Countries you have visited.

nice for you to make assumptions, i’d love to know when i ever ‘bashed’ anyone delibrately and going out looking for an arguement, if you find one post where i did, ill take back i said and say you were correct, if you cant, then you would have prooved you’re a complete moron[/quote]

Correct me if Ive gone BLIND here, but you are insulting FW-190 for a post where he criticises Erwin.

Your not made of any metalic substance by any chance?

nice for you to make assumptions, i’d love to know when i ever ‘bashed’ anyone delibrately and going out looking for an arguement, if you find one post where i did, ill take back i said and say you were correct, if you cant, then you would have prooved you’re a complete moron[/quote]

:smiley: Minimalistix, you are pushing your luck!! Calm down mate![/quote]
plus i am on his side, telling erwin not to bash the others, this only proves he didnt read before posting

whoopsy, its true, i didnt read the full thing, only quickly skimmed it :oops: :oops: :oops: sorry :cry:


(how embaressing)

i hope my apology is accepted

you take the opportunity to see my posts,and forget the other,HE STARTED.

but my post are good for calling attention!

nice!,i hope you enjoyed Argentina :wink:[/quote]

you seem very lost, and for your stupidity i hope i get an apology[/quote]


coke = cocaine

thats what i meant

so,it was an insult,huh?

the cocaine flied from the buenos aires airport because the peruans came there first!,because the argentinians are less controled in the airports!,we were never famous about drugs

and why diss Greeks for, Greeks have done more then what Argentinians EVER done (and just to make it a bit fair, Greeks have also done more then Spain and Argentian combined)

you done things in the past,thanks,but thanks to the greeks of the past,now,i cannot see the progress in greece,also,im in my motherland so im in the condition to defend it,YOU NOT.

nice for you to make assumptions, i’d love to know when i ever ‘bashed’ anyone delibrately and going out looking for an arguement, if you find one post where i did, ill take back i said and say you were correct, if you cant, then you would have prooved you’re a complete moron[/quote]

:smiley: Minimalistix, you are pushing your luck!! Calm down mate![/quote]
plus i am on his side, telling erwin not to bash the others, this only proves he didnt read before posting[/quote]

he said america,i just said if he enojyed argentina because it is a part of america!,argentina is in the american continent,am i not right?

and he insulted after that saying that we make coke dealing (that is in peru,idiot)

Im not for or against this argment. But this post is an absolute classic. Erwin your ability to insult has grown over the past 5 months :twisted:

thank you so much,can you be my professor? :slight_smile:

its okay, just try not to do that again 8)

when i meant America i meant the USA

here in Australia we just say America not the whole United States Of America

ok,it is ignorant,but i accept that if that is the form to call it you learnt,it is valid.

I agree with Erwin.

The fact of naming the United States of America is a mistake commited by all the north countries, as Europe or Asia, specially the evoluted countries.

America is a continent, as Europe, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica or Africa, start to name everything by it’s name.

I would’ve said South America

Wait a minute as I put my anorak on.

There is no continent of America. There is a continent called North America and there is a continent called South America but they are two separate continents joined by an isthmus.

Calling the USA America is as common as calling the citizens of the USA Americans.

finally, someone that understands my point


Wait a minute as I put my anorak on.

There is no continent of America. There is a continent called North America and there is a continent called South America but they are two separate continents joined by an isthmus.

Calling the USA America is as common as calling the citizens of the USA Americans.[/quote]

finally, someone that understands my point

finaly someone tells the reason of the ignorance.

South America and North America aren’t countries.

but ok,we are here to learn :slight_smile:

I repeat. Call to the United States as America is A MISTAKE

And there is only one continent with the name of AMERICA, which is divided in three subcontinents, North America (Canada, United States and Mexico), Central America (it starts at the south of México and finishes in Panamá), and South America (start in Colombia, finish in the Big Island from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina-Chile). Although there are a lot of difference between the three subcontinents, the continents still being only one.

The continents are six, not more than this:


Umm, actually, there are seven continents if you are counting Europe and Asia seperate (divided at the Ural Mountains):

Seven Continents:

North America
South America

Six Continents (if you really want to stick to this)

North America
South America

(not Oceania, and the Americas are considered to be seperate continents)

south america and north america aren’t continents,america is the continent.

They call australia and Asia — Australasia :slight_smile:

Im glad my country is regarded as one of the worlds continents and yet we are so unpopulated :smiley: .


South America is one Continent

and North America is another Continent

Hence when ships were sailing west from Europe they would often be said to be sailing to “the Americas”, note the plural.