Downfall-deruntergang film

Ive never watched Downfall, but i have heard it is so far the best war movie that has been brought out so far.
My brother has recently gone to Bali and he is getting Downfall on Dvd for only a couple of Bux. 8) :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: 8) :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Very good movie .

i saw it months ago. at opening night in new york. hehe its good. good acting. especially the guy who played hitler.

i can’t wait until our far east adolf hitler becomes a corporal

This comes out in the states this Tuesday. Best Buy has it for 16.99. 8)

Just rented this film, in German with Dutch subtitles, so I understood about 75-80% of the dialogue.

I must say that this is one of the best and most moving films of recent years - the portrayal of Hitler is excellent; the portrayal of Eva Braun was disturbing. The counterpoint between the manic depressive, delusional, mad Hitler, and the manically happy (if such a thing is possible), equally delusional Braun was fantastic.

There are many extremely disturbing points in the film, which moved me such that having seen it once, I could not sit through it again.

First of all is the German girl who volunteers to man the 88. She is the product of having grown up completely under Naziism, and has completely absorbed the propaganda. The point when she has her suicide pact with the Hitler Jugend leader was moving, exceptionally disturbing, and it affected me greatly.

Next, the whole parts dealing with the Goebells children was also extremely moving - first of all, when the secretary is feeding them & hitler shoots himself, one of the boys shouts “Volltreffer!” (Direct hit), indicating that they really don’t have a clue as to what’s going on. When Mrs Goebells and the “doctor” are administering the sedative, “So that you don’t get ill from the dampness in this old bunker”, the little girl says “but it’s not damp in the bunker”. At this point, one of the older girls realises that something is up and refuses, so Mrs Goebells & the SS chap force her to drink it. This was particularly disturbing. And then the sequence when Mrs Goebells goes around administering the poison…

As the world of Berlin disintigrates around them, some of the die-hard Nazis are still enforcing order and discipline, executing civilians (“And who’s going to stop me?”), hanging them from lamp-posts with signs around their necks, right up to the last minute. And then when the report that the surrender has been signed, some of the SS officers shoot themselves immediately in the head.

I can see why this film caused a stir in Germany - portraying Hitler as a real person with real feelings was a bit of a first, and the fanaticism of the SS and the Hitler Jugend is probably something they’d rather learn from and then forget.

This is a slightly disjointed post, but I cannot overstate how much Der Untergang has affected me.

great movie, it would’ve been cool to see more fighting. there was a real tiger panzer in the film, too. and practically everybody is armed with assault rifles.

Fighting was most definitely not the point of the film.

And there are plenty of people armed with MP40s and Kar98s.

of course not. but it would be neat.

Its not even out in theaters here yet. Feb. 14th, '05, cant wait :smiley:

Err, you’re in the US, right? And Feb. 14th 05 was…um… 6 months ago…

The DVD was released in the US on 2005-08-02.

Buy it here:

Err, you’re in the US, right? And Feb. 14th 05 was…um… 6 months ago…

The DVD was released in the US on 2005-08-02.

Buy it here:[/quote]

Oh, :oops: I was thinking '06… :lol: another one of my fine mistakes

Did anyone see that 2 parter starring Bobby Carlisle about Hitlers early years? I thought it was fascinating.


Yes, that was pretty good. It was interesting to see how they’d actually made him look the part!

I havent seen downfall, they dont show it many places over here, except for a Imax theatre which costs like 20 bux per ticket.

Is it quite a bloody film , or have high explosive action?

By the way, “Fallschirmjager” the room you created was locked because someone had already created this one, in future please read announcements and make sure that there are any other rooms that you duplicate. :wink: :wink:

No, that’s not the point of the film. If you want that kind of film, stick to Rambo, cos you won’t understand Der Untergang and will complain about the lack of spilt guts.


No, that’s not the point of the film. If you want that kind of film, stick to Rambo, cos you won’t understand Der Untergang and will complain about the lack of spilt guts.[/quote]

rambo, you have got to be kidding me…i have never watched it and never want to, besides you dont know my movie taste.

I like war movies with battles or without battles, strategy and fustration throughout the German HQ bunkers.

commando, if you live in the us, the dvd is already out. you can get it at around 15 bucks. its worth buying. i have it.

strange hitler quotes from the movie

"“You know Mohnke, the western democracies are decadent. They will destoryed by those disciplined people of the east. It wasn’t only for germany”

"Hitler: It is not necessary to consider the german peoples’ primitive needs. They have proved themselves to be too weak and it is the law of nature that they shall be destoryed. Its better to destroy these things ourselves.

Speer: they are your people, you are the leader.

Hitler: the ones who survived the flame are the inferior ones, our best people have already fallen"

Good old Uncle Adoph, mad as a mad thingy!

Just watched this one. I thought it was pretty good. However they only had norwegian danish finnish and swedish subtitles so that was a bitch. So i had to get a “not so keen” German to watch it with me. She thought it was a pretty good movie as well but I think she would just rather assume that all Germans were on vacation between 1939-1945. :smiley:

:lol: that’s pretty funny.

It was a good movie but the language was a bitch. Luckily my copy came with english subtitles. :stuck_out_tongue: