Dont cry for

BOOBER Uber Alles !!!

BOOBER Uber Alles !!!

Jawhol , I was trying to say that but I get this anoying cough :mrgreen:

Deustchland was not behind in that wold cup aniway.

Saturday evening at P.K.'s schloss, (Castle Knacker) sipping a '37 Mosel, listening to Wagner, And Enrico Caruso, wearing his favorite slippers. But seriously, you should be awarded the cross. for honor, and courage in the face of all of our goofing off. So say I, Baron Raspenau

I might add Rammstein and Stratovarius to that list.

Thanks man.
Actually in other forum wich I participate there is a system of awarding wich involves medal and badges, for example you can choose to be an U.S paratroopers and get the medal like the purple heart,etc

The Ruskies have medals for dending Moscow, battle of warsaw, etc.
In the german armed forced you can choose to be of Waffenn SS, Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine and R.A.D wich have obvously a lot of medal and combat badges.

Is really nice but very hard to copy that in this forum.
Aniway you can take a look here.

Rammstein ist immer gut, als ist Modulate. Sarah Brightman auch.

That’s definitely a sheila.

I can tell by the outstanding fun bags. :smiley:

I think she is smuggling raisins…god bless her

Remember, sound military tactics require one to take the “High Ground”(s) in order to be successful.:slight_smile:

Why coz by the only outstanding bags. :wink:
You want to say except the big bags she don’t look like the woman?:wink:


Chevan’s back. :mrgreen:

Don’t stuff up again, mate, 'cos I need you around for the occasional bit of conflict. :smiley:

What do you mean, except the big bags she don’t look like a woman? Was there something else in the picture apart from the fun bags? :smiley:

Where I work, the hairy legged feminist lesbians in the equal opportunity unit put up posters with a great pair of fun bags, over the slogan “Is this how you make eye contact?”.

All the blokes said “Yeah. So what’s your point?”

We still don’t understand what the posters were about. :smiley:

I’m too glad to see you again.
I’t not a my guilt Rising Sun. I never was in conflict with you.You know it.
However the rules have changed - now i/m clearly know what about i have to be the silent ;):slight_smile:

What do you mean, except the big bags she don’t look like a woman? Was there something else in the picture apart from the fun bags? :smiley:

Nothing just forget about.

Mate, I was joking about being truly in conflict with you.

I meant I need you now and again for a bit of fun between us and a bit of conflict between us on, say, how Australia won the war despite minor contributions by Russia. :smiley:

Keep to the factual topics, such as how Australia saved Russia from invasion in 1941 by being the target for Japan’s southward advance ;), and you’ll be okay.

Good to see you back, mate. :smiley:

I can’t forget about them.

They are memorable mammaries.

I hope to see them in my sleep.

I thought in this way the Australia saved the USA mate.Not Russia.
I heared the Australia supplied over 90% of food to the american Pacific army.
Thus they won the war with Japan, not americans;):smiley:

Why is so serious mate .:wink:
Is your wife so bad that could give you nothing except the cup of tea?:slight_smile:

You’re right.

I’d forgotten that we’d saved America.

Also Britain.

As well as Russia.

And other countries.

When you’ve saved so many countries, it’s hard to remember all of them. :smiley:

More seriously, Australia was probably unique in WWII in ending the war with a Lend Lease credit because of the support provided for American troops here and in forward areas, while Churchill hated Australia for many reasons including making a lot of money from providing food and other war items necessary for Britain’s survival.

Of course, Churchill could have balanced that by actually sending the bloody forces he always promised for our defence while we got sweet F A from him while defending the Empire, but it’d be churlish to go into that. From his viewpoint, anyway.

Are you implying that, instead of fun bags, my wife has tea bags? :smiley:

Do not need to remember them :wink:
They have to remember the Australia’s sucrifices.:wink:

And what else “fun bags” do you imply?

This is why it’s so good to have you back.

Because you know that Australia won WWII almost all by itself. :wink:

Nobody else on the forum understands that. :smiley:

I don’t know.

I just wish I’d married the sheila in PK’s post.

She doesn’t have any teeth, although that could be an adavantage, but apart from that she’s just about perfect. :smiley:

How does nobody understand it ?
I thing my friend Digger understand it too :wink:
This fact is obvious for all assians , right;)