Blitzkrieg Fact or Fiction?

Hitler was determined to invade Russia since Mein Kampf rolled from the presses, no matter what. Russia was his holy grail from the start. The fact he won all Europe except Russia made his hunger only bigger.

Germany was
destined to lose WWII because there is a much greater war coming that will involve the
whole European Union.

That sounds a bit like Star Wars there.

As for oneliners I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of them. Last time I looked we still have freedom of speech.

No one told you not to use them, Viking.

Yeah. Well you’ll think Stars Wars when it happens.
I intend to keep using them. Sometimes because oneliners are so “simple” they are all that can penetrate a hard head.

Hmmn , it’s interesting.
But there is a logistical problem.The ratio of combat effectivenes is strongly depend on which period of war is considered.
If say, to look at early period, the Soviet beated the Japanises roughtly 1:1,5 ( Battle of Khalkhin Gol and lake Hasan) .
However the same Japanes (having the less troops) succesfully beated the Americans 2:1 during , say the Battle of the Philippines.
Honestly , i can’t understand which method the Trevor N. Dupuy used.

Could you explain this?

Is it some sort of pre-destined event?

That is, WWII had to happen to create the circumstances for the EU to arise by combining nations which had been enemies for centuries so they could self-destruct in the EU which has brought them previously unknown peace and prosperity?

Or is the EU going to be fighting a common enemy? If so, who?

I guess the internal resistance against the EU.

Yeah. Who was more effective when? Were German troops more effective largely because they were on the defense? Were German troops as effective at the end of 1944 as they were in say, mid-1943? Because by 1944, the Allies were conducting large scale mobile warfare, maneuver operations that German generals could only dream of. The Japanese Imperial Army was incapable of any large scale mobile warfare whatsoever, and discovered that when they encountered well entrenched American positions by the end of 1942, they suffered a huge firepower deficit and almost inevitably took heavy casualties…

However the same Japanes (having the less troops) succesfully beated the Americans 2:1 during , say the Battle of the Philippines.
Honestly , i can’t understand which method the Trevor N. Dupuy used.

Incidentally, the Japanese did not have “less troops” than the Americans strictly speaking. There were only roughly about 15,000 US soldiers and marines in the Philippines at the invasion IIRC. MacArthur did have more forces at his disposal if you count the Filipino forces (which is where you’re getting your numbers from). But their army was extremely inconsistent and uneven as some formations such as the Filipino Scouts were first rate while many conventional infantry divisions were armed with a hodge-podge mix of weaponry of different centuries and calibers and many were barely trained…

To Rising Sun. I am a Christian and as such believe every word in the King James Version
of the bible. This war I speak of was prophesied several thousand years ago and all of the events are taking place now including the EU which is the revived Roman Empire. Yes, I know, we Christians are supposed to be insane and a detriment to the mental health of society but I know where I’ve been, I know where I am and I know where I’m
going. I in no way include you in anti-christian conduct. I do not know you personally. This response may well get me kicked off of this forum. If so, Amen.

God Bless You Anglo Saxon!
…But RS is sleeping at this time of the day cause of where he’s at, but anyways, I don’t know what your mumbling about the bible for in this forum. You shouldn’t bring the bible into discussion. It just ain’t Christian like:army:

What exactly does the Bible say about the European Union?

The war of the religions, succeeded by Armageddon. EU being the new Roman Empire means that with it’s downfall, the last Empire will fall which will lead into the Apocalypse.

That is, if I don’t interpret Viking’s ramblings incorrectly.

Don’t admit Turkey?

Well, we’ve got to get a lot closer to Israel if we’re going to have the battle at the appropriate location (Har-Megiddo).

And Anglo-Saxon Viking, such views will not get you banned, although you may have to put up with a certain amount of mickey-taking if you expound them at any length. Beyond the usual bans for trolling, etc. the only thing the mods take very seriously here is racism and actual or suspected neo-Nazi tendencies, due to the somewhat sensitive nature of the subject material of this forum.

Bible — Armageddon — Israel — …
… on a blitzkrieg thread? :shock:

But it’s also a thread aptly titled ‘Fact or Fiction’.

touché :wink:

:wink: :smiley:

I’m not sure that the Israelis, or even the Arabs, would allow that to happen.

After all, Armageddon is supposed to pretty much wipe out the children of Abraham, being Jews and Arabs (and as matters stand not in itself an entirely unappealing prospect in the interests of promoting world peace) to allow the second coming of Christ.

Personally, I just wish that those responsible for these predictions would give me a definite date for Armageddon.

Then I can go spastic on the plastic and pave my way to hell with unlimited and never to be repaid credit for top level dining, fast cars, fast women, oceans of grog, and a glorious finish plunging a full house red 351 GTHO Phase 3 into the flames of destruction along these lines:

Maybe the Armageddon. is the swine flu. I just read in the news that a 13 yr old Hockey player near Toronto dies of it today. The whole Hockey team is quarantined. There are 3 hr lineups at the health clinics and people are going crazy. If there is Armageddon. I think I would go to Australia. I think if RS is there, and he being so nice, then all the people there must be nice?!,besides its nice and toasty…not so bloddy cold and drizzley like here in Toronto…:wink:

Herman, I don’t know how to tell you this gently but, should you arrive in Australia, we might well regard it as Armageddon. The best you could hope for is to be quarantined, on one of our offshore bases for unwanted immigrants and then returned to Canada. :wink: :smiley:

In any case it wasn’t entirely the simple number of Japanese troops which beat the Americans on the Philippines but also the failures of MacArthur at critical command and supply points.

Ably assisted in avoiding a worse disaster by the less than usually brutal and suicidal tactics of the Japanese under Gen Homma, who was close to being relieved of his command during the Philippine campaign and ultimately was dismissed after it.

Meanwhile Emperor Hirohito, who MacArthur post-war presented as having no involvement in the war, had pressed his general staff to press Homma to step up his operations to win in the Philippines.