Chinese Military

nice,they will repleace it with a better weapon?

Really ?
What do they use now then ?

They use AK-47 thats standard rifle :wink:

yes,but axe said that they will change it

these are the chinese weapons.

the majority of the chinese army uses ak-47 copies/ or ak-47 based weapons. the bullpup special rifle is given to chinese special forces.

yes,but axe said that they will change it[/quote]

Nahh read Hosenfield post :wink: all chinese weapons based on soviets ,so AK-47 is primary weapon i think they are no replace it.

How many rifles they must buy :shock: .

Maybe 30 millions M-16 :lol: :lol: :lol:

nice,they will repleace it with a better weapon?[/quote]

hello . I can answer your question with pics

the new automatic weapon just named “95” because the product year :smiley:

OMG, it’s a bullpup. Why oh why oh why oh why???

whats wrong with bullpup weapons?

Try putting one to your left shoulder and firing it. You’ll only do it once!*

Then, realising that you cannot fire it from the left shoulder, work out how to shoot around the left side of cover without exposing your body.

*unless it’s a FN 2000 or a correctly adjusted FAMAS or AUG. If so, put it to your right shoulder and do the same thing.

Do you think it makes that big of a diffrence? If it did so, then why do so many armies around the world use them?

in NATO, only the SA-80 cannot be adjusted to fire left-handed. AFAIK, these new AK-based ones also cannot. An SA-80 LH prototype was produced, but rejected on cost grounds.

12 countries use the AUG (a lot of those have also other 5.56mm rifles on inventory), a couple use the FAMAS, and basically only the UK uses the SA-80 (some were fobbed off on a couple of countries). So that’s no more than about 20 countries that have bullpups on inventory, out of 190-ish countries - so about 10% of countries use them. Not exactly a huge number.

The US rejected the idea of bullpups for “tactical reasons”, and the latest FN bullpup design goes to great engineering lengths to be fired from either shoulder, so I’d say that it must make some reasonable amount of difference, otherwise the US wouldn’t object, and FN wouldn’t have bothered. I’d certainly hate to have to expose my body to fire around the left-side of cover!

Interesting, I wonder if any member of the UK Army here has any experience with it and how much of a problem they find it. Ive never had a problem but then again Im not in the Army!

I was in the TA, and was never on a 2-way range so it was never a practical issue for me. You’ll find that a lot of those who don’t think it’s a problem are post-SLR era, since they don’t know any different. Some people who are heavily left-eye dominant can’t shoot for toffee with it for obvious reasons.

I shoot IPSC rifle, and enjoy the schadenfreude of watching people with bullpups/heavily customised ARs who can’t shoot from the left shoulder trying to twist their bodies around to take left-of-cover shots without going over the fault line!

Cuts has some seriously strong views about bullpups…

There are a lot of non bull pup rifles which don´t have versions for left handad shooters. An example is the H&K G36. It is not necessary since the cartridge is expelled to the front right side, so a left handed will not be hit by the cartridge

Can wereturn to the topic??? You know chinese army in the WW2.
Do anybody know if the comunist army employed something similar tothe commisars?

Does the nationalist army employed anti-tank rifles?

No the nationalists don’t have anti tank rifles. In fact they only have the very basic infantry weapons.

As for the communists, they had commisars in the army but they have completely different functions to the Russians.

In fact, I read in the web that chinese nationalist used the solothurn AT rifle.
About the comissars, they didn´t go to combat with the soldiers?

Not really. their places are more in the commanding posts to moderate the commanding of the battle. Of course when time comes (When not many soldiers left) they do join the battle, in fact some of the high ranking officers did that too, and most of them are killed. Any way when the commisars join in the fight they are just like an ordinary soldier. And they do not shoot the run aways like the russian commisars did (because their weren’t any, we fought to the last man!!)

I would like to know if someone can tell me about the smallest level organization of the chinese (nationalist and communist) armies.
It´s just for playing wargames.

Which kind of support weapons did they employ with the company?
I have read about MG, LMG and light mortars.