British guns

I’m sorry to say I don’t know what ‘bully boyfriend’ is - although I’m well acquainted with that Fray Bentos delicacy, bully beef.
Is this ‘bully boyfriend’ thing some quaint gaucho custom ?
As we don’t have that sort of thing here I’d be interested for you to inform us of your varied experiences.

No S-T-U-P-I-D :rolleyes: , bully is a word of american english.

Say Panzerknacker and Cuts had “pistols at six paces.” Each can choose their pistol of choice as long as it is the aforementioned Webley or Enfield .380. Which version is preferable?

That will made no favour for Cuts, the handguns are banned in England since 1997, you better choose some weapon in wich he had more recent training/ experience, like a knife, a Pc mouse or maybe a spring air rifle.

The tipical argentine duel is with large knifes, gaucho stile, but of course that people have several qualities and skills that probably I dont have and definately Cuts havent.

aw crap. this is turning into another one of those V.S. Rs.Sn*:rolleyes:

Um, yes, it is unfortunately…

I’d like to keep the conversation on revolvers and pistols…

does the typ.96 LMG have anything to do with the bren gun?


You’re partly correct there young man, well done.
That the majority of the population had their rights arbitrarily lifted by a bunch of self-serving politicos is without doubt, that the ban was blanket is not. There are several clauses that except certain civilians from the law, then of course there are those who use shorts as part of the job.
You shouldn’t knock spring powered air rifles either, they can be very useful for indoor trg in marksmanship techniques.

For someone who has never met me, knows not what I do nor where I am based, one can only conclude one of your qualities is scrying.
Extremely badly.

I dont know ither so I will use a Mauser M 712 Full Auto.

Yep. They’re both versions of the Czech ZB-26 designed by an absolute genius named Václav Holek.

Really? That would be why I first fired one - entirely legally and in England - in 2007?

Certain people are not affected by this ban in the same way, and both Cuts and myself are in this group.

And I thought the JPN had ripped off Engeland again;). Saw it first in a Flash game called “Endless War 3”. good game. lots of (historicaly inaccurate-the Nazis have shotguns and other stuff) WWII levels.

Actually they (presumably) ripped off the Czechs. Whereas the British paid them for the design…

I believe the Germans also used captured Czechoslovakian indigenous design examples in limited circumstances --in the 7.92mm caliber…

Really? That would be why I first fired one - entirely legally and in England - in 2007?

Maybe because you are in the military. :wink:

I also fired a 9mm pistol in the UK in 2007 - and a semi-automatic carbine.

I am not in the military but I was on a military base, attending a conference at which there was a Beretta range demonstration, after which the observers were asked if they wanted a shoot…I hesitated for only the minimum decent interval :smiley:

I dont know ither so I will use a Mauser M 712 Full Auto.[/QUOTE]

A few years ago someone tried to kill me with one of those.
Consequently I put very little faith in them.

And you reckon it’s a safe assumption to make that Cuts has nothing whatsoever to do with the military?

Uffff, I dont know why everybody mess me around with this subjetc, if there is no a ban on handguns in the UK just tell me that I am a filty liar…if not well I think the case is closed…:roll:

No, you have just misunderstood the extent of the law as it stands, nothing more.

There is a general ban which covers most handguns in most circumstances, but there are exceptions.

I dont misunderstand anything. The post by PDf was not very happy, everybody knows that he is in the british military and obviously is allowed to carry weapons. Usually he is more intelligent than that.

And by the way I am not mocking about this situation, that a law abbiding citizen had to surrended his legally adquired handgun is sad, tragic and have nothing funny on it specially if we are talking about a democratic country.

There is a general ban which covers most handguns in most circumstances, but there are exceptions.

Yea, is more or less what I been read, the most unbeliable part is that the parliament would need to provide special permits for the olimpic shooters in London.

He may be allowed to carry them in accordance with military regulations and practice when on duty, but I expect he wouldn’t want to be caught doing it by the civilian police at other times.

My understanding is that the Brits were similar to us, in that very few had legitimate handguns for purposes other than pistol club use before further restrictions were introduced in the past decade or so.

And, as has been pointed out in other threads, it was democratically elected governments in Britain and Australia which imposed restrictions on civilian firearms.

There is no necessity that a democratic country has to be populated by people carrying handguns or firearms of any sort. If Americans and Argentinians and anyone else want to do it, that’s their right, as it is the right of other democracies to take a different position.

If that’s true, what’s wrong with it?

Should I be able to bring any weapon I like into your country without having to comply with your country’s laws?

some counties, like Japan you cannot have guns (maybe exept fo hunting air-ifles) and there you have lower crime rate. (thouh that is changing because of gang imporetd guns)