
The first inaugural WW2incolor - pissup is to happen on the 2nd weekend in August, unless anyone objects in Bristol. Due to it being easy to get to, central-ish to some of the users and able to provide us with attractive young females and cheap booze :smiley:

Failing that we will try Reading as it is slightly more central but has less posh birds :frowning: and cider :frowning:

and last but not least Imber Village as I hear it is lovely at that time of year.

Start point in either case will be Wetherspoon as every town has one and some of us are cheap, equally they are always easy to find even if you are an out of towner.

Wear whatever you want, but try not to turn up in a Brownshirt and jackboots… Alternatively we can walt it up and go out in 1940s dress! but this might be overdoing it.

I dont want to organise it but it has all gone a bit flat on the organising side of things.
PM me if you are interested (subject Drinks) and ill get a list of names together to see if it will work out.

I need a drink!


Guinness is Irish! Irish people get really arsey about things like that. And when some Irish people get angry, sometimes they shoot 14 year old girls. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4618125.stm

That is THE most surreal thing I have read on this forum ever, have just choked on my tea.

Unfortunately I’m away that weekend, I’ll just wait…

can everyone include in that email when they are available.
(This will happen)

Wow, thats wierd. Ok so im in my team, ok here comes the bullets, Hey guys, lets drink some guinness and shot that 14 year old girl over there? :? And theyre sorta 30 years late whith an appology.

Hey chaps,
I have now returned from a month is HM’s service and seeing as i was the one who started this i’d better finish organising it.
Right listen in for my QBOs,
Firstly i want location and time suggestions here please;
Secondly, i want to know who can definitely come.
Thirdly, get on with it…

How authoritative you’ve become (sir)…

Firstly, the suggested venue and time of Bristol/Reading on the 2nd weekend in August is absolutely out of the question for me. If it were to be in the third weekend or a different venue (Midlands) I might be able to make it.

Secondly, see firstly.

Thirdly, see firstly and secondly.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Apologies and responsibility for their actions have never been high on PIRAs list of things to do.
More content with murdering and gangsterism.

yeah i heard pIRA used to kneecap drugdealers because they didn’t approve , now they kneecap them for not paying PIRA off

They’ve stepped up to crucifying kids on railings for joyriding these days, then they beat them with sticks with nails through them.

what a nice bunch of people, real care in the community

Location suggestion-Bristol

Timing-End of August/Early september, it will let us get all our summer commitments etc. out of the way.

Numbers-I should be able to attend in the timeframe given, but until then I am skint as I have started a new job, and they pay with a month in hand,:evil: so I have no cash until the end of NEXT month! :shock: :x

I may be able to attend, all depending on coin, work commitments etc. I’ll let you know for certain closer to the time.

For a minute there I read “coin, work commitments” as “COunter INsurgency work commitments”. :shock: I think I need to get out more!


yeah i think u do, may i suggest a heavy civilianising program, i.e. do f all for a month!

For a minute there I read “coin, work commitments” as “COunter INsurgency work commitments”. :shock: I think I need to get out more!


Well, I am hoping for a posting back to NI after my Class 1, so hopefully in 6 months COIN will be my work commitments :wink:

And yes, you need to get out more :lol:

yes u know that you’ve turned completely green when you see everything in a miltary slant, e.g. my friends and i giving target indications for fit girls in clubs, how very sad, we need help!

I’ve been doing that for years - “30 metres, half right, will be known as Filthy looking blonde slapper”


I also say “say again” too much

I’ve been doing that for years - “30 metres, half right, will be known as Filthy looking blonde slapper”


I also say “say again” too much[/quote]

I know how you feel, I cannot say the word “repeat”, I have a compulsion to say “say again over”…

I am very sad! Squaddy habits die very hard.

Hearing “repeat” and not “say again” in films makes me cringe :shock: