Clean Up

it got the green light from me too
it is because of the jetlag, i slept from 12:00am to 3:50pm

Done! I consider this topic closed untill next year. :smiley:

Just like to say thanks for all your help. Good job guys. :wink:

One more suggestion Gen!
So far we moved all threads older than June 2005.

I suggest that monthly to add to the current archive (2005) threads on which the last post is on July 2005, August 2005 and so on (meaning to keep a 6 months availability on the current open threads).

Yes but we will have a 2006 Archive room as well. Makes it easier to sort by years. All topics that are from 2005 will still go to the 2005 AR naturally.

The time-frame distance for moving how long should be?
For instance, on last post was on 1st of August.
We’ll move in the Archive 2005 in February 2006?

Well Ive already been working on a rolling 6 Month Archive of old posts, hope this is OK.

The only time I don’t do it is when archiving the post will make the Rooms list of topics look very few.

Should I stop this? Or continue?

I continued today with exception of ww2 websites, games movies books etc.

Again we are approaching the end of another year and all staff will be required to lock old threads and move them to the archive 2006 room. So we will do like last year and separate things for each staff member to handle. So this is just a warning. We will start acting on it around Nov and finish with is around early Jan. Then we will have another addition the 2006 archive room. Maybe ill do what i did with other wars and keep it small from there. Anyhow FYI.

I think if we all just spend a few minutes moving redundant posts to the 2006 room it will be no problem at all.

Stilll in use that 6 months rule?
:wink: …just asking!

Just a reminder that we will do the end of the year clean up between xmas and new years. Shouldnt take that long at all. Maybe we can just decide on a date. We will divide the forum up into sections or I can do this. And you will just go in and lock down the threads that havent been posted on since July. Then move them to the 2006 archive room. Of course if its a real good one you might want to leave it coz alot of ppl are reluctent to look past the 1st page of a section. So think about it a bit while working. After we are done Ill make a new archive section (like the other wars forum) and we will have two years worth of stuff and ready for the next year.

[b]So can we decide on a date or days that we will do this just so we can inform the members of what is going on??

Then we will decide who takes what.

Anytime GS! We could do this during December.

Edited: BTW, congrats for your 2000 posts.:wink:

Anytime for me as well after 27th though.

Maybe we should take the approach of reducing all sections to 2 pages or 40 threads. Use your own judgement…if its pretty much dead move it.

So I say we start soon. Whatever just before the end of the year. We’ll start when everyone has acknowledged their sections. So move to 2006 Archive Room and Lock them. Any questions?

How about

GS: General ww2 Dis, Site FB, A&M WR
Dani: WW2 Section minus Gen ww2 Dis
PK: Off-topic Gen, WW2 Vid uploads
FF: Off-topic Mil, ww2 web sites
FW: Books Games and Movies

Remember Leave no Redirect!

i have no problem doing this.

PK: Off-topic Gen, WW2 Vid uploads

Okay, I did some already.

Roger that.

:oops: Oops! I didn’t wait FF and FW.

Anyway, next week I’ll look again in the 2006 archive for moving back if necessary.

Im sure FF will be okay with it. I just wanted to make sure knew their sections. Naturally you might have to go and move threads untill the end but if you want to start now go ahead. I did with my sections.

Oh yea i moved some theads in here to the A&M Archive room. Getting a bit cluttered in here for just the 6 of us that can actually post in here.

OK I will start on mine soon.