
I’m sure that ‘Old RSM’ is a very fine gentleman, as are the majority of former Regimental Sergeant Majors. They’ve been there, seen it, done it and taken it off.

My RSM had been there, seen it and done it, with some impressive decorations. He’d also had it taken off. He lost his balls in Vietnam. But he was still a mad brave bastard, and great in bringing the lads along, and a sight to see with his black and chrome pace stick on a parade ground.

RSMs are a great breed, and not like other men.

I’ve mentioned this before, but during the Battle of Long Tan in Vietnam when the troops were badly outnumbered and outgunned and being badly shot up by the NVA, an RSM moved among the troops, according to the recollection of one digger who was trying to bury himself by wriggling into the ground while lying prone when the RSM, who was moving among the troops, visited him fairly casually under fire. The RSM said something like. “The Australian taxpayer is paying you to kill these people, lad. So start earning your money.” And he started earning his money.

Thats quite a set of dreams there Bravo,I have some experience in dream definitions, so I can give you this much. If one dreams of being pursued by something evil, either well defined visually, or a shadowy “faceless” dread, It is trying to get your attention,to tell you something. The way to get this done is to face your “dread”, and just tell it, or ask it, “what do you have for me? " what do you want to tell me” The response is either it will tell you, or just take off.Usually, once it has said what it has to say, it will leave, not to return. (Until there is something else to tell you.) The inability to strike it, or move, or talk, is actually your inability to move during R.E.M. sleep. (the part of sleep where you dream) this paralysis occurs so that the dreamer will not act out their dreams, and harm themselves or another. The sleeper is awake enough to try to move, and feel the usual sensations of moving, but still asleep enough to integrate these sensations into the dream. they actually feel that they cannot move, and so struggle to complete the motions they feel they need to.This struggle usually causes enough commotion to wake the sleeper altogether. This sort of thing happens more readily in people who are disposed to sleepwalking, where the REM motion block is already only partly functional. So next time the leering sod bugs you, just confront it, tell him to explain himself. This is a pretty common theme in dreams. Also, pay attention to colors, multiples of similar objects, things like that.

I got this recurring dream about losing teeth, this is commonly interpreted as the fear to grow up (?) or generally to undergo some sort of changeover…:confused:

Perhaps you ought to clean your teeth before going to bed?

I some times have that dream regarding my two front teeth, but I think that’s because I dread loosing my Babe-magnet looks. :confused:

That’s rather interesting TG. I was thinking tht it was initially triggered by sleep deprivation and, thus, a lack of REM. I’ve been having these dreams in various forms for decades. Most of the time, my tormentor is faceless but has a very menacing presence. In the dream I described, above, it remained vivid in my mind. Theerr were times when I was detached and looking down on this shadowy creature keeping me pinned to the ground, and then I’d be back there, trying to fight my way out as described.

It sounds, by your description, that this is a part of the human condition as the brain appears to have a safety mechanism to prevent the violence becoming a reality?

When I was very young, I used ot share a room with my grandfather. He used to dream he was back on the Somme and get out of bed to look for his rifle, which he thought he had lost (and we know how much an infantryman would not wish to loose his rifle).

I’ve never suffered from sleepwalking, but one or two of my chums do when thy’re having wierd dreams, which seems to fit with what you say.

You mean to avoid something like this?


No, I think in his case it’s simply genetic :wink:


You poor, dear fellow. You certainly do have a problem.

I had assumed you to be of German stock, not Georgian? However, I suppose you do have a certain Germanic look about you.

I feel obliged to remind members that Germany does contain some rather handsome people, but as with all nations, not all are bessed.

Is there really nothing you can do about them? No wonder you dream of loosing them, who wouldn’t??? If I were you, I’d have them removed ASAP.
Obviously too expensive a job to use a dentist. Why don’t you go and start a fight or something, and let the other chap win?

Bloody hell!..they look like a Mexican graveyard!

Sorry to diasappoint you, it’s not me. Not my kind of colorization.:wink:

I’m not disappointed, I’m happy for you, dear boy!..You’ve dispelled my concerns!

It sounds, by your description, that this is a part of the human condition as the brain appears to have a safety mechanism to prevent the violence becoming a reality?

Thats correct, its there to keep one out of trouble, normally there is no ability to move,but if the sleeper is dreaming something very active, fighting, running,flying, any sort of active theme, they might if not for this immobilizing feature actually do those things, (or try to, )which would be generally bad for them, or those sleeping next to them. I have had stories of veterans who when dreaming of old battles, have been awakened to find themselves fighting their own wives, or in the garden jumping around as though they were in a fight with an invisible opponent. The best way to wake someone up in this situation is water in the face. striking or slapping will just be integrated into the dream. just stay out of reach, as this can be a bit rough on the dreamer.

So is that brain-function missing/not working properly with people who sleepwalk?

I wouldnt go so far as to say that its the root cause, but it does certainly contribute to the condition. Most people can display some small degree of mobility during R.E.M. sleep, but not very much, like when having a night terror, or other bad dream. The Condition is known as R.B.D. (rem behavior disorder) which disrupts the normal state of Atonia (sleep paralysis) that exists in REM sleep. this is called generally parasomnia, and includes the features of sleep walking, and periodic limb movement disorder. Talking, shouting and vocal noise making while asleep are also features of R.B.D.
An odd aside is that many people who believe they have been abducted by aliens exhibit some of these traits. feel free to speculate about the correlation of that last.
This isnt my area of expertise in things dream related, but it is a part of many peoples lives. If RBD, (or aliens) have caused trouble for anyone there are tests available, and treatments that are effective in controlling the condition. In the case of aliens, there is alot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that abductions have occurred,should this be true, I recommend the use of the aluminum foil hat. :slight_smile:

From my own expereinces i.e. those that I endure and those that I have witnessed happening to others: I think much of what is happening is as a result of sleep deprivation, combined with the stresses of operations. It may have been a long time ago, but once this has been triggered, then you’re stuck with it - even if you get eight hours a night every night for the rest of your life - although, it is less frequent now than it used to be.

There must be a ‘syndrome’ for this, and I’m not convinced that it is simply PTSD as I alluded to above, there are various factors, symptoms, causes which came into play concurrently. In my opinion, if the mind has developed a means of reducing the physical violence of such dreams (believe me, in my dreams I feel extremely violent towards this spectre), then it must have some primeval roots and the mind, through milleneum, has adapted a way
to limit the damage, if not, yet, perfectly.

When these things happen to me now, it is pretty horrific during the dream, but once I’m awake, it has happened so much over the decades that it usually goes something like this:

Missus “Ssshhh…darling…Ssshhh! (she always says darling :wink: )”

Me " Was I making a noise?"

Missus “Yes, darling, but it’s okay now”

Me " :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh well, I might as well get up and make the tea."

It’s happened so many times over the thirty years we’ve been married, she’s become battle hardened. :slight_smile:

I never dream about past operational experiences or anything of the like, my dreams are usually a version or variation of what I described at the beginning of the thread. Even when, as a young man, I was going through the operational traumas, the dreams were pretty much as described. A good fire fight would have been most welcome.

The way we used to deal with this (I say we as, as I have mentioned, I wasn’t the only one, was to have a few beers, get pissed and have a good barney - or pull a bird and get layed or, all three, depending on said bird and condition of face after barney. :slight_smile: )

that is alot to have to deal with my friend, and you are lucky to have such a good, and understanding wife. I can offer one possible way to reduce the the stress of the things that you dream of, It would involve finding a good hypnotherapist, who can assist you in going into the place you find yourself with the spectre. The difference will be that with the therapist’s help, and guidance, you will be able to control, and learn what the spectre really is about. Hypnosis will allow you to experience the encounter with no fear, or hatred, and to follow through with the “fight” to bring it to a conclusion. This may well help you to finish the fight, and discover the reasons behind your dreams, and the responses you have to them. The theme of confrontation of the spectre to discover its true nature can be carried out in trance even if its a tooth, and nail brawl.With no danger to you, or anyone else. After which, the whole thing may go away altogether. If such a hypnotherapist is available, I would very much recommend trying that approach.

Never occurred to me to use a hypnotherapist, TG. I even have a friend who is one. She reckons she senses that I have a problem, but have never dscussed it with her. She had wanted to hypnotise me a couple fo years ago, but the missus thought she had an ulterior motive. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I kid you not, all is true. If I do try the hypnotherapy, I’ll let you know how it turns out. But I must say, we Brits are a bit anit-therapy, always figure a few pints will sort it. :lol:

Many thanks for the advice - truly appreciated!

you are very welcome my friend.As true, and hale a remedy a pint may be, sometimes you have to take the extra step, and go into that unknown place to find your answers, you might tell your friend about this, and see what she thinks about it. Since you know what you want to accomplish, it may be an easier task to slay your spectre.I believe it would help. Your missus should be with you, its good to have her at your side, (that way she can fend off the ulterior green eyed monster ) :slight_smile:

…holy crap I was dreaming about going online again…

Wow, you must have an issue, well I have more dreams about playing COD 4 and WaW and any other games that I have played for 15 hours straight. Hmmmmm, those were the days.