Canadian military

Hello everyone,

I’m new here and unfortunately short on time. My grandfather passed away Sun 20th Nov. and I’m trying to colourise a photo for his service, this Sat (only 2 short days away). I’d like to be fairly accurate if I can, but haven’t found any reference for the pouch he’s wearing on his chest. I’ve made it the same colour as the other straps, etc. but would welcome any input.

Any assistance offered would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Just a guess maybe its for his gas mask

I think (note: think) it’s either an early '37 pattern or local Canadian pattern respirator (gas mask) pouch. If so, then it is very likely it would be the same colour as the rest of the webbing. The other webbing appears to be standard '37 pattern and thus should be a light khaki colour, much as you have illustrated.

Kind regards


PS I put some links to Canadian websites earlier in this thread. They mau have more info.

Hi everyone!
Do you know any really good internet sources describing what happend on Hill 140 during Operation Totalize in Normandy 1944? Recently I’ve found an information in polish press about the behavior of Polish 1st Armored in that area and its influence on massacre of Canadians on that hill. I’ve never heard about that and I was really shocked. Till that moment I was convienced that Polish did great job in Normandy. Thanks for your posts. Sorry for my english

Welcome, Kovalski!
I don’t know what you’ve read in Polish press, but I will quote something:

Elements of the Polish Armd. Div. were less than a mile from Point 140 where the British Columbia and Algonquin regiments were being systematically destroyed. However, the Poles could not advance further.

Why? Read the page from where I quoted (for a general view):

As for happend with British Columbia Regiment:

Operation Totalize:


Thanks Dani!
As far as I remember, the article I read included a strong critic of Polish Div. HQ. For example, arbitrary decision of changing the direction of attack during the first phase of Operation Totalize. In effect of such a behavior Polish 1st Armored was the only Allied unit, which direct location was unknown at the end of the first day. The Corp’s HQ wasn’t sure where Poles really were at the moment. I don’t know the reasons, but it is unquestionable that Poles didn’t complete majority of their objectives. The author of a article wrote that Canadians had to complete it. But the strongest accusation was about the lack of reaction during the massacre on Hill 140. He suggests that Poles were able to help Canadians, but they didn’t do nothing. I don’t know if it is true. As I wrote before, I have never heard or read about that. I would like to compare this version with others, maybe much more reliable. The author of that article (I can’t recall his name) is Polish, text came out in “Militaria XX wieku”. I’m asking polish members (if there are some) for help. Maybe you know something more about that tragic events, maybe you can point at some polish sources. Also I’m asking Canadians for help. How polish-canadian relations during Operation Totalize are described in your country?Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to do a internet search by myself becuse of my boss :frowning:
I would be grateful to you for any help.

here is a site with some interesting info on the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.

Hi Kovalski,

Author of the article in “Militaria XXw”, Greg Czwartosz is one of the most respected historians of Polish I-st Armoured Division.
He is currently writing book about Falaise battle.
His opinions and his research are pointing into directions which are not very convenient for historians still thinking either as “commies wanted to see it” or the others “hooked into Polish exile circles in London”.
His article put him under heavy flak from both directions.
“London” historians want to see everything rosy, heroical and like in school textbooks for twelve years old kids.
In reality 1-st Armoured Division was very undisciplined. General Maczek, with his experience as commander of 10-th Motorised Brigade in Poland 1939 and recreated 10-th Brigade during France campaign 1940, treated all orders from general Simonds very suspiciously.
Maczek, as ex-cavalry officer, could not bear that “infantry general” is commanding II Corps.
It is really tragic that Polish-Canadian co-operation was that bad.
Articles in Legion magazine, to which links Dani provided, are very gentle for Poles. The truth is that 1-st Armoured Division failed in Operation Totalize. Soldiers fought well, but division as part of II Corps failed.

We are both Poles, Kovalski, but we can only gain respect of other nations by being objective and adhere to historical truth.
I’m always happy to post information about Polish Forces performing well, but in this case history should be straightened up; most books about 1-st Armoured written during communist era, like gen. Skibinski’s for example,
can be now thrown to the bin as complete fantasies and lies.

BTW, send me your private mail address - I have “Totalize” in PDF format - I read it before printing of Militaria and I’m happy to send it to you. :slight_smile:



Hello everyone

I’ve developed a hobby of attempting to add colour into Canadian WWII photos. Here are a few I’ve done so far…

The above didn’t take more then and hour to complete. These were more “practice” as in the near future I plan to work on each photo alot longer so I can achieve a more realistic look.


Hey, Im new to this forum.Im canadian, and i’ve been interested in WW2,and the military since i was 8-9 years old.I’m currently 17 years old and living in newfoundland.

Those photos are really good Erik, please feel free to share more with us.

yes it is holand and poland that we canadians freed

You did what? :slight_smile:

Awesome photo’s mate, keep the coming!

hi every one i wold like to say that the post from righteous duncan at the opening page is realy good but in my opion i dont think the canada army would be cut down in france because of the war was on to major sides one bieng with the ailes the outher being with russia so the germanys army was cut into to fighting groups of men how ever if germany had one frount they might have been cut to threads but keep up the good work and thanks for the info

i would like to let people know how bad canada was thou i served as [qor] queens own rifels. then transferd to [rhli] royal hamilton light infentry in early 80s and late 90s and wile i was with these unites we were still tryen to get people to enlist because the raids on d-day cost a lot of men from these unites we were 1500 strong then but before the war i belive we were ten times that amount im not sure how many more canadas outher units went but in my opion thats a long time to recover

Here is a website on the Canadian military.

The Canadians were sent to Hong Kong beacuse at that point it was still a British Colony[sp], and Canada kinda sorta maybe felt it was our duty to help the Brit’s, with us being tied to them and all. Both sides knew it would be a massive upset, but they whent anyways.

THosd were fantastic! I thought they were real color photographs. Thanks, keep 'em coming.

Good photos Erik!
Here are some Canadian Military

Canadian Medic

Canadian Infantryman

Canadian Tank Crew

Canadian Infantry Unit in Africa