Beware Historical Revisionists

I forgot in the previous post, The 'Barnes Review. is another good source.
LOL mean it.

From The Barnes Review:

Hitler deserved the Nobel Peace Prize:

None of the “peace loving democracies” paid any attention to Hitler’s offer. The only reason why King Edward was not allowed to remain on the British throne was because he let it be known that as long as he was the king, England would not go to war with Germany.

Based on the above, Hitler should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize posthumously to set things straight. He was not the cause of World War II and he did not want any war. He was a man of peace and he worked for peace in every way he could.

What a fascinating read.

Well Ive read a few articles of that Journal, its a very thinly disguised pro white nazi sympathising rag in my opinion.

Almost evry article bangs on about ‘White Men’ and how they are the greatest race, white men were in America in the uear 1000BC etc etc etc.

I do however advise everyone to read it, if not just to laugh out loud!

Oh forgot to mention its also very anti-semitic, give this article a read and watch how it changes about half way down. I had no idea that Mohamedans were around at the time of the first Jews!

Fiefly,firefly,firefly… :smiley: Know ye the truth and it will make you afeared!!
You guys are almost funny. Almost. Ignorance is bliss. See,it does not matter what you read.If it hurts your itty-bitty feelings,it’s garbage. That could almost form a narrow mind.I have been reading the Barnes Review since it’s inception. While I do not agree with some of it,I keep an open mind. Stay in the dark if ya whant. Your Gov. and the mainstream will take care of you. :cry:

And by the way fiefly (almost sounds like superfly) Are you black?Which is ok. I know your country is in real bad shape with them .The U.S.A. is catching up. Mostly with Mex’s. It is not directed to whites only. (TBR)It also has black history also.Even British, Irish Russian etc. You trash what you no nothing about. What’s new?At any rate, I am Proud of my (white)heritage. Thanks for your reply ‘buddy’ :smiley:

I would like to remind you that this site is WW2 in colour, not White Supremacist in Colour.

I could pick holes in that Rag all day if I wanted to, but I will stick to ww2 I think.

I dont know what problems we have with Black ppl here, maybe you can enlighten me?

Am I black? Maybe, but does it matter? I certainly dont consider myself English, thats for sure, but then I think I probably know a lot more about your country than you do mine. :lol:

Oh good, a white supremicist. Just what we needed :roll:

:smiley: I do love the name calling. If being proud of my heritage makes me a white supremist,So be it! :smiley: I’d like to see ya pick hole all day long in the Barnes Review. Show little you really know. You better bone up on your own history. You don’t know as much as you ‘think’ about U…S.A. history.
You do know they kicked your (where the sun don’t shine) Twice. Bailed ya’s out at LEAST 3 times. Like I said, check out your own history and let me know why your freedoms have gone down the drain.With your previous posts it’s no wonder you’s guy’s are in such sorry shape. Our Forefathers sure did us one heck of a BIG favor. No offence meant in any of the above . friendly

Hey! Another good site-
I’m sure you will love it :smiley: :smiley:

I read about four lines from that link about the savage native making war on women and children, that was enough for me.

You do know they kicked your (where the sun don’t shine) Twice. Bailed ya’s out at LEAST 3 times. Like I said, check out your own history and let me know why your freedoms have gone down the drain.With your previous posts it’s no wonder you’s guy’s are in such sorry shape. Our Forefathers sure did us one heck of a BIG favor. No offence meant in any of the above . friendly

Twice? I’ll give you the War of Independance, when was the other one? You can’t be talking about 1812, because last time I checked, having you capital city occupied and burned down by the enemy did not actually count as kicking that enemy’s arse.

When have you bailed us out?

Hey! Another good site-
I’m sure you will love it :smiley: :smiley:

You are Ironman and I claim my five pounds.

There was one article there that alluded to the war of 1812. It kind of glossed over the disasterous attempt by US forces to take Canada, which ended in a debacle, missed, the burning of the Whitehouse and concentrated on a very well fought and won victory in New Orleans. This was indeed a good fight by US forces.

However, I had to chuckle quite a bit as it stated that the US forces fought against the British veterans who had defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. Sorry, but this hadnt happened in 1814, Waterloo was 1815 as far as all the worlds history books have it.

Good old Barnes review, first with the facts eh…

Im sure I wont, do you actually believe all that blather?

You are Ironman and I claim my five pounds.

If only he were, but I fear he is naught!

Does anyone have any good photos of Jesse Owens kicking around I could get turned into an avatar?

That do?

excuse me,what does he has with the world war 2 topic?,i thought that we only can use the avatars about ww2.

Technically it deals with WWII.

Jesse Owens was the black guy from the US who beat Hitler’s pure Aryans in the 1930-something Olympics. Lets just say Hitler wasn’t too happy.

Well,that is ww2?,then i can have an avatar of peron only because he worked with Otto skorzeny (or how it is written his name).

It is something of a tenuous link, but I’m more interested in how a certain Mr. Blitz earlier on in this thread will react. His views after all have rather more in common with one particular side in WW2…
I’m happy to go back to having no avatar if the mods feel it inappropriate however.

Let’s play a game, and see what the evil wikipedian menace has to say about the Barnes Review and the American Free Press. What have we here? The American Free Press seems to be a right wing paper with a touch of anti-semitism, whilst the Barnes Review is big on historical revisionism and holocaust denial. I wouldn’t be surprised if our friend Blitz also reads materials produced by the Institute for Historical Review. The name Willis Carto popped up a few times. He sounds like the kind of rational person we could all benefit from listening too. His Populist party (no wiki) fielded, amongst others, this cuddly fellow as a presidential candidate: David Duke. Those Wiki-communists really need to be brought to heel for badmouthing these fine upstanding people.

Would this be the same Willis Allison Carto wanted for money laundering in Switzerland?