British HumoUr

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Hey, see your a call of duty man. Some of the guys here like it too.

What you in mate? R Sigs myself

Off the to of my head I think there is only one issued per Bn (RSM). The rest are private purchase and made to measure (the long, the short and the tall). Guy comes round at the end of your drill course and the one who think they will need one buy their own. They are also issued to Pl Sgt in depots as it is a tool of the trade. The saddest thing I have seen is a DPM cover for one for out in the field. :roll: They are easy to use after 10 mins, changing hands is fun.

for me;English humour=monty python.their work will never get old.

He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

What you in mate? R Sigs myself[/quote]

No I’m not in I was going in for RE c-3 systems Radio man but got to week 26 in training on an Army prep Course and then found out that my eyes would not allow me to do the job in facted non of the jobs i wanted to do. So I never even got to Basic.
On Army prep course your not in the Army as you’ll know but its getting you readdy for basic Training and so it just give’s you the head start from others. It last’s for 26 weeks and its alongside the army so alot of the rules apply.
But I’m guted :cry: I can’t go in but at lest Im a fitter person now :smiley:

Hey, see your a call of duty man. Some of the guys here like it too.[/quote]

Yep I’m abig COD junky and UO and of course COD2 in Oct when it comes out I cant wait. My mate did me my sig and ave (but the ave was to big so I took it off). I’m part admin to are site and on both server’s we’ve got and recruiting officer :shock: :smiley:
Sry way off topic now…lol ive hijacked my first thread

Just a quick one.

Observe the soldier without the sash.

He is a Lance Sergeant. The guy with the Sash is a Sargeant. See other thread on Army Ranks.

26 week pre course beat up? Where, why, when and how do you get on one of those?

To get on one of the course you should of been to the Army careers offic’s and wanting to join the army anyway. They don’t take people on unless they have applyed.
I know the APC is done all over wales but thats it so sorry in don’t know about England best thing to do is go in to your recruiting offics and see if there is a local APC. But when i first applyed in Lincon they had never heared of it before.
And to answer why, It give’s you a very good head start for basic on your fittness, what rank is what, how to work in a team and build agood friendship, getting bested everyday, night exs, eating ras pack food, learn how to take an enemy position, what to do when being ambushed, night patrol and observation on the enemy,how to treat the wounded,finding out what are the most com wounds to a infrantry man and so on.
There is loads more i can list but i will be here alday doing it there so much to learn and do it awesome fun … :smiley:

Wouldn’t you do all that anyway if you rocked up for Basic?

How did you fair on it?, didn’t you do it?

What is wrong with your eyesight? Can you not join at all now?

What you in mate? R Sigs myself[/quote]

Well done that man, jolly good corps.

Yes you get to do all of that in basic but its good to get the heads up on it before you get there so you know what its all about plus the APC is to get you fit so you don’t find the fittness side of basic so hard…

How did i fair up well i was picked by my Sgt as secition commander for the march and shoot day.this is in oder of the whole day

1st your 15man secition has an inspection(ironed your uniform your wearing note book and pencil water tight in top right pocket webing and water bottle all correct and filled up to the top)
section commander and 2 I/C get a brif on a patrol task C/o and 2 I/C then brif the rest of the section as to what to do where we go and so on. So we move off in stagered formation to the point we’ve been told to go. At that point there is a lost partol with wounded men so you have to set up all round defence and get the wound patch up and readdy to be moved out as enemy troops are moving in on your position. your section moves out in stagered fomation again to a fall back position. Then you get told to follow your APC Sgt to warm up for the log run.
After warm up you move to the start line and its the start of your 5mile log run in Brecon hills when you finsh that you have a 1 min to take on some water and puke up if you need to then move to the start line of the assult course.
After that you then move to the rifle range 4 people from each section have to shoot.

Yes i did the whole 26weeks of the course and got the award for : best all round person…
I found out when i was at RSC the 2nd time round and passed(the first time i was there they should of told me but never did and then my recruiting officer should of told me as it was sent to him about my eyes on the army system) that my eyes wouldn’t let me do the jobs i wanted to do. They didn’t tell what was wrong with my eyes all the said was my eyes ant up to the standed to do the jobs. This was week 20 on the course but i stayed untill it was finshed…
Yes i can still join but the jobs all 5 of them left open to me i did not want to do and I’ve been a chef for the last 6yrs and that part of the resson i wanted to join the army to get out of cheffing so there was noway i was going in to do that.
There was one other job i wanted to do and could do and that was dog trainer/handler so i was sent to the DAC for a two day look at life and interview but from 500 people they see each year for a job they only take on 5-8 it was hard to get picked and guess what i was one of those that was not picked. So after all of that training for well over a year losing 3stone( i was told i had to lose) doing the prep course and being messed about as much as i was i left it be the army was just not ment to happen…

What is actually wrong with your eyes? It really can’t be that bad. Or you’d not be able to drive!!!

There must be more than 5 jobs open.

What were your other options?

I can asure you there was only 5 jobs open to me and I’ve alreaddy answered what was wrong with my eyes they would not tell me so I don’t know as to the Driving I couldn’t even do that in the army
Jobs open:-


I spoke to my cus who is in Cpt in the grenaders and he said after everything i told him that I was messed about…
And what is it you don’t belive I’m telling you

Your best bet is to go to an opthamologist and get the straight gen on the condition of your eyes.
If they’re within limits you should re-apply and get the career you really want.
As you pointed out elsewhere sometimes errors are made, and if you go with a chit from a quack they’re bound to give you another go.
How old are you by the way ?

If you want to PM me with your quals and wishes I’ll try to find out your options.

I’m 24

I do wear glassis and when I was sent up to RSC I took all the forums about my eyes as I was told to have an eye test before I went.
When i spoke to my cus he said the same that I could re-apply and kick a fuss about the whole thing but we both said it would just make my army life harder when i got there…
So now to tell the truth I’ve lost alot of interest in joining as i feel the army don’t always work on set rules they make them as they go along.
And my APC Sgt agreed when i said that to him but since then my Sgt has given me loads of really go reports about me as i needed to get another job other than the army…Thanks away bud but I’m happy in civi street

Your cus [sic] (cousin ?) is wrong if he thinks that kicking up a fuss to get in will make life harder.
It will have no effect whatsoever, but it will however show that you’re comitted to a life in green and don’t let small obstacles stand in your way.
That’s exactly the sort of man we’re after !

As to the army changing the rules or moving the goalposts - that’s what’s called life ! It’s a regular ocurrence outside the forces too.

Has the APC Sgt given you reports or was it the one on this pre-enlistment cse ?
What did they cover ? If they’re good, (and your explanation on the cse would seem to indicate so,) then you should be well away with the forces.
If you fancy dog handling there’s still the RAFP or the RN to go for.
Can you tell me the problem with your eyes and what your vision was rated at ? Let me know here or by PM.

You may be happy in civvystrasse, but you know you’d love being in green !

Sorry, just went to the shops.

That is what I was about to say Cuts. You’ve proven yourself on these courses so why throw in the towel.

Looking at the list you were offered, you’ve not been offered all the jobs you could do. Maybe these are the only ones currently recruiting.

One of my neighbours on the pad works at the local ACIO. If you wish I will find out what else you can do.

What did you want to be anyway?

You may have to wait for your plum job but life is better in green.

Or try the Blue jobs.

What I don’t believe is that they didn’t tell you. Yes, they may not have done, but they should have. If they find anything wrong with a applicant they tell them. If you can drive in civvie street then pretty much all of the driver jobs are also open to you.

Remember, once in you can retrade around if you ever get board.

Why do two 26 week courses just to jack it all in?

Balls in your court mate, let me know if you want me to do ferreting.

A life with my green skin is what I’ve been working so hard for the last year and half if not long… But now I’m not sure what I want to do can ask who are you Rank and Reg are you recruiting staff…

At the mo I can’t find the info about my eyes I’m sure they kepted it all at my recruiting offic but I’ll go have my eyes tested this week if I can and get it for you. unless you want to speak to the Carmathen offic Sgt is my recruiter or SSgt .

The reports Sgt gave me on the APC are all reviews that he dose when your on the course if you like i can email you copy’s but Sgt has also given me good ref for job applcation forums