British guns

He may be allowed to carry them in accordance with military regulations and practice when on duty, but I expect he wouldn’t want to be caught doing it by the civilian police at other times.

In Argentina, the Judges, attorney generals, retired police officers and military people ( who has reached the rank of sargent or more higher ) have a lifetime gun carring permit and I feel very good about it because is a additional security in the streets.

And, as has been pointed out in other threads, it was democratically elected governments in Britain and Australia which imposed restrictions on civilian firearms.

If you like to be f…k and f…k once, twice and more times by the goverment is your business RS, fortunately not all the british ( and probably not all the australians) think like you.
Hitler was also democratically elected but I dont like most of his laws either.

There is no necessity that a democratic country has to be populated by people carrying handguns or firearms of any sort. If Americans and Argentinians and anyone else want to do it, that’s their right, as it is the right of other democracies to take a different position.

You are mixing property and transport of a gun with carring is not same but that statement above is so stupid, moronic and freedom hater that I will not bother to respond. I honestly believe that you was more intelligent that.

From what?

People who disagree with them?

You are missing the point.

The majority of the Australian national electorate re-elected the government which imposed the firearms restrictions, not least because we’d had a gut full of fuckwits with firearms killing large numbers of people.

The only people who fucked us once
and three
times with firearms were more than enough for the rest of us to decide it had to stop.

You think I want to live in a country which allows a lunatic with firerarms to stalk and kill a three year old girl and her six year old sister and their mother?

I couldn’t give a fishy fuck if the whole of the country was disarmed if it prevented that happening to just one more child, and the life long pain it causes whichever parents and other relatives survive that child.

If you have children, you should understand that sentiment.

That is just bullshit.

He never got a majority vote and he was not put in power by any democratic, i.e. majority election, means.

I’ve had the opportunity to kill two people with firearms in justifiable or, in the second case, at least explicable situations when I had a loaded and cocked gun, and a third situation I would definitely have killed a bloke threatening me with a knife if I’d had a gun. There was a fourth and differerent situation when I had a loaded gun which would have killed the target if I had fired. I didn’t pull the trigger in any of those situations and they and I all survived.

How many people have you killed with your guns?

Or had the opportunity to kill and not killed when equipped with a loaded and cocked weapon?

Or needed to?

If I’m a freedom hater as you say, it’s because I hate the freedom of fuckwits with guns to kill my children and other people’s children. If they do that, then I could well use my gun to kill them.

Where does that end?

Who benefits?

Who suffers?

Why not just remove the opportunity for people to use firearms to wreak havoc while allowing firearms for reasonable sporting use?

Which is exactly what we’ve done here.

Im not a mod but lets get back from pzk VS RiSn* to british guns. Please.

Major: :slight_smile:

Why does it have to be about me? :smiley:

I think you’ll find that there has been a continuing debate in this thread in which I’ve been a fairly minor player, but it’s been a reasonable debate and reasonably conducted by PK also.

Now, for a balanced opinion: PK: do you think we’ve been balanced in this thread? :wink:

Yep. Like all Australians you’ve got a chip on both shoulders :wink:

Two different types of crime are carried out using guns. One, which constitutes almost all gun crime, is by criminals who obtain illegal guns in order to use them to rob, threaten or kill. Such crimes are not affected by a ban on legal gun ownership. Here in the UK, just before the private ownership of handguns was banned (for nearly all purposes), the police stated that over 96% of the guns used in gun crimes had never been legally owned in this country - they had been smuggled in. Obviously, that figure is now 100% - and gun crime has risen substantially since handguns were banned.

The other type of crime is relatively rare, but when it happens it hits the headlines. That is when a legal gun owner becomes insane and goes around shooting lots of people. Obviously, this is more likely to happen in countries in which there is little or no control over who is allowed to own guns. In the UK it happened twice in the 20th century: once at Hungerford in 1987 (14 dead, an AK was used - self-loading centrefire rifles were then banned), and once in Dunblane in 1996 (17 dead, handguns were used - legal ownership of such guns was then effectively banned). The latter case at least should never have been allowed to happen - the local police officer was concerned about Hamilton’s state of mind and recommended that his firearm certificate be cancelled, but he reportedly had friends with funny handshakes…

The risk from legally-owned guns can be reduced to almost zero by having, and properly implementing, controls on who is allowed to own them. There will always be a residual risk, but there is no such thing as a risk-free existence.

Well, it’s the Irish in me.

We’re carrying the load for Poms who waste their chips in chip butties. :smiley:

I’ve probably got closer and more recent Irish relatives than you have, and I’m a chip free zone!

Entirely possible.

Your ancestors might well have emerged from the bog much later than mine :D, which seems even more likely as your monarch several times removed didn’t give them a free trip down here before steam ships were invented ;), but we’re still rather fond of our praties which, strange to relate but true, are usually fried by Vietnamese or Chinese who have displaced the Greeks of my childhood from the fish and chip shops. :confused:

The risk from legally-owned guns can be reduced to almost zero by having, and properly implementing, controls on who is allowed to own them. There will always be a residual risk, but there is no such thing as a risk-free existence.

100 % agreed, is nice to see that still is decent people here. I am sure that Tony is not the only one in UK.

No he isn’t. There are many of us. The vast majority( I doubt that the legal gun carriers number enough to be considered a minority) do not carry guns probably, as with Australians, because we play cricket (which means at the rate we lose there’d be no England team if we were allowed guns).

However, gun and knife crime is becoming more prevalant among very young people.

And therefore always have a cricket bat handy for emergencies. Or a stump, should we encounter a vampire. :wink:

Or possibly no Australian team, if your lot were armed and got sick of losing. Be a bloody sight more interesting than an average Test, with a quicker result. :smiley:

And we haven’t forgotten that mongrel Jardine, who was dangerous enough without a firearm. :wink:

Seriously, same here.

When I was a kid using a knife in a fight between males was confined largely to what we then called dagos, being southern Europeans, and was seen as about the same level as biting, spitting, and scratching. Very unmanly.

Now, knives are relatively common, and knife and other edged weapon injuries aren’t unusual.

Much of it comes from Asian, primarily Vietnamese, gangs who usually go mob handed, but Middle Eastern, primarily Lebanese, gangs also go for it, with a sprinkling of others including a few Anglo-Celtic Australians.

Part of the problem is that we’ve accepted people from backgrounds with no experience of the sort of reasonably regulated society we had and are trying to maintain and who were used to much more of a ‘dog eat dog’ corrupt and violent society, whether in war torn Saigon or the Bekaar Valley or elsewhere.

Anglo-Celtic Australian kids now routinely talk of stabbing someone as part of expressive speech, in the same way my generation said they’d drop (i.e. punch and - hopefully- knock out someone) or snot (punch on the nose) or job (punch) someone, although the proportion of expressions of intent to action was about 100,000:1 and probably still is. But the expressed intention nowadays is much more violent and life threatening. I doubt that they’ve all been directly influenced by the migrant gangs but the migrant ethos has slowly permeated beyond their own communities.

I suspect that there are other influences at work on Anglo-Celts who don’t have any connection with the migrant groups or even with intermediary groups. Among those influences are American gangsta rap videos and associated mindless shit which glorify gang life and death, reinforced by violent video games which lack any moral dimension or virtue and glorify violence for its own sake and purely to get a high score in the most violent fashion possible.

I used to love this chap…

"The Wolf of Kabul appeared in Wizard and Hotspur beginning in 1922. The
Wolf was actually 2nd lieutenant Bill Sampson, an agent for the British
Intelligence Corps who operated in the Northwest frontier of India. He
always dressed as a native and could easily pass for one except for the
little matter of his blue eyes, which often betray him. Not that this ever
posed a problem for tough ole Bill, however; with his twin knives Bill took
on all comers, which were usually “wily Pathans” and other such brutal,
unwashed natives. He got no small amount of help in this from Chung, his
native servant and friend, who was lethal with his “clicky-ba” cricket bat.

After killing men Chung would remark, his eyes tearing, “Lord, I am full of
humble sorrow - I did not mean to knock down these men - ‘Clicky-ba’ merely
turned in my hand”

…Chung, that is! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Every time I see this thread title, the Clash song “Spanish Bombs” pops into my head…

I don’t know why…

Sorry for derailing the topic, but antigun nuts always made me lost the composure.

No problem. I’ve compost to spare. Just let me know where you want it delivering.

I think he means the anti gun nuts give him the shits. :smiley:

PK Composure is different to compost. :wink:

The people who made me correct my post also made me lost the composure…so you better dont.

Roll with it, PK.