
I once played CoD4 8h straight… I spent the entire night rolling around, and whenever I closed my eyes I could just think of the game… not very pleasant. :neutral:

Needless to say I haven’t done any marathons like that ever again - very unsettling experience…

…I dont play videogames…I just go on Forums and watch anime…

This is all very interesting, because I’ve been having a few weird military themed dreams, or maybe phantasms, lately. One of which had a spectre as you say, something around me as I stormed into a barn alone searching for a sniper…

One time, I dreamed that girls ruled the world and the monarchy was made of 3 queens, the ugly queen, the average queen, and the hot queen and then I had a group of boys that rebeled. lol it felt too much like a video game of some kind and I was like 7 when I dreamed that.

I once played CoD4 8h straight… I spent the entire night rolling around, and whenever I closed my eyes I could just think of the game… not very pleasant.

Needless to say I haven’t done any marathons like that ever again - very unsettling experience…

I love marathons, all I have to say is ever since I played Super Mario Bros. on the gameboy color, I knew that I was going to be a gamer.

…this is a bit (no, extremely) unrelated, but maybe we can have a chatbox?

Wow, very irrelevant but this topic pretty much is. My opinion is that Herman might try and send me pics and then end up on dateline one day if you get my flow lol jk, it might work but where will it be located and is it gonna be a waste, how many people will use it and so on.

Are you being sincere?

hey!!!..The Herman Meister is not going to send you any pictures…very funny Rifleman…anyways in relation to dreams, whilst I was away I dreamt that this forum disappeared and I couldn’t find a way back to reach my buddies in WW-2 Dream land…I woke up in a cold sweat…thank god it was only a dream…i don’t know what I would do without WW-2 and the gang!!:army:

…What gang?

He means his gang…

Or better yet…

(Excuse my photoshop skills, not the greatest in the world.)

…you just made my day, Rifleman! I shall award you the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds!!!

Yeah! I take it with honor and a big green smiley. :mrgreen:

I’m an active dreamer…I found the recording my dreams, as soon as I wake up…and I’ve found I can now remember 2-3 even 4 dreams a night.

But I had a weird dream about last night about an evil ferret chasing me…from underwater. What’s up with that?

Yes. Lately, I’ve had two dream involving being an Israeli IDF soldier and being caught separated from my unit. I have no idea why…

An IDF soldier? Well, that’s random… read a lot of Middle Eastern news before going to bed?

Ha, I can’t remember the last time I dreamed, nor what it was about.

I usually can’t remember dreams, just really old ones.

“…a ferret might represent sexual needs and also stands for a warning not to live out these needs too selfishly.”:mrgreen:

I have my share of troubling dreams, sometimes occurring during difficult periods in life but at other times not clearly related to anything. Occasionally I wake as I kick or punch someone in some desperate situation, which tends to annoy my wife if I’m lying on my side facing her, but the kicks and punches are weak despite having all my energy in them in the dream.

But very occasionally I have wonderful dreams where I am able to fly. They start off with experimental hovering and graduate in steps to full-on flying, like a bird, at any height and speed I like. Unlike troubling dreams which can leave a lingering bad feeling after waking, these dreams just make me feel great. If there was a drug which guaranteed such dreams, I’d buy it by the truckload and give serious thought to spending most of my time sleeping.

You won’t have to use drugs. “Lucid dreaming” (controlling dreams) can be learned - they say. There should be a load of books available.