Colombian Military

Wow those are some really good pics! Feel free to show more!

Thank you :smiley:

Video on Colombian Military.

Colombian Marines during excersizes.[Monkey Chavez thinks our Islands belong to him :twisted: ]

Video for memory of dead soldiers.Not forgotten.

Helping in Peru

is the digital style uniform new? i was married to a colombiana for awhile, and we had a place near bucaramanga. i alwasy remember when we came to roadblocks, you had to be pretty close to see who they were. luckily, i never ran into the FARC or ELN at close quarters, though one time on the way to cucuta they fired at us from soem distance, as we recognised they were not army from their boots at distance, and turned around in a hurry! good if the uni change makes ID easier!! i was also fascinated by the weapons. the marines near santa marta carried M-14s of US make. the army always seemed to have a mix of M-16s and HKs. ran into the paras quite alot. always treated well by them(they were fascinated by a gringo!). they carried a mix that must have made it hell to carry ammo. havent been back to colombia in about 3 years. i dont miss the crazy ex, but i do miss Colombia!!

So many war materiel that is badly used.

Capo…do you know when the Colombian military will stop fouling around and get serius? at list one time in forty years ?

The Colombian Military should follow the example of the Argentine Military , that is wiping out the terrorist without any kind of compromise, you people need peace, not peace talks.

Perhaps you need general Videla, is about 80s now but it could be useful .:roll:

actually, the colombian army has made huge gains since Uribe was made president in 2002. it used to be totally unsafe to travel between most cities except by air. now the problme colombia seems to have, at least in the northeast, is the highway system cant handle all the traffic since it became so much safer to travel.

Huge gains ?

Dont think so, FARC and FLN moves freely across the country, they had his own zone to enjoy their criminal activities. They have enough free hand to kidnap and kill whatever they like to kill.

Maybe the situation is not that bad but is bad enough, and shameful enough. If I was a US taxpayer ill be very hungry about it , I mean so many of my dollar giving away to a very incompetent armed force.