Countries you have visited.


South America is one Continent

and North America is another Continent[/quote]

WRONG,America was the entire continent which has divisions and they are South America,North America AND CENTRE/CENTRE AMERICA! (centro america).
the name Americo Vespucio (and he wasn’t named Norte Americo Vespucio!)

go and read some books boy!


South America is one Continent

and North America is another Continent[/quote]

WRONG,America was the entire continent which has divisions and they are South America,North America AND CENTRE/CENTRE AMERICA! (centro america).
the name Americo Vespucio (and he wasn’t named Norte Americo Vespucio!)

go and read some books boy![/quote]

Actually Erwin, Minimalistix is correct, North and South America are two different continents. Central America is technically a part of North America on maps and such. Starting when Central America touches the tip of Colombia, is when South America begins.


South America is one Continent

and North America is another Continent[/quote]

WRONG,America was the entire continent which has divisions and they are South America,North America AND CENTRE/CENTRE AMERICA! (centro america).
the name Americo Vespucio (and he wasn’t named Norte Americo Vespucio!)

go and read some books boy![/quote]

Actually Erwin, Minimalistix is correct, North and South America are two different continents. Central America is technically a part of North America on maps and such. Starting when Central America touches the tip of Colombia, is when South America begins.[/quote]

I didn’t learn that:

In some parts of the world students are taught that there are only six continents, as they combine North America and South America into one continent called Americas.

we call it america instead of americas,and when we talk about south,central america and northern america they are part of the continent america.

i see that you’ve learnt it in other form.

My bad.

All apologizes minixmalistix

ill accept your apology for everything else apart from this

why be so aggressive for?

ill accept your apology for everything else apart from this

why be so aggressive for?[/quote]

That post is older.
and my apologize was only for when i said that south american and north america divisions of america were wrong,because i saw that is correct in an internet site.
but in my country we learn there is another called central america.



AUSTRALIA is not a continent. Oceania is Australia and the most of the pacific islands, as Filipinas, as Papua Nueva Guinea, as New Zealand, as Fiji, as Tonga, etc.

Could you all please stop these disputes??

Edited: It is only one EARTH. :smiley:



Thank you very much for your wisdom. I really don’t know that earth it isn’t a continent. :wink:

That’s chit!! :roll:

Hope that I didn’t upset you!

In patent country codes, for geeks:

GB (born there)
NL (currently live there)

And here’s me thinking it was all based on Tectonic plates?

I mean isnt it?

Canada, That is it so far. :lol: It was nice though. I am going to visit Dublin after HS though and maybe Italy.

After I graduate this year, I’m going to Europe over summer, likely to Italy, Germany, France, etc. :smiley:

Whats HS mate?

Whats HS mate?[/quote]

High School

And here’s me thinking it was all based on Tectonic plates?

I mean isnt it?

God bless you, no.

For example, your home territory is actually a bit of the North American continent stuck on to the European bit. The join, IIRC, is along the Great Glen fault.

Continents are a bit arbitrary, and perhaps different educational systems look at thing differently. However, I reckon there are 7 being N & S America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Antarctica and Australasia/Oceania.

I wonder which ones the IOC don’t count, as there are only 5 Olympic rings . . . .

Nope, dont get that.

Why does the big fault ly at Iceland? I need to learn more I suppose. Ho hum another trip to the Library inspired by ww11 in COLOUR (correct spelling) tommorrow.

The tectonic plates (effectively the crust) float about on the mantle and bang into each other. This is what causes earthquakes. I’m writing this in Noddy-speak so apologies if you feel patronised!

There are several sorts of joins between plates. These are:

Ones where they rub along (like the join that is the San Andreas fault in California)

Ones where the plates are drifting apart and magma is welling up between them, making new crust (mid ocean ridges like the one that runs through Iceland)

Ones where one plate goes under another (subduction zones, like the Marianas Trench)

During the late Silurian and early Devonian periods (about 400 M years ago) the plate that is now N America bumped into the plate that has our bit of Europe on it. Some of America broke off and stuck to Europe. The join roughly follows the Scottish/English border.

I might have a few details wrong, but essentially that’s about it.

It was recognised as such both by a comparison of rock types, tracing the Geat Glen Fault to similar structures in N america and also the presence of fossil ammonites that could not traverse deep water in rocks in N America and Scotland, and an entirely different type in Northern England, implying that these two areas where once seperated by a substantial body of water.

If you look at the map on this page

the join between what was once America (the Laurentian supercontinet) and proto-Europe is along the line marked by the Iapetus suture, Iapetus being the name given to the proto-Atlantic.

Nice photos. The sunset shots are very nioce indeed! Here’s a tip from a pro that would improve the sunst pics. Imagine the viewfinder divided into thirds. Place the subject of object of greatest interest near one of the intersecting imaginary lines that divide the viewfinder. This is called the Rule of Thirds. It creates a more interesting composition. In your pics, you could have placed the sun near one of the intersections along the upper lines for better composition. However, those are very well done images. Good job on the photography!