Communism good or bad?

Actually this is extremely debatable and in fact history has PROVEN your statement to be incorrect. Communism cannot afford to pay the cost of being a superpower. The U.S.S.R learnt this and China is learning this, strong as they are they still have a long way to go before they can match the economic might of the U.S.A.

The USSR was a world power, but a flawed one, they didnt take care of resourses and pollution is/was rife in the former East Block. They failed because the privaledged few, ruled over the underclass. It does not mean communism when the party hierarchy got to shop for western goods at private stores does it.

Russia produced less grain in 1956 than it did in 1913. This surprised Kruschev. (from Solzhenitsyn, IIRC) And the USSR was a net importer of food until its collapse.

Not a terribly good use of resources, eh?

i love the communist ideal, everybody equal living under the same flag with no social problems and capitalism, but it would never work, NEVER!

It’s impossible to make everybody support the communist ideal, except by force and then we would taking a lot of rights to the people (happened on the ussr).

It’s impossible to join all countries under the same flag. except by force.
I’m portuguese, portugal didn’t entered ww2, but if someone invaded portugal i would fight for freedom till my last breath, most people from all countries think like me.

like it was said before, a surgeon deserves more than an ordinary medic, it’s unfair

for communists, everybody would have a job and everything wich wantes, so there would be no social problems or crime. WRONG. social problems allways exist. even if everybody were well educated and socially correct, there were allways people wanting more than others, people killing 4 power, etc. besides that, brain problems are a reallity =(

well but there is something i must admit, since the fall of the ussr that russia as more problems than ever =(
i can’t say my country isn’t a quite bad too… (lol)

Doing the Russian Revolution they actually used and recycled the earths resources aswell as take care of their land and plan out the area they will be constructing on before they build.

:lol: you’ve got to be kidding!

Lets write a little list out:

Chernobyl (ok not Russia itself but part of the USSR)
The Soviet chemical weapons production facilities
Oil industry
Brown coal mining
Emission laws (OK the laws exist but are generally ignord if the right palms are greased)
Release of anthrax from a research facility (Sverdlovsk, 1979)
Pollution of Lake Baikal through the paper industry

etc etc etc

The former USSR is an environmental nightmare

you can´t apply the comunism,the men have ambitions,always,somebody will want to be better,taking oportunity.

an easy example of why you can´t apply the comunism:

there is a guy who cleans the streets

and there is other who works in mines.

both of them earn the same money,but the mine worker will get angry because he does a harder work and he wins the same as the cleaner.

then,fights,and more revolutions,because the things will never be equal,it´s impossible.

that easy.




welcome to the forum!.

Even Marx recognised this. IIRC, he said something that even in ten thousand years there will be no true Communism as an equal society.


~~Since the collapse of the Soviet Union 1991, The Russian Military were forced to engage in destroying 29% of their weaponary and to construct 12 more American Embassy’s over Russia’s perimeter.

Have they lost power and gained trust of the United States or have the U.S.A decieved them covering their eyes to the truth?


God forbid this!!!

If you were lived few years in Communism you were sick of it.

Evil “future”, belive me! (Actually it seems that it is Future-in-the-Past…) :smiley:

Edited: Till 1989 I lived in Communist Romania. Where you lived till 1991??

I think the 95,000,000 people who died due to Communism would disagree with you Commando J. As would the hundreds of millions who had to live under it.

The communists were as evil as the Nazis, it was just couched in propaganda that belied it, so “useful idiots” would support it.

You just read my thoughts, Man of Stoat!!

totally agree with dani and stoat.

we need to take care of young minds.

The Communist ideal in Russia through the 20th century, some years were absolutely aweful !!!, poverty, no hospitality, no religeon, no travelling over sea’s, and murderess leaders, Communism is thought to people to be an aweful way to live , some people dont like the Chinese rules, e.g One baby per couple.
If you think of it, if a country converts to communism it needs the right resources, the right rules to abide by, happy workers and promised future, Right ???, you need to change the rules so everyone is happy, places like "Australia, USA, or the UK dont need new policies , they dont need to have communism, sure they have their problems with democracy but countries like that wouldn’t cope with the Communist Ideal, right ?

I’ve now come to the conclusion that you’re stark raving bonkers.

Nobody “needs” to have communism - people need NOT to have it!

My point is that some countries can handle communism and others just dont have the resources to provide such promises to the workers and peasents.
The communist ideal needs to be changed very differently, because it is corrupted at the moment.

No country can handle it - it’s got a 100% failure rate at the moment, and the blood of 95,000,000 on its hands.

There are only 5 remaining communist countries, and none of them are terribly pleasant to live in: China, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, North Korea.

The whole idea is fundamentally flawed, and no tweaking at the edges will change that. Ever read any Lenin? It’s utterly barking. I’ve also read the 1st bit of Bukharin’s “ABC of communism”, which is also intellectually vacuous (unsupported statements, “isn’t it obvious”, and other cop-outs).

communism is dieing off, soon it will be a thing of the past right man of stoat?

How to make our democracy better is up to the people now.

See, the thing is, Karl never really thought communism to be an idea to govern a country. Communism was kind of like a family system, its basis is which everyone shared wealth and everyone had the same ownership of land as long as they did their part to work and further their “family”, but the modern communism is a dictatorship that turns countrys into hell holes, thank you Stalin, the great leader of Russia :stuck_out_tongue:

read the book “Animal Farm” George Orwell’s look back on communism :stuck_out_tongue:

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