
I had a Dream and when I wokr up I remembered it vividly, and i was scared. Now I am at work and I can’t remember anything about it except that it involved snakes. It’s only been a few hours but I find this always happens. i remember the dream so well as it was real then as the day progresses it fades from my memory…I hope I am not getting Alzheimers. I find this to be a strange aspect of my dreams…

Everyone has the same experience.

It is perfectly normal.

However, should you find that as the day progresses your snake is shrinking then this is not normal and you should get yourself to a doctor or hospital ASAP, in case your snake shrinks so much that you have two belly buttons, for which there is no known medical or surgical cure. :smiley:

On the transmission of thoughts and events across space.

During WWII my father woke and moved around his home during the night, which woke his mother who got up and asked him what he was doing. He replied something like 'Alan’s just been killed."

Alan was his best mate, who was a pilot flying bombers in England. His bomber had been badly damaged on a raid. Alan kept the bomber aloft as long as he could, but it couldn’t make it back to England. Alan kept it aloft long enough for the rest of the crew to get out. By that time he couldn’t get out. He died when the plane ditched in the English Channel.

Later information showed that my father woke about the same time as the plane ditched.

It is a good idea to keep a note pad nearby, and when you wake from a dream, write down everything you recall. even how you feel about it. Whatever you feel is important. With practice, you may be able to recall most of your dreams.
As to snakes, the usual definition of snakes is that they are the bearers of gifts of knowledge, usually of the arcane, and ancient variety. They are also associated with the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Very good to dream of snakes, (normally) or maybe you just watched Indiana Jones. :slight_smile: If its something important, the dream will return, perhaps with some differences, but basically the same deal.

Well, if it is knowledge, it must be the knowledge I gain from interacting on this site with Smart Great People; and if it is of the ancient type of knowledge then you could say ww2 is ancient thus I was dreaming of this Forum and possibly of RS the Great one!..You never know!,makes sense to me!Thanks!

Oh, I think this knowledge is older even than our RS though some may feel that to be improbable.:wink:

Fully believe that info, Rising Sun, as similar examples exist in my family.
As to the dead: Well may they Rest.

Regards, Uyraell.

Same here, it’s told that my great-grandmother startled up from a dream the night her son was killed in the Mediterranean in late 1941. She knew and immediately told her husband that something has happened to my grand-uncle.

Don’t bet on it. :wink: :smiley:

That seems highly unpossible! :mrgreen:

I had a dream that Hitler farted, but then I realized it was Churchill. God!

Ah, you are a man of letters, Most have things like M.P. (member of Parliament,)
PH.D, Doctoral level of any field of study, (this is for you young guys)
MXB, (Master of X-Box, also for you younger guys)
Then we have our Esteemed R.S. who holds a B.C.E. (before Christian Era) :slight_smile:

R.S. Stands for :
Really Smart! or
Reall Swell !or
Rediculously Smart!, or
Rock Solid! or
Reall Super!
Thats What Rising Sun’s signature means to me! (so true)!

Im not going to say what I thought, because that would simply be disrespectable, untrue, and might get me kicked…

Was the smell the same lol

Rising Sun,
Dreams, premonitions - it is NOT a joke! Many are the related ‘happenings’ Lots of people don’t WANT to believe these instances but there is something unexplainable!!!

I thought this interesting and, to some extent, fits with TG’s recommendations. It’s a piece from Fraser’s book describing how, as a newly promoted Lance Corporal, he had to deal with certain situations which arose.

…or how to cope with a seasoned veteran who, in a lonely basha at night, swore that there were Japanese outside, hundreds of them but only eighteen inches tall, and led by his Member of Parliament, Sir Walter Womersley, Minister for Pensions. He was the only case (the veteran, not Womersly) that I ever encountered of what is now called, I believe, post-battle trauma; I’m sure it would need a psychiatric report and counselling by social workers nowadays, but the section simply advised him to take his kukri to them - which he did, cleaving the air and crying: “Pensions, you old bastard!” before going back to sleep. He was entirely normal for the rest of the campaign.





Funny, in Japanese Basha means horse carriage and Kukri (pronounced Ku-Kuri) means to tie…

Well… if it helped him… Maybe modern psychologists should take a notice of that and let their patients slash the air with huge machetes and Kukris instead of letting them lie on a couch and cry :smiley:

Your comments are probably not as daft as they seem, if one thinks of ‘slashing with a kukri’ as a metaphor for the equicalent in others’ dreams.