Dont cry for

Hale, Hale, the gangs all here !

Should I ?

My dear RS, you know very well that I only have a nationality, and that is not brazilian. In any case I am by far more sharp tongued that any brazilian you can imagine.

For both actually

Sorry to tell you this guys, but the party is over. :wink:

Thanks George, and by the way I am back, healthier, heavier, and harder than ever.

Welcome back Panzerknacker :smiley:

Glad to hear that you are back into your Rocky Balboa fighting trim.

Glad to hear that you are back into your Rocky Balboa fighting trim.

Thanks man, You wont have any fun otherwise.

Hello my friend, good to have you back safe. Have you any stories to tell?

Yeap, but mostly XXX rated so…:rolleyes:

Nobody deserves it more!

Nobody deserves it more!

Tanx, I will take your idea to the administrators :mrgreen:

Well, I’m pretty sure you’re not talking about whisky, And Yes, An Iron cross 3rd class for our P.K.


There was some alcohol involved aniway :wink:

hey…no going to strip clubs…without change and a bottle of ice cold beer (I have never did any of those things…maybe in Las Vegas, but am still TOO young…13 to be exact)

I do hope one involves your sharp tongue and a Brazilian, with alcohol. :smiley:

I remember “horton, and the Who” but this Dr, Seuss story is new to me.:slight_smile:


maybe in Las Vegas, but am still TOO young…13 to be exact)

Just 5 more years…:rolleyes:

BY the way , what happen with your signature? is huge, remove one of the 2 images.

I do hope one involves your sharp tongue and a Brazilian, with alcohol.

RS, Change the word “brazilian” with “argentine girl” and you will have a pretty good picture. :cool:

I was actually hoping you’d post the XXX picture, which would be pretty good. We can’t get better than X over here. :smiley:

P.S. If my missus went into a beauty parlour (which would be like a hippopotamus going into a Mercedes carwash) and asked for “An Argentinian” as distinct from “A Brazilian”, what would she get?

And don’t say Panzerknacker! :smiley:

And don’t post that picture of the Argentinian BBQ where you’re roasting elephants or something! :smiley:

P.S. If my missus went into a beauty parlour (which would be like a hippopotamus going into a Mercedes carwash) and asked for “An Argentinian” as distinct from “A Brazilian”, what would she get?

Today began the world cup of rugby so probably the people are thinking in the Pumas.

And don’t say Panzerknacker!

Dont like my beautiful face ?, pick one from this then. :mrgreen:

Aww, mate, they’re blokes.

I don’t know what you fellas get up to in the pampas, but over here we like to look at pictures of sheilas (girls, ladies - anything with genuine fun bags).

Now I’m confused.

I thought you liked sheilas, and they liked your sharp tongue. :smiley:

LMFAO! :smiley:

I could use a Brazilian actually!

Saturday evening at P.K.'s schloss, (Castle Knacker) sipping a '37 Mosel, listening to Wagner, And Enrico Caruso, wearing his favorite slippers. But seriously, you should be awarded the cross. for honor, and courage in the face of all of our goofing off. So say I, Baron Raspenau

iron slippers.jpg

I thought you liked sheilas, and they liked your sharp tongue

So much truth in this phrase.

I could use a Brazilian actually!

Cough, cough.