Could German have won World War 2?

I think Germany I could vyygrat’ war if with b it did not begin war against THE USSR, or began, but then, plus to everything the allies of tokryli the second front!

if stalin really has plan to invade europe, then would that make hitler the hero to stop the big disaster with a smaller disaster in comparison :lol:

The other major example of Stalin’s strategic planning was his timing in
his attack on Finland. If he had attacked Finland before Germany invaded Poland, England and France probably would declare war on Russia, and Hitler would be glad to join that alliance. Can you imagine French troops
riding trains through Germany to fight alongside the Nazis in Poland?!!
Of course, Stalin was too clever to let that happen.

The other major example of Stalin’s strategic planning was his timing in
his attack on Finland. If he had attacked Finland before Germany invaded Poland, England and France probably would declare war on Russia, and Hitler would be glad to join that alliance. Can you imagine French troops
riding trains through Germany to fight alongside the Nazis in Poland?!!
Of course, Stalin was too clever to let that happen.[/quote]

Ya so they might get Russia, but then Germany would have to declare war on the rest of the world, and ofcourse France would declare war on Germany, and by that time, Germany is fairely depleted.

:shock: stalin has plan to invade europe? (soviet could win,because german army isn`t big as soviet,and stalin had more power than hitler)

Yep. Stalin want to get whole world… Even began to build the “Soviet Palace”. Fantastic project. That was palace, were Soviet must wrote joining documents of the last repubplic of USSR. Fantastic palace - and the statue of Lenin on it with height of statue - 113 meters. That building wasn’t build, but in the Moskow even now left station of subway “Soviet palace” :lol:

do you know why it wasnt build, not enough money?

Not. The war has began. And began with Hitlers plan, not Stalins. They “liberation of Europe” was canceled and thousand people from this project was sended to the fronline…

Nice pictures of “Sovie palace” projects:
Was chosen to build the second variant.

wow 8)

I do believe that is Command and conquer, modern warfare not WW2, right? But nice pic anyway.

If the Hitler was planned to attack SU not in the June, but in the August or late in the June? that picture would be true :slight_smile:

I do believe that is Command and conquer, modern warfare not WW2, right? But nice pic anyway.

yes,it is command and conquer 2:red red alert,einstein goes back in time,eliminates hitler and ta-da! no ww2.then stalin grows stronger and invades europe.i thought putting this screenshot would be a funny addition.i guess most of you didn’t get it,which proves you have lifes and are not nerds :slight_smile:

so what are the functions of those buildings


Germany had not stopped bombing British airfields, etc. etc., they still would have lost the war once the US devoted itself to the effort. You can slice it all however you like, it comes out the same:

The US had virtually unlimited manufacturing capacity with huge natural mineral resources on the continent, and a workforce of many millions. The US could have provided tens of times as many soldiers alone to the war than Germany had as an entire population. The population of Germany was about 17 million? and the US was about 120 million. Before Germany had begun to retreat from Russia, it’s male population was already devastated, because 14 million German and Russian men died in the eastern front. With a little time, and especially after the retreat of the Japanese in the Pacific, countless US warships and submarines would insure that nothing could stop a massive and continuous US invasion of Europe.

For that matter, when Germany attacked Russia it sealed it’s fate. Germany could never dream of having the resources, regardless of what small countries they had conquered, to take on Russia and the US\Canada\Australia\etc. in a front on the west. There simply was nothing that Germany could have done, save for developing the atomic bomb, to prevent it’s demise.

People love to speculate about “what if…” and “if only…” and ponder what Germany could have done. The real answer of it all is “not much”. They started a war that got too big for a country of their size to make good on. All the speculation in the world does not change that. Germany’s resources and ability to fight began to decrease in 1942 and never stopped decreasing. All the while, her enemies capacity to fight only continuously increased. It was only a matter of time. Germany was amazingly effective while they lasted, no doubt about it. But it was a lost cause when they attacked Russia, and when the US joined the war, victory was no longer in doubt.

Dont forget that good commanders and tactics can change things quickly. Normandy might have failed. Dont forget the disaster Monty planned the didnt work. (Operation Market Garden). The first time out against the Germans the Americans got owned at Kasserine Pass. We had to learn the hard way just as everyone how to defeat Germany. If Hitler had not interferred so much things could have been very different.

True about the commanders. But no nation who faught in that war succeeded at every battle. The British got “owned” some too. The French got “owned”, the Czechs got “owned”, the Italians got “owned”, everyone got “owned” by some measure.

“…Normandy might have failed.”
“Americans got owned…”
“If Hitler had not…”
“We had to learn…”

Speculation, which does not change the big picture. The whole thing boils down to capacity to render war. Germany was a farily small nation with poor mineral resources (they imported iron ore from Sweden to make weapons because they had very little), they took on Russia and the US. There’s no mystery about it at all.

so what are the functions of those buildings[/quote]

more information:

so what are the functions of those buildings[/quote]

more information:[/quote]

Interesting facts. Would it be possible to see the bottem half, that was already built, today?