good as men, with their impeccable drill. :smiley:

If you wanted to create a really fearsome female unit, grab a bunch of fatarsed overalled radical lesbian feminists, train them to use some machine that equalises them with men, and point them at the blokes.

:smiley: :shock:, well, the lesbians hate men aniway, I dont think they have troubles killing some.

Most lesbians I know don’t hate men.

Nor are they killers.

But the radical lesbian man-hating crew would definitely be worthwhile training up for war.

Or just give them a garden fork and an axe with permission to kill blokes, preferably the enemy, and they’d be off like a rat up a drainpipe.

Except we’d have to kill them all at the end of the war, because you couldn’t release them back into normal society. :smiley:

Excellent thread Chevan, but unfortunately derailed by a nutter. I don’t know if any of you guys checked that ratbag organization he was going on about?
113,000 members-that’s frightening.

Regards digger

I don’t think the Soviets were the only ones to send women into combat. I remember seeing photographs of women in the USMC fighting in the Pacific.

Again, you can go to the thread “Ladies of WWII”.

Excellent thread Chevan, but unfortunately derailed by a nutter.

The nutter is history no worry about those they have no future or present here.

I don’t think the Soviets were the only ones to send women into combat

They were, at list in the Air Forces, germany use women for the Volkssturm formations.


113,000 members out of 6.5 billion people on the planet?

It’s positive that everyone on this forum thought SS Thingy was an obnoxious tool.

Do you have any more info on women in the USMC fighting in the Pacific?

Thanks for all you guys for understanding and support.

True PZ the National socialists ideology determined the woman place is in the home to birth ti children.
One of the most famouse propogandic “Ideal germans family” was the family of Goebbels with 5 children ( or 6?).
The Nazy propoganda trumpet Goebbels famaly as the exmple for all the Germans.
Nazy also supported the early marriages - it was absolutly normal the marriage of 16 years tenagers;)
However there were the one bright exception if Germany - famouse woman-fanatic Hanna Raich ( that the Rising Sun told about befor).
She was REALLY crasy even in the male standards;)
She was obligated to form the special unit of Germans kamikadze in the last months of the war.Hopefully this units has never been created coz as it said itler ( the Japanes kamikadse is not the Germans stile of thinking).

P.S. Althoug the NAzy was too ’ noble ’ not to send Germans woman to the front - they was OK to slaughter the millions of innocent womans and children accorging race principles in the East;)

P.S. Guys please follow the topic of thread.

Hay RS and what about Jacqueline Cochran’s WASP

Following America’s entry into the War, in 1942 she was made director of women’s flight training for the United States.[4] As head of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) she supervised the training of more than 1000 women pilots. For her war efforts, she received the Distinguished Service Medal[5][6] and the Distinguished Flying Cross.

So USA also prepeared about 1000 of female pilots in the 1942;)
Was it communist blunder too?

Do you have any infor about military actions of WASP pilots?

A great family man.

Here’s what he did to 5 of his 6 his kids at the end.

They’re not playing at being dead, after dad killed them.

Pretty much what he and Hitler and the Nazis did to Germany at the end. Just not as well dressed.

I don’t know anything about this.

Were they ferry / transport pilots or fighter / bomber pilots?

Yes Rising Sun.
This monstrouse act of Daddy-Goebbels just prove us the real face of the NAzy.
They want the suicidal Germany in the end.
How Hitler told - “if we will not win , we all die, but we take with us the WHOLE the world”.

Its seems the WASP transported the bombers and transport through Atlantic to the Britain - that’s all that i ve learned for the while.

I know women pilots ferried planes across the Atlantic, and elsewhere, but I thought you might have some information that they actually fought.

My understanding is that the non-Soviet female pilots weren’t in fighting units.

Like any spoilt, petulant kid who can’t get his way:

If I can’t have it, nobody will!

Sorry I havent been totally following this thread except for the retard that came by. Anyhoo … does anyone have info on women pows and how they were treated???
Found it. Women actually were primarily in the US Air Force. They also enlisted in the US Army.

Great topic Chevan :slight_smile:

Some interesting articles on Herr Goebbels the ideal nazi family man and his “model family” posted by our friend Lancer44 under the Ladies in WW2 thread.

A good account of women POW’s under Nippon is Betty Jeffrey’s White Coolies.

Here’s a summary

Google Vivian Bullwinkel and you’ll find some more.

What you probably won’t find is the truth about Japanese raping some Australian women POW’s or using them as ‘comfort women’. It seems from something that came out a few years ago that in at least one case a pact was made that some of them would become comfort women to save the others, but it would never be revealed once they were freed. To protect their honour, in a very different era.

I came across a Japanese soldier’s evidence to a war crimes tribunal where he referred to an Australian nurse being raped by some Japanese on Banka Island. It was the night before Bullwinkel’s party was machine gunned. I’ve never been able to find out more. She could have been part of that party and Bullwinkel kept the secret, or she might have been another survivor of the Vyner Brooke.