Lets get away from hand guns! I’ve just watched the Battle of El Alemein for the umpteenth time and noticed special reference to the ability of the 88mm German gun. It was mentioned in passing, that it was an ack ack gun originally. That struck a chord. I went back in time to my NS days in the Royal Artillery, I was with 46(m) HAA Regt. In 1948. One day, orders came, that we were to limber up and take four of our guns to the ranges at Larkhill and carry out tests in the field role! Why wasn’t this done in the war?
We took our guns as ordered set them up and instead of the shell fighting gravity to reach 20,000 feet, what did we find on the level? A very accurate range of eight miles! I suppose the answer would be "We had thought of it but needed them at home!!!