Chinese Military

some code is not right
so it displayed as ???
it’s ok
just read the english script followed those ???s
the address of original site is

just read my text and view the pics in that site:)

communism army in earlier times use sword as there weapons too, especially for civilian-soliders
they can be farmers, but, when japanese attacks their homeland, they use everything, include those swords to fight against japanese.
some farmers even got killed to protect those injured soliders from communism armies

Thank You Firenze
I think that it ir a great web. It is really interesting that about the swords.

It’s my pleasure:)
it’s a website located in Taiwan
i’d mostly want to find a site intorduce armies of communist, but seem it’s hard to find one :cry:

Here is one English site about that:

wikipedia :lol: :lol:

Yes! Wikipedia is realy a good site.

Yes wikipedia is good site ,if you ever want to put some from wikipedia then put and URL of link :lol: trust me I know why I telling you this. :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: No offense intended Clauss! :smiley:

I am not upset becouse that ,and no offense . :wink:

I am sorry that I couldn’t understand your words clearly for I am not good at English. I’ll be very glad if you could explain it for me. Thank you. If I had done something wrong, I will correct it immediately.

No you did nothing wrong I did early do copy paste from wikipedia ,and I been never put link ,and they are tell me do not do that and my english is not very good. :wink:

Thank you for your reply.
Let’s continue the discussion about Chinese military.

All right Chinese army hm…i did not know much about chinese army.

Thenew Osprey book about the Chinese Army is great. I´m sorry, Firenze, but they write only about the nationalist army.

In fact, the information isnot very clear, but showssome interesting photographs and a great amount ofstrange equipment.

ah, the powerful chinese army. shock troops armed with mauser pistols and a large portion armed with sabers!

Armed with AK-47 and SKS Simonov. :wink:

in ww2.!

A ok sorry :roll:

Chinese army no longer use AK now.