
Generally, I find I can eat what I like without loosing sleep providing I have a good sex session before I get my turret down. It is also quite soothing after bad dreams.

That works for me too, but I was talking about eating food rather than snatch. :wink: :smiley:

I would consider the eating blue cheese part a nightmare on its own…

Afters, old chap. :lol:

This coming from a descendant of the nation which had beer for breakfast (a tradition I am working assiduously to revive) only a century ago? :wink: :smiley:

As for the various blue cheeses, I like them best on little biscuits we have called Savoury Shapes, which are the best sharp tastes our food scientists can come up with (mostly based on MSG, suspect food colours, and vicious cheese extracts), until they can contain nuclear explosions in the mouth.

Or on a plainer base to allow the other subtle tastes to come through, on a Savoy biscuit, which is just a salt cracker but the best of the lot.

Personally, I like a Savoury Shape or, sort of better because they’re bigger and can hold more but are less tasty a Savoy, stacked with a slice of fresh tomato sprinkled with salt and a heavy grind of black pepper and a good sprinkling of Worcestershire sauce; a thick slice of hot Hungarian salami; a big slab of blue cheese, although in old age I’m going for the cream types; a semi-sun dried tomato or five in olive oil; a thickish wafer of fresh pineapple; some slices of gherkin; a layer of anchovies; a layer of crispy short cut bacon; and a few more grinds of black pepper.

I’ve never been able to get that much on a cracker before!:mrgreen:

P.S. Although the tomato, salt/pepper, and Worcestershire sauce sounds like I ought to try.

Nayson, if you want to try something even better, try putting a nice fat piece of gongavarmi on a cracker!..It is to die for. it is the best!..(only if your in High Country though)…:slight_smile:

I’ve had sardines on crackers, but not gongavarmi. Do tell me how it tastes herman!:wink:

I rarely have this kind of dream :frowning: Really, it’s too bad as when I have, it’s been awesome. The most memorable, I was in Saudi Arabia and hadn’t seen a woman in about 8 months…and found myself in a steamy hot tub with two incredibly choice females in bikinis. They started kissing each other, and then me, surrounding me and making boy sandwich with girl bread, in the water…

– and this annoying jock wakes me up! I wanted to kill him. :evil:

Wow Tankgeezer, this is … shockingly spot on. Including the weasel part (I couldn’t remember the name for a weasel so I said a ferret). The water clear, but very dark, calm and foreboding.

And as I read your explaination, I knew exactly what it was. Not in time to protect myself, but completely spot on. Betrayed by someone very close to me, at a level I couldn’t imagine. Foreshadowed by a dream. Interesting.

Why the heck are you writing in the past tense? :smiley:

And you really can’t compare eating blue mold with drinking rotting hops.

Wait a second… :shock:


The game is called Front Mission Three. As I said, a Mecha-like game.

As to dreams… and yes I know people will say “Impossible” and such, and that it is faulty memory… I assure you, it isn’t. I dream reasonably often now, about 8 to 18 times in any given year.

Regards, Uyraell.

Calm water, would mean on the surface, the appearances are normal, but being dark, that hides the true purpose of the one who betrays. The smiling face secreting a dagger of deceit. you have a gift for dreams. I would recommend that you learn more about dreams, you may find using your dreams in daily life, can be helpful.

For some reason, Mecha games cause crazy dreams, I recall that I had many dreams that I was in a mech myself or I was watching somebody playing a mecha game, and most of the time, its deja vu and it happens again. Deja vu, thats freaking crazy how sometimes you know what exactly what your going to do.

Don’t they say nowadays that Deja-Vus are caused by your two brain halfs having a (obviously very minor) delay in communication at that specific moment? Apparently that’s why you believe you have already experienced whatever you’re about to do. Your one brain half has already processed everything you did when your other half gets the info.

You can’t actually tell a delay in your actions or anything, but you have the feeling that you have experienced exactly the same before - except in reality it was only split-micro seconds.

As far as I know, scientists haven’t really discovered why our brain does that sometimes…

I really don’t know, lets ask the psychologist in this forum, tankgeezer.

You’re right, though it seems that the “dream realm” -for want of a term- also processes data from external sources the conscious mind would not normally acknowledge, and that said processing touches at times upon what might be called the paranormal.
In reference: several I knew went through WW2, and would think of the wife or girlfriend before sleep . . . and the woman herself would know that had taken place, at the same time it took place.
In one particular case, the couple as I knew them were husband and wife.
Each independantly confirmed numerous occasions where such had taken place.
And yes, at times each would dream of the other in addition to the above-cited “usual” contact.

Given that as an accepted reality, I cannot see that processing other information/data from non-acknowledged external sources would be that much of a difficulty for the average human mind.
Wherefore the Deja-Vu may also be viewed in a similar light.

Regards, Uyraell.

Atta Boy RSM’s is what makes any army - probably called a Gunny in the USA

‘Mothers - in - law’ are Sh1t scared of RSM’s

Now you scamps are tip-toeing around in the metaphysical realm, and that is a bit tricky to explain. The sub-conscious mind is not readily accessible to most folks, being below their threashold of awareness.(as well as above) This does not mean it is in the “low band” actually it is everything outside of the spectrum of human senses. The S.C. mind handles everything you cant touch, smell etc. and then must filter it through to you bit at a time. The Human brain, is constructed to perceive in 3 dimensions, spacialy, and in the 3rd dimension energetically. If the different dimensions are thought of as frequencies as with tv, or radio, we are tuned to this particular one. So we operate at this frequency, exclusive of the others above, and below our own. all of the dimensions co-exist in the same general space, just as all of the radio, and tv channels are present in your home at any given time. Its the only the ones you are tuned to that comes in for you.
This means that you will consciously preceive, and interact with only that which is on your “station” .( K-Man, all confusion, all the time.) Now, we have the sub-conscious, or super-conscious, or whatever you may like to call it, picking up on everything else out there all at once. This information, or energy or whatever, is not on your channel, so you dont bump your nose into it everyday, its the job of the S.C. mind to get you the info. It isnt always clear, concise, or even pretty. Uless you have done alot of work to interface with the higher frequencies, it will come through your dreams, or other daydreamy musings. This is why many dreams seem so impossibly weird, and disjointed.
Its alot like trying to run X-Box 360 games on an Atari 2600 (what 3-D would be if it were a game system.) The data will not latch, and renders only gibberish, if anything.
Add to this that physical concepts of other higher dimensions will not translate into 3-D well either. A number of brainy types have used the shape of the 3-D cube as an example of this idea. Everyone knows what a cube looks like, they are 3 dimensional, and so match our ability to perceive them. Then there are the “flatlanders” 2 dimensional people. if you show them a cube, they will only perceive the flattened 2-D shadow of the cube as their brains cannot feature the 3rd axis. We in the 3rd dimension will have the same handycap with anything higher than our level of perception.
Long windy story short, the S.C. acts as a converter, or modem (albeit in a very clunky, kaleidoscope sort of way.) for the reception of this high flying information.