Chinese Military

This is called Zhongzheng rifle(Zhongzheng is Jiang Jieshi’s(the leader of Kuomintang that time) name.

is is used later

imitated from Kar98k

armies of communist party
the Red Army
The majority of Red Army is infantry, and only small numbers of Cavalry, Artillery, Signalman and Sappers.
Weapons mainly from enemies, use rifle, machine-gun, light-Artillery captured from enemy and even self-made cold steels like broadsword and pike.
from 1937,7-1945,9
the Red Army called the Eight Route Army. Some gathered guerillas from some mid and southern provinces get together and called the New Forth Army.
as they still acts behind enemy lines. the conditions are so bad that they had to still get weapons and supplies from enemy.
Actually the Army of Kuomintang is facing the main power of japanese military.
they have much more better equipments and supplies(almost all supplies from US have been given to them)

after WWII ended
the two forces i introduced is call people’s liberty army(PLA), this name still in use now-days

translated from a website

Aircraft as mainly owned by Kuomintang’s forces

This is the kind of craft used by the beginner of China’s AF, called Gao Zhi’hang


This is Gao Zhi’hang
he died in 1937,11,21
japanese AF assult the airport
he try to start the engine to takeoff and fight
but his plane failed to start for 3 times and he was killed by bombs




these planes is used later

mainly from CCCP

about flying tigers

p-40 is the main craft used by flying tigers
this is the photo taken in Burma
flying tiger mainly act in Burma and southern-west(mainly Yun’nan Province) of China

American Volunteer Group (The flying tigers)

infos can be found at

I have read about German an Czech machineguns in chinese service.
The rifles were mauser tipe ones. It seems that te Luger authomatic gun, with the wooden but was really popular.

And also the helmet looks to be in German style.

Stielhandgranate :smiley:
I know only few words in German.

Oh yes
there a Czech machineguns used by chinese forces
I found i discriptions by a old solider of that time said they use a czech machinegun hit a japanese dive-bomber down.
it seem such machinegun is really powerful :twisted:

Inglis in Canada also produced the BREN for the Chinese in 7.92mm Mauser - there was a guy firing one on a TV documentary - it was a bit confusing, cos I thought “aah, BREN. But the mag’s straight. Must be an L4. But this is about WW2 MGs. WTF?” And then he explained.

At the end of WW1, Germany had huge stocks of steel helmts left over, which got sold to China. Later the Koumintang troops got trained by German officers, which surprisingly made Germans fighting Japanese. Chiang Kai Chek´s son was actually trained in Germany, I´ve seen pictures of him in a SS uniform.
In the mid 30s, Chinese troops were often equiped with German P35 helmets.


Interesting link:

Some pics from the site cited above:
American trainer explains a tactical situation to Chinese soldiers.

Chinese soldiers receive training in use of the bayonet.

Nationalist Chinese Army insignia of rank:

Excuse me Firenze. Can you tell me what is written in the page ???
It´s an interesting web, there are drawings and photos of german styled chinese equipment.
I´m really interested in the curved swords. What is that? Had the chinese soldiers a sword and a bayonet???

i found another picture in the link you provided

then it’s clear that this is the provided tutor for kuomintang army(i just found the translation shall be Nationalism Army)
the place is told as Kweiming, so it shall spells in chinese Kun Ming
it’s a city in southern-west of china. it’s near the base of the flying tigers

it’s really a huge job :wink:
i’ll try my best!

i don’t know whether your pc can display chinese correctly or not
so i will put english text just followed chinese text

Chinese Military History



*** German tool in WW2 China

*** Mauser bayonet of WW2 China
??? *** Puttee of WW2 China
???M35?? *** German M35 helmet of WW2 China
??? *** officer sword of WW2 China
??? *** WW2 Japan military stuff in China


in the war against japan, nationalism army(i will just wright as NArmy in the followed text) is ordered from german and in german styles
1935,1 NArmy ordered from german, 1936,6 such uniforms and equipments are sent to central troops of NArmy.
in the battle of Shanghai, the soldiers attacks japanese is wearing green summer uniform, with both long and shot pants. Normally, they wear cap. when in battle, they use helmet(M35 style). beside these, the also use puttee and wear black clothe shoes.

NArmy originally planed to buy equips for 50 divisions. but such equips have not been produced in full numbers. in the beginning, the 88,87,36,3 divisions are equipped with all-german equipments, others are not fully equipped with german equipments. as data shows, NArmy bought more than 10mega m35 helmets

???(Rifleman of NArmy) ??(Officer) ???(Petty Officer with mauser pistol)
???224cm??9.5cm???(puttee 224cm*9.5cm)

??M35???(helmet of NArmy) ??? (???)(cap of NArmy)

(Rifleman’s standard equipment: this is the view form left-behind. a rifleman have to sailcloth cartridge belt. to gernade in the front. with bottle and food in the right side. Certral Troops sometimes have gas mask. in the lower-left is 98k sword)

???(personal infos is marked in the upper side of pocket of upper-left ) ???88D??88??(belonging is marked on the left upper arm, 88D means the 88th Division)
???(the standard weapons for infantry during the war against japanese)

???"??"???"???"???K98???"?"???"?"??(Zhongzheng Rifle. belongs to “Mauser series” in international standard, not like japanese rifle is belongs to “mauser or similar”. Zhongzheng rifle shall be produced by chart and data bought from german of K98. japanese rifle is researched by them selves.
the upper one is style 2 and lower one is style 1)

1935?“H.Y.”???(1935 HY(Hanyang, the place where the war-factory in) the sword is produced in Hanyang, it’s similar with mauser sword of other countries)

?????????????(with rings and without plate

???(cleaning rod and be insert into holder. with scupper)
???(specially, there is scupper in she shell too)?
???(the north east army once used a butcher’s sword of german)
???(butcher’s sword of german army of WWI, it’s big and suitable for hew)
???kar98???(as it’s strong enough, it do not need rings to hew. there is a plate in the back, it’s the special point of kar98 sword. the point can not be found at non-mauser swords)
???(Hi-Power Pistol gunstock)
???"???"??(Hi-power)??? ???(it a gunstock for Canadian’s Hi-Power Pistol, make by a whole wood and can be used as a case. this style is a smaller one)

???(cartridge case of Hi-Power Pistol)
??? ???

???75cm?(Broadsword used to against japanese(such weapon always used by communism armies in earlier times, especially in the red army)) [you can just imagine how our worriers use this to fight against japanese, in such a conditions, we still win the war!]

???????75cm?(another kind of broadsword)



it’s so long:(…