Contemporary neo-Nazism

Just two parties. Both have the problems with law today.

Perhaps, but it is known that Putin has shut down virtually all critical TV news of him. Did he not convert an independent news channel into a sports network?

you talk about “critical TV news of him” which sponsored by criminals by Beresovskij or Gusinskij. Both are searched by the justice today.
These “independent canals” are not critical - it’s russiafobian.

… But Iraq at least has the pretension of “liberating” people from a dictator whereas Chechnya

pretension of “liberating” …! :wink:
Open your eys. Iraq has the pretension to Civil and Religions war today.
In Chechnij at least peoples are not so much died as in Iraq today .

But Russia has been rather ruthless in Chechnya nevertheless.

So , what do you propose?
to be “good and affectionate” as Americans in Iraq?

I don’t get my information from their media. And thank you for agreeing with my point, that anybody critical of the Russian gov’t is ‘investigated’ or perceived as a ‘criminal.’:wink:

pretension of “liberating” …! :wink:
Open your eys. Iraq has the pretension to Civil and Religions war today.
In Chechnij at least peoples are not so much died as in Iraq today .

Really, are you sure? LOL I didn’t say I greed with the Neoconservative new world order of democracy, I don’t. But some did have good intentions. And the interest of ordinary Chechens hasn’t been at the top of the Russian gov’ts list I suspect.

So , what do you propose?
to be “good and affectionate” as Americans in Iraq?

I think maybe autonomy for Chechnya might be the best for all involved. And America has spent billion$ ‘rebuilding’ Iraq, to the point we underfund our own projects at home. And certainly the US could act far worse in Iraq, we (mostly) prosecute our rapists and murderers there, I can point to several high profile, embarrassing cases of US military justice at work; I suspect I’d have a hard time finding high profile court martial of Russian soldiers charged with death squad activities or the “disappearances” of Chechens.

Don’t be at point of absurdity. We have many really independent sources: EUROnews, CNNInternational, BBSnews. I don’t say about much newspaper and radio canals. I personaly, use internet - i constantly read western translations. I exelent know all of you “arguments”.
Don’t try , please, to wonder me by some “truth-facts” about Russia.
I can aggree that today Russia still far from democraty. But i know, we are in right way. I support the closing of “oligarch’s canals” -this is the real “fifth column” as MSN-site in USA.
I know that basic TV-canals are pro-government today. Therefore i watch this just to know “right side”, becouse usialy i learn the the “other side” information from the net and Satellite-chanals.
I support the disigion of Putins about limitation of work the foreign “social” organisation in RF. Some of them are the “fifth column” also.

Really, are you sure? LOL I didn’t say I greed with the Neoconservative new world order of democracy, I don’t. But some did have good intentions. And the interest of ordinary Chechens hasn’t been at the top of the Russian gov’ts list I suspect.

good intentions …
Do you hear the proverb: The way of good intentions - this the road to hell.
The Chechens are in Chechen govermnant - that’s enough. They have a influence to governmant over Chechen diaspora in Moscow.
Chechens are presented in Soviet of Heads of Federations (parlament) and Duma.

I think maybe autonomy for Chechnya might be the best for all involved. And America has spent billion$ ‘rebuilding’ Iraq, to the point we underfund our own projects at home. And certainly the US could act far worse in Iraq, we (mostly) prosecute our rapists and murderers there, I can point to several high profile, embarrassing cases of US military justice at work; I suspect I’d have a hard time finding high profile court martial of Russian soldiers charged with death squad activities or the “disappearances” of Chechens.

THEY HAD AUTONOMY ALREADY in 1996-1999. Extrime islamist organisation were penetrated to Chechnij (Ichkiria). Peoples had not the work , schools was closed .
Islanist forces attaked the Dagestan.
This coulb be the end of peace live in Kavkaz where i ,personaly ,live.
I think you don’t know the importain difference between Iraq and Checnij.
Iraq - this is imperial agression ( for oil ) . Chechnij - this is the forced measure to stop the civil war in Kavkaz.