Could German have won World War 2?

No. Cruschev desroyed all that was build… And now there is a reconstructed Church of Criest the Savior.

If Britain would have fallen to the Germans I think that Germany had much better odds of winning the war. And i mean Victory completly over Europe. Not Russia. I think this would have just come to a stalemate.

If Britain would have fallen to the Germans I think that Germany had much better odds of winning the war. And I mean Victory completly over Europe. Not Russia. I think this would have just come to a stalemate.[/quote]

You mean…
IF Germany had not attacked Russia…
IF Germany had managed to defeat the British in the air
IF the US had not been supplying Britain with supplies and parts for planes
IF the US had not gotten involved with forces

and IF this that and the other…

You fail completely to understand everything altogether it seems:

By early 1943 Germany’s resources in men, manufacturing capabilities, and money was begining to rapidly deminish. War against Russia cost Germany millions of men, and the country’s male population was greatly reduced.

Germany’s navy had been reduced to almost nothing by 1943 by US and British naval forces, and importing iron ore from Sweden to continue manufacturing goods for the war had become costly and difficult.
American and British bombing of Germany in 1943-44 reduced Germany’s manufacturing capabilities to nothing.

1944, Germany was in complete retreat with the Russians pushing them back into Germany - because Germany could no longer supply it’s soldiers in the east or west.

By the time the invasion forces of the US, Canada, and Britton landed in France, Germany’s large remaining forces in the field were no longer able to receive adequate supplies from Germany. Then it was only a matter of time to push the Germans back to Germany - which was tough because Germany had a few hundred thousand in the west and more in the east.

Had Germany by some miricle managed to defeat Britain’s RAF and actually invade Brittain, they would have suffered severe losses when they got there. The British would have given them a lot to think about. Even if this had been possible, and they had taken Britain, the army necessary to occupy britain would have been impossible to achieve for Germany in their state. And even if they had managed to do that, the US had the manufacturing capacities and numbers to counter and kick them out. The invasion in France would have simply taken place first in Brittain intead of in France.

I cannot see how anyone could specualte that Germany had a change of winning that war once Russia and the US got involved. It’s ludicrous to consider that Germany could have done anything but loose.
had all of your “IF’s” come to pass, Germany could not have defeated the US any more than they were able to defeat Russia. With America’s manufacturing capacity and huge population, there is nothing germany could have done to stop the US.

You mean…
IF Germany had not attacked Russia…
IF Germany had managed to defeat the British in the air
(YES and they almost did)
IF the US had not been supplying Britain with supplies and parts for planes
IF the US had not gotten involved with forces
(I would like to see US invade England and France from where Iceland. Yea right!)

and IF this that and the other…

You fail completely to understand everything altogether it seems:

(You are pissing off just about everyone on this forum with your insults. Here are some suggestions and if you dont like them call me what you want…I dont really care. You seem to want to push yourself up by putting others down by what you think you know. This is sad and the above statement seems to imply that. As one to another…chill out man. You fail completely to understand everything altogether it seems how to be naturally polite to other people. It will come to the point where you can make your posts but no one is going to read them or respond. So chill out or talk to yourself. Im assuming you already do this quite abit anyhow. Im not looking for an apology just asking you nicely to calm down. This is not a forum to go haha i know more than your stupid ass. This is a forum to debate and discuss like adults. If you persist with your current way I and im sure most of the members of the site will be asking for you to be kicked. So please with sugar on it. Be polite. This goes for others that im sure you might think are antagonizing you. I suggest going above this and be and adult. Simply look past others insults. Hopefully they will do the same.)

Very well said Gen.! Yes i agree with what you are saying, if Britain had fallen into German hands, there would be a major problem. Of course Germany should not attack Russia. Maybe if Hitler had somehow assinated Stalin, I think that would bring Russia into a devastated state to fight Germany.

You’re nuts. I’ve insulted nobody. You are refering to someone else.

You’re nuts. I’ve insulted nobody. You are refering to someone else.[/quote]

HAHA! :smiley: :smiley:

If Britain had provided bomber and fighter support in France before the Germans took the entire country (there were a few months to prepare), it would have saved a lot of lives later on. I think that could have been a powerful factor in the Allied loss of life in France.

so the railway station is actually the palace constuction site?
sorry if its a stupid qusetion, i really want to know more about russia, its a really interesting country to me, thanks:)

You’re nuts. I’ve insulted nobody. You are refering to someone else.[/quote]

HAHA! :smiley: :D[/quote]
what a way to insult your own iq :wink:
(to ironman, not SAM)[/quote]

You are insulting me again. You need to stop that.

You’re nuts. I’ve insulted nobody. You are refering to someone else.[/quote]

HAHA! :smiley: :D[/quote]
what a way to insult your own iq :wink:
(to ironman, not SAM)[/quote]

You are insulting me again. You need to stop that.[/quote]

I am going to agree with him on this one. Please stop insults from now on. IRONMAN im sideing with you on this one but please dont make me regret it.

ok, my fault, delete

No worries just please dont insult others anymore. We might have to go back and delete 50 posts to get rid of all the insults so just keep it clean from now on. :smiley:

There is something that I hope you will all read here:

This was the 3rd thread I posted in, and I had been drawn into an argumentative behavior by others who posted aggressively against a movie suggestion and my opinion on what was the best fighter of WWII in 2 other threads. My choice of words was too harsh. I apologize for that.

The RAF were in France in 1939 (My Grandfather among them) Along with the Army the Fact is that we were not as prepared for war as the Germans and so The Commander of the RAF wrote a letter to Winston Churchill to stop him sending any more planes to France as to lose many more would have left Britain unable to defend itself.

In the beginning Britain stood alone and the only help they got in the first year was from people who had escaped their countries ahead of German occupation and volunteers from other countries including The USA as some citizens travelled to Canada and joined up to help fight.

The Royal Navy did a good job of holding the German Navy in Check apart from the U-boats which were a major hindrance,and by half way through the war the Germans had no surface fleet worth worrying about as they could not leave port for fear of being Sunk as had happened to the Bismark, other than the E-boats which managed to kill so many during the practices for D-day(I refer to the practice on the South Coast of England when many American troops were lost)

I think that had Hitler and Stalin managed to keep a truce going then Europe could have been occupied for years, But that itself was unlikely to happen.

Aug 25, 1939 - Britain and Poland sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty

Sept 3, 1939 - Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany

Sept 4, 1939 - British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy

Sept 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany

Britain was not alone at all. At least 6 nations had declared war on Germany. The actions and announcements made by Hitler and the nazis in the few years prior to the war put the entire continent on pins and needles. The smell of war was in the air for several years prior to it’s outbreak. To prevent war, several apeasments were made between European countries and Germany in an attempt to prevent war. They simply gave into Germany’s demands.

One of the most ironic things about it all, is that when the war broke out, German did not have a large military force. German pilots, for example, flew their planes in huge circles around Germany’s borders to give the impression that numerous German fighters were pattolling the borders, when in fact, there were very few, and they were only making a show of themselves over and over again.

The British Navy did indeed do a fine job fighting the German navy. I think one mistake made by Britain and France was not tooling up for the war much sooner when the signs of it’s inevitability were in the air. The French placed too much importance on the flawred Magieau Line and did not build a stronger army. Britain did not build a stronger air force, and the US did not expect Japan to come after it’s navy. These are some of the biggest mistakes of the war by the Allies.

Had these been averted, the Allies would have had a much stronger resistance to Germany from the very start, and that would have prevented the loss of a lot of lives, and a shorter end to the war. I suppose the lessons have been learned by all of these nations from that experience.

so the railway station is actually the palace constuction site?
sorry if its a stupid qusetion, i really want to know more about russia, its a really interesting country to me, thanks:)[/quote]

Yes. The subway station named “Palace of Soviet” is directly under construction site. In plans, the exit from it must be in the hall of palace.

The countries you mention were the ones I was talking about.Most I suspect if they had not been part of the commonwealth might not have declared war against Germany since it really posed no direct threat to them.

The RAF had been expanding thanks to a insightful minority however there are limits to the resources available for the military in peacetime.

The “commonwealth” of Britain dissolved in the 19th century. However, I suppose those countries did feel some sence of security that britain was going into the war.

The “commonwealth” of Britain dissolved in the 19th century. However, I suppose those countries did feel some sence of security that britain was going into the war.[/quote]

The Commonwealth didn’t dissolve the Empire did and then only in the 20th Century and most countries wanted to keep their association alongside having their Independance.SO the Commonwealth still exists.