Discusion about firearms classifications


True, but by your logic, the world is a homogenous blend of generic homo sapies. Since the French are more than 50% Celtic, as you have admitted yourself, I was correct eh? Otherwise, not even the Scots and Irish would be Celtic. A Norsemen might have gotten in there somewhere! :roll:

It seems that some of you are proving to yourselves what I told you some time ago about the MP44 being the inspiration for the AK47. :lol:
I guess soon you’ll also start your own debates that disprove some of the other wild claims you’ve made.


Just want to check.

Your contention is that France is a Celtic nation because around 60% of French people can claim Celtic ethnicity. Is that correct?

We’ll leave aside the language etc as you have already made your point on this.



True, but by your logic, the world is a homogenous blend of generic homo sapies. Since the French are more than 50% Celtic, as you have admitted yourself, I was correct eh? Otherwise, not even the Scots and Irish would be Celtic. A Norsemen might have gotten in there somewhere! :roll:

It seems that some of you are proving to yourselves what I told you some time ago about the MP44 being the inspiration for the AK47. :lol:
I guess soon you’ll also start your own debates that disprove some of the other wild claims you’ve made.

Not quite.
The world is full of bastardised nations, mongrels if you will, with very few able to identify even a majority of their ancestry.
Actually, to be pedantic, the French, as a nation, do not have even 60% Celtic ancestry.
That portion of them that is white, and of European extraction, around maybe 90%, has up to 60% celtic roots.
Since 1% of the French are Jewish, and between 5-10% are Muslim, with a fair sprinkling of North African, Asian and other ethnicities, the percentage is dropping all the time.


Would you say that the United States of America is ethnically a white nation?

Please respond,


51% of the American nation be Hispanic by first language by 2007!

WOW :shock: :smiley:

WTF…Hispanics make up about 13% of the American people. They recently passed African American who are at 12%. So i dont think they will reach your 2007 projection unless they are going to breed like gerbils.

WTF…Hispanics make up about 13% of the American people. They recently passed African American who are at 12%. So i dont think they will reach your 2007 projection unless they are going to breed like gerbils.[/quote]

Might be kind of difficult for anyone to be too precise here.

“a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean a person of Latin American descent (including persons of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin) living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.)”


That’s like arguing that one shade of blue is no longer blue because someone added a little white to it and now it’s medium bluie and not navy blue.

Or alternatively it is like arguing that white becomes blue if I add a little blue to it? I am afraid the argument you put cuts boths ways, so helps not one bit.

Nobody here is claiming that the French are Franks, anymore than they claiming they are Germanic…or indeed Celts. France is rather like Britain in that sense, the British are not Celts or Anglo-Saxon or Viking. We all speak English, but some people (some scots, some welsh and some cornishmen) also speak a celtic language. But the British are not celts, they are a mixture of all of those things and others too. In some regions one or more of those things may be more dominant.

It was you that made claims about the French being Celts to support your contention, which was wrong as you eventually conceded, that French was a Celtic language. The bottom line is that French is a Romance language just as you speak a Germanic language (English). Just becuase some of the words you use (for example Ketchup, which is originally Malay) come from some other languages doesn’t suddenly make your language something other thasn Germanic.

I am genuinely at a loss as to why you persist in arguing about things that you obviously have no expertise in when you are presented with overhwelming evidence that you are wrong.

Practically every thread you particpate in comprises you making some unsustainable claim, a few people pointing out why you are wrong, then you responding with ever more desperate attempts to avoid conceding you are wrong. And when you do finally concede you do so begrudgingly and with a lack of grace.

Thats because he (IronMan) has never been able to live up to his parents expectations.

I can’t accept Geordies speak English.


The French started as Celtic people, and they are 60%+ Celtic today, and since I had a Western Civilization professor with a PhD tell me that the French should be considered Celtic, I go with his opinion. Naturally, you are welcome to your own. :wink:

BTW, we can’t consider the people of India as Hindi anymore you know. Caucasian people mixed with then a very long time ago to a large degree, even so much as to change the bone structure of their faces to resemble caucasians. We need to call them, Hinidicasians I guess. :shock:

Yes calling them asian seems to work better. Feel free to make up words at leisure, I am sure you will!

Is it fair to call all Brits scandinavian?
think very carefuly about that IRONMAN… and then dont answer and accept that it is a rhetorical question!

Got a PhD in Western Civilization? No? Ok. Then I go with what my professor said. You can go in the other direction if you like. :shock:

Out of topic,if you want to create a topic about ethnics,races and descendences.Or talk about firearms classification.

Go Erwin

Sorry,i must do my job.