Bill Clinton, Good President Or Not?

The average person in the towers that day did nothing. As far as the U.S. Govt, well, they have a foreign policy, and some of the folks out there might not like it. They can always find some reason to find fault with us. Now, as to why Bin Laden did it, well, I only remember that the U.S. supported him in Afghanistan against the Soviets. In the end he turned on us. But it’s all part of the drive to establish a worldwide Muslim Caliphate. Of course we are enemy #1.

It reminds me as nothing so much as the insane and phony propaganda of the president concerning Saddam’s WMD, only now it is Iran’s WMD that we are supposed to be worried about. At this point in history, it is worth noting that among the US, Iraq and Iran, the only country that actually has WMD, is the US. Bush said, in an interview during this time, that “he’s (Saddam) is a madman.” He said it more than once. I think we have a right to ask now just who the madman was.

More to the point, perhaps, one reason, perhaps the reason why we have a problem with Iran now is because we toppled the only regime - bad as it was, I grant you - that was a countervailing force against Iran: Iraq! In effect, we “delivered” Shi’ite Iraq into the hands of Shi’ite Iran, proof that the “Law of Unintended Consequences” deserves a second look, unless, of course, this is what Bush wanted, which would be difficult to believe.
Quote above.

It was just not the “phoney propaganda” from Bush about WMD’s. All the Democrats were singing the same tune. All the intelligence reports said the same. So along comes Bush and he pulls the trigger. What can you do? He miscalculated. He thought the Iraqi people wanted peace and liberty after Saddam. They don’t. Now, you can’t take Al Queada out of the picture in Iraq either. Yes, Bush handed the deal over to Shiite Iran. Saddam was a bullwark against this sort of thing, I agree. We supported Saddam for many years against Iran. So what? The enemy of my enemy is my friend, remember? As for all the WMD’s, maybe, just maybe they are sitting in Syria. This is a possibility, isn’t it?

I love this. Bush “miscalculated”. Let’s change that to “Bush lied”. The buck stops at his desk. You say the Dems said the same thing? You could be right, but the Dems didn’t go to war and Bush did.

As for all the WMD’s, maybe, just maybe they are sitting in Syria. This is a possibility, isn’t it?

No, actually, that isn’t a possibility because it has been very carefully looked at. If they were there, and we knew it, believe me, Bush would have made sure we knew it too to prove he wasn’t the absolutely worst president in our history. Alas, he is.

I love this. Bush “miscalculated”. Let’s change that to “Bush lied”. The buck stops at his desk. You say the Dems said the same thing? You could be right, but the Dems didn’t go to war and Bush did.

As for all the WMD’s, maybe, just maybe they are sitting in Syria. This is a possibility, isn’t it?

No, actually, that isn’t a possibility because it has been very carefully looked at. If they were there, and we knew it, believe me, Bush would have made sure we knew it too to prove he wasn’t the absolutely worst president in our history. Alas, he is.

Guess you must have missed the part where the Dems voted in a resolution of Congress to back Bush in this war. They are all GUILTY! The only thing we have now is the Dems trying to weasel out of their vote. It won’t work. The truth is the truth. Lets face it , you don’t know the whole story, all the backroom stuff with the CIA and other intelligence reports. Or perhaps mabe you have some sort of direct pipeline to the absolute truth concerning this matter? You know what I know, the reports that you heard in the press etc., just as I did. You believe what you believe concerning this matter, and I believe what I believe. We can agree, the whole thing is a mess and how did this thread go from Bill Clinton being the absolute worst President, to George Bush having that mantle?

Sorry to interrupt you but i have to say It so interesting to read this thread guys and ladies;)
Never saw the simular discussion before between the american members.
So you honored lady Laconia think the Bush is not guilt for the political deadline in Iraq?

Sorry but i’t hard to believe that the “innocent Bush” were deceived by the Dems and intelligence reports about WMD in Iraq. but … i’m particulary agree with you.
You absolutly right the everybody want this war in 2003. And Dems voted for the war.
I think the Bush was simply a toy in the hand of lobbyes and interests of differents groups.
In fact the WDM was not the real reason of invasion - I heared there were a more importaint interests in the Iraq oil and Israel. And honesly speaking i think Bush clearly know - there were no WDM in Iraq( it was a pure political invention of mass media to treat the social oppinion- nothing more).
Anyway i think Bush could nothing did to stop the much more powerfull forces inside the america. They want the war - they have got the war. But the Bush now is the scapegoat.
It’s sadly IMO.

People often believe things that lack evidence but which justify what they want to do. Which is why Dubya and the neo-cons got into bed with Ahmad Chalabi, who was a crook and a fraud and probably a double agent run by Iran. With disastrous results for America and great results for Iran.

Okay I’ve set up two seperate threads to discuss the merits of US Presidents, so this thread can return to on topic.

Regards digger

Here is a site that shows who voted for and who voted against the war, lots of Dems voted FOR WAR.

Oh gosh, Laconia! I thought Bush said, “I’m the decider.” Maybe he would have been more accurate if he had said, “Vice-President Cheney, the puppet-master, is the decider.”

Stick around Chevan. There are many divergent opinions in this country and even among those who agree on main lines of thinking there are sharp disagreements about other matters. That’s what debate is for. Sometimes just engaging in the exchange, one changes one’s opinion, such as, for instance, the use of the pronoun “one” which is not common in America and quite common in Great Britain, LOL! Or prepositions at the end of a sentence such as what is this up to for? Someone said you should never end a sentence with a preposition but Churchill said it was hogwash. I’ll go with Churchill on this one.