British HumoUr

You might end up with a pearl necklace all of your own after a Booty daisy-chaining session :twisted:

Forget about daisy chaining. I’d rather prefer the old Russian game Ramashka (spelling?). It seems to be quite popular in southern Russia, at least from what a Russian colleague, who used to be a colonel and fighter pilot in the Soviet Airforce told me.
But the problem is that if I explain the rules in here, I’ll get kicked off the board… :smiley: :oops:


Edit: It involves plenty of Wodka and willing women…

make erwin cry :lol: :lol: ,im 21 like you,I cried only when i was 1- 4/3 years,im not a girl,man don´t cry.

and don´t insult more.

btw,you get drunk?,you always post like when you say you are drunk :lol: .

oh wait! get drunk with milk or tea?

Monty Python: This man put his life into this cake! -gets shot- that one made me laugh… only that one… and only in my head… and I was sugar high… so yeah…

<sorry for the shouting but I wanted to make that one quite clear!>

I have it an a authorative source that a issue combat boot is best for freckles. Apparently gives a wide spread pattern.
As for soggy biscuit a Mcvities Digrestive is best, it’s far more absorbant that most supermarket brands

Ooh look i made sergeant major! Where’s my pace stick?

Off-topic anyway. I haven’t any clue to what pace stick is.

Now I know :smiley:
Look at this:

Edited: Off-topic because I bet that you can’t joke against a pace stick!!

It is for measuring the length of pace. At the top you will see a bar which can be set for different pace lengths. They are practising for the annual pace stick competition. And having one stuck up your nose or across your head is not funny.

Neither is having one shoved up your rear end! :shock:

You need to be trained with pace Sticks thats why they give them to Sgt. Majors, because you hit other people with them or your owne Shin :lol: :lol:
But they are pretty cool

Off-topic: Only British Army “allows” pace sticks? I suppose that it could exists in the armies of Commonwealth countries as well.

I’ve never seen an RSM or SSM without a pace stick mate. Anyone who has done their drill instructor course is entitled to carry one, I believe.

Hi guys hope you don’t mind me joining in here… :wink:
My sgt when i was training for the British army has done his drill instructor course and i must say I’ve never seen him with one come to think of it I’ve only ever seen RSM carrie one its when your Warrant officer class 1. I never seen a rank below that with one apart from when there taking the piss out of them :wink: :lol:
Also BDL can I ask what do you mean SSM you’ve lost me there bud did you mean Coy Sgt Maj whats the next rank down from RSM. The only SS in anything is staff SGT then it’s Sgt Maj next rank up from that colour Sgt(only in some Coy) Qmater Sgt…
If you like guys i can do a post with the break down of a Regment how many COY’s how many plt so on, How many men who’s the top man going all the way down the ranks

Just thinking the Colour Sgt at Sandhurst has got his pacestick(paystick as we know it)

Welcome aboard mate.

Good post, Im sure the lads would appreciate this :twisted:

Welcome mate! :smiley:

thanks guys :wink:
I’ll get the post up ASAP then

Squadron Sergeant Major - not all of use are infantry and split into Companies :wink:

Got ya now bud :wink: you see I’m just an Army man :smiley: