Communism good or bad?

Stalin is worst leader of Soviet people. :lol:


Can you really debate on the fact on who “Lenin” or “Stalin” killed more innocent people.

No, cos Stalin had much longer to do it in - it’s quite clear who’s the ignominious winner in that contest.

Quite true Man of Stoat, theres one thing i agree on with you heh heh. :slight_smile:

StalingradK wrote:

read the book “Animal Farm” George Orwell’s look back on communism

Exactaly: look back on Communism. There is one problem with that though, and that was calling it Communism. Communism has yet to appear except in dreams/fantasies. We must stop looking back at what is known as Communism and start looking at what Communism should be, and how to make it work. We should start thinking about the changes that everyone (or at least most) agrees needs to happen and make them happen. You must be thinking: “the problem is that Communism can’t work because of Human Nature, how can we fix that?” As I have already said: we need to either get rid of Human Nature or update it. It has been with us for how long? Don’t you think it might be alittle behind the times? I find it hard to beleive that we really need to have the uber-competitiveness that was spawned having to to fight for our lives and for mates. But, I’ve already said all of this before on this thread.

Animal Farm shows how communism should have been :?

I read Animal Farm at my high School years ago, i cant remember alot.
Who were the Humans again?, were they tsar’s or the communist govenment ?

The pigs were the communist government - the humans were the outside world.

Oh yes thats right, the pigs ate all the food and stuff and gave the rest of the animals hardly scraps and made forced labour.

NO DAMMIT PEOPLE, we are talking about the first few chapters of the book “how communism should have been” when snowball runs the farm and everything is great, he is kind of like the Lenin of russia but much nicer. Only when Napoleon (Stalin figure) kicks him out, the farm turns to hell.

Everything wasn’t so great when Lenin was the Soviet Dictator leader.
Lenin was a murderer just like Stalin, they were friends until lenin died in January 21, 1924. Stalin abided by Lenin’s rules and policies until 1933–the same year that hitler was starting to rise up with his nazi party.

That’s why I said but much nicer… lol, you just don’t like me do you? :smiley: