Beware Historical Revisionists

Hmm, a nice picture of Harold Abrams winning in 1936 might also be in order.

Good morning gents! I hope this bright sunny day finds you all well .
Ok. The Revolution, The War of 1812. No matter how you skirt it,Your tail was between your legs. You are there, we are hear.You are a 3rd. rate Nation at best. Your arguments are pretty feable ones. You are still living in the past,way past.That Argentine fellow is the only one who seems to have his head screwed on right. I am not the only one who reads the Barnes Review and America Free Press.There are a lot of well learned people all over the world who read it. (not that I am a brain) But I do try to expand my knowledge past the local rag and mainstream BS. Some people choose to remain stuck in the mud. What do you read to find out what your Gov. is doing to screw you?Again. David Duke? Good man.I saw him in person a couple of times. Bail you out? WW1,WW2 and lets not forget the real-estate that we are forbidden to mention,off Argentina. I won’t mention it even though I was asked. How’s the weather over there? Beautiful here. Supposed to get down around 65 for a high in a couple of days. But sunny!
Y’ll keep smilin! :smiley:

(Apologies to Darth Doctrinus)


Tail between legs eh:

I suggest back on topic here. No good arguing with a Bigot. Weve all tried it before. I suppose we are bound to pick up a few of the Tinfoil-Hat brigade now and then.

:smiley: Like I said, I love the name calling.Bigot etc. there ,there boys. Just where are the moderaters when you need em. Only kidding. I can take a joke and you guy’s are funny!Canada is not really up there with the biggies either. Yes! Tails between their legs. Twice! Bailed ya’s out at least thrice!
No big deal. I wouldn’t want to admit it either. Lets keep this friendly now,ok?

About roosevelt the ‘Traitor’. It seems not to matter what is presented to you, you are in denial.And thats ok! But anyhow, what is your take on John Toland? Another bigot racist or anti-semite? You could do well to read ,I believe ,‘infamy’ a book he wrote.I thunk. Y’ll gotta get over here someday,and enjoy life.


For the above post, I forgot. As we (U.S.A.)do not want to be at odds with y’ll again,please leave your guns at home. Whoops! sorry. I forgot,you aint got any. :cry: And that is not a good thing. I honestly hope ya’s get to straighten that mess out. Heck, you can’t even practice up for the olympics when it gets there. Sad state of affairs. I DO NOT mean to make a joke out of it. Iam sincere! :evil: We have to put our elected ones in their place on both sides of the pond!! And I do wish you well. (not the anti-gun) roosevelt was still a traitor!

So, Blitz, any opinions on British preparations for war, Old Chap? As this is the subject dear boy. Please be a good sport and stay on topic laddie.

Split from British Preparations for war. Blitz uses a holocaust denying publication as a source of historical information. Do I need to say more?

Blitz are you related to IRONMAN? Or maybe you share the same ward at the centre.

Very unlikely. Im sure IRONMAN stays in solitary confinement. I really do feel for those poor white padded walls.

Blitz, You sir are at a crossroads, you have several options.

  1. You can recant your white supremacist trash and return to the rest of normal decent society. Also you can stop warping history and admit you didn’t give us a sound thrashing in the war of 1812, it was a draw, and it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Also you could also withdraw your statements reference your Mexican problems. Immigrants are not a bad thing, all throughout history peoples have migrated (how else do you think your ancestors got to America?) it is natural that there are population shifts, it is a law of nature (and if immigration didn’t happen I would never have met my wonderful girlfriend :smiley: ).

  2. You can continue to believe your very misguided dogma but not discuss it as it is highly offensive to many and is not conducive to the welcoming and good natured atmosphere of this site.

  3. You can continue in this misguided rant against the various peoples of this planet and be dispised by all and most likely eventually banned

  4. You can carry on as before and leave this site well alone.

I hope you chose option 1, for your sake as well as ours.

Or 5, back up your statements with proven facts, add something to the denate instead of detracting from it.

What’s a denate?

Can you have a great denate?


Some of the things Blitz is saying I may not agree with BUT the statement above from Blitz, I see nothing wrong with. Its okay to be proud of your heritage…that does not make you a racist.

Wasn’t debating that old boy, it’s ok to be proud of who you are.

:smiley: Good afternoon dear fellows. All my statements stand. They cannot be proven wrong. At least none of you have. You show no proof of anything. .Just what the main steam tells ya. Two sides to every coin. You’r coin has but one side.I am quite pleased you’s guy’s were not able and if so,prove me wrong. I really thought I would get ‘some’ kind of comeback on my coments about merry ole England. And to add to it,Englands economy has been a basket case since ww2. Right or wrong, at least I am not afraid to look at other options. I do agree this has got off topic. But y’ll are the one’s who did that. I stated earlier do drop this. And yes,I do question the ‘holocaust’. Can’t we all just get along?

Did I miss something??? My above post was aimed at this??

Mike M,I was refering to the above your post stuff. Sorry.

Mike M, I notice you location. Good luck down there. Those civies (ranchers,etc.) patrolling the boarder are doing one heck of a great job. To bad there is not any gov. help.
This was off topic. Sorry to all.

No problem Blitz, I was replying to student. He’s calls you a white supremacist and I have not seen that in your post’s.
IM located in so. Calif. where about you located?