
the one that really gets on my nerves in films is the cardinal sin of ‘over and out’ :evil:

Ok so back to the Drinking!

I intend to get to that pint at some point htis summer.

Equally, I have been caught on more than one occasion giving out an aweful lot of green chat in civi’ places. normally when Ale is about, because hes the most militant, civilian ever! GRIT generally gets involved around mlllars and mongs, everyone - left side of the street - thirty meters, mong - point and laugh point and laugh.

“Say again” is official ICAO phraseology.


“Say again” is official ICAO phraseology.


And “repeat” is what you say to artillery if you want the same fire mission again!

Thats because I hang around with people like you too much, I’m just trying to communicate at your level.:stuck_out_tongue:

I have also been spending a fair bit of my leisure time recently driving around in stripped down landrovers with lots of guns…(I got the windscreen to fold in the end) which requires a certain amount militarism in order to be done safely. :shock: Amusingly, I have also discovered I can squeak foxes in with my clutch pedal! :lol:

I presume you are back from sailing, so give me a bell or get on msn, I want to know if you resisted the jailbait! :smiley:


When and when are we going to have the inaugural WWII pissup? I can travel to pretty much anywhere in the South and I’m not far off going on leave.


I’m in the south east (Sussex) and can probably travel fairly widely too. Make sure someone PMs me if you ever do pick a time and a place…

How about next weekend? please suggest place, maybe salisbury?

6/7th or 13th/14th?

6/7th would be good for me.
Right then listen in for my QBOs,
6th August those of you who can make it shall meet in Salisbury (providing there is no mass wave of disapproval) timings to be decided.
Those of you who want to come/object/etc
please comment below,

p.s. i shall be wearing a nice black number and a pink carnation, so you can recognise me.

OK, when and where? Definitive answers only please…

Join in the Arrse pissup - Sat 17th September, Amsterdam 7pm, café du lac, after the commemorative Market Garden parachute drop on Ginkelse Heide at 10am.

Pink Carnation?..

Ok guys, those of you who want to i’m going out in Salisbury tonight. Those of you who wan to come PM me before 1900 for details of when and where.
Cheers, Scaley.