Empires and Inventions.

And according to The A&S Company themselves:

[i]In 1925, Gerhard Fischer invented a portable metal detector. Fischar’s model was first sold commercially in 1931 and Gerherd Fischar was behind the first large-scale production of metal detectors.

According to the experts at A&S Company: "In the late 1920’s, Dr.
Gerhard Fisher, the founder of Fisher Research Laboratory was commissioned as a research engineer with the Federal Telegraph Co. and Western Air Express to develop airborne direction finding equipment. He was awarded some of the first patents issued in the field of airborne direction finding by means of radio. In the course of his work, he encountered some strange errors and once he solved these problems, he had the foresight to apply the solution to a completely unrelated field, that of metal and mineral detection[/i]

Dr. Fischer had immigrated to the United States after studying electronics at the University of Dresden.

Maybe it’s just me, but I cannot – for the life of me – remember the last time I saw peasants in rickety boats, risking life and limb to come to your country. They risked it all to be in “this” country.

As I recall, the last time that happened was the Vietnamese Boat People, who indeed sailed to the US - because the US had trashed their own country in a misbegotten war from which they have learned no lessons! :twisted:

You mean the bustier, not the Brazzier.

Brazzier? That is a posh restaraunt, do you not have any high class eating establishments in Hicksville?

How would you know about Bras anyway? Training bras are hardly something to be proud of stockpiling?

Tubbyboy - take the piss would you!!!

Wasn’t fibre optics invented by a Dutchman ?

I seem to recall the name Abraham van Heel in the early fifties. Anyone heard of him ?

Brazzier? That is a posh restaraunt, do you not have any high class eating establishments in Hicksville?

I believe they have the ‘Restaurant de Roadkill’ serving the finest armadillo a la orange and racoon in source bernaise.

But is it as good as the “Is This The Way to Armadillo” video (qv) ?

I believe they have the ‘Restaurant de Roadkill’ serving the finest armadillo a la orange and racoon in source bernaise.

Ahh yes. You can tell the more tender meat by the more numerous tyre marks…

I’s love to debate with you guys, but i can’t today. My dog died today. He was a beautiful Chocolate Labradore Retriever. The smartest dog I’ve ever seen. There was no trick you could not teach him in 5 minutes flat. He was the most loving dog. I accidentally killed him. I put some poison for rats down behind his feeder house and after working so hard to do some engineering work for him in the yard, I forgot to put the cinder blocks back between his house and the feeder house. This allowed him to get to the poison. I’m 43 years old and I cried like a small child today. I feel completely empty inside. Maybe I’ll be back to post sometime. Till then, you guys take care.

His name was Snapper, but we called him “Snap Snap”.

:frowning: :frowning: so sorry ironman my apologies.

guys,please don`t fight,just debate like normal men,ironman,i understand you,take your time to feel better,we will be waiting for new debates…
you must know that your dog is in a better place.

Bad luck mate, my cousin is a taxidermist I can give you the address if you want, Postage and packing will be free.

RIP - Snap Snap.

I have composed a limeric in his “honor”

There once was a dog called snapper
he ate poison to try and get fatter
the poison killed him
I guess now he is thin
that poor old dog they called snapper

Im not much good at limericks.

Percussion ignition was invented by a Brit called Forsyth, who patented it in 1807. The Dreyse needle-rifle was the first militarily practical breech-loading rifle using a self-contained cartridge, an invention in itself which would not have been possible without Forsyth’s invention. Alledgedly they’re rather scary to fire, since there’s sod all obturation & gas therefore escapes at the breech.

Apart from the trick of not eating poison presumably ?

Dogs are slobbering morons, get used to it :smiley:

Unfortunately dogs do tend to do that.

A moronic neighbour set rat poison out, but decided the laws relating to ‘approved poison containers’ weren’t applicable to him.

Took a week of nursing the hound before it recovered & now it won’t go near anything with a similar colour to the poison.

The neighbour was taught the error of his ways too…


Rat poison takes a few days to kill large animals; its quite simple for a veterinary surgeon to administer the antidote for the particular poison, all that’s required is a sample or the original container.

Erwin, Bluffcove, Trev, your kindness is appreciated. Thank you. He was left alone for 2 days with his automatic feeder and waterer. He had been left alone that way more than once and there was never a problem, but when I came back, he had eaten the poison long before, and was on the virge of death. It was too late. When you love a pet very much, it’s hard to take.

Sid, your comment tell me that you are a worthless, heartless, insensitive person. Anyone who can make such a comment when someone is heartbroken is over such a loss is very lowly. Cuts, your commnet implies that you think I am moronic, and under the circumstances, that is pretty pathetic too. It was a trajic oversight, but it was not the result of being a moron. I am not a moron, but in fact very intelligent with a high IQ. Your insensitivity reveals your character. I had not planned on posting anything more about it, and I don’t want to discuss it again, but having read those comments I could not help myself.

So you freely admit that you left a large dog alone for 2 days, without noticing that the poor dog had eaten rat poison, in my book that’s irresponsible ownership.
Did you not consider putting the dog in kennels while you went away?
Over here in the UK you would more than likely be prosecuted for cruelty to animals and neglect. Via the RSPCA.
Sorry to say it but people who leave their pets at home without taking sufficient steps to ensure their well-being should not have animals.

Once again you read a post with your own preconceived ideas in place.

You really should open your blinkered eyes and comment on what is actualy written rather than what you want to see.

My post was about dogs and the actions of a none-too-bright neighbour.
I don’t know what your local laws are in regard to the use and placing of poisons but I do know what they are here.

You say that I implied you are a moron, I have made no such accusation or implication.
I know neither your IQ nor indeed if you have felt the need to have it assessed.
However I now believe you do have some sort of psychological problem as you are incapable of replying to certain posters without feebly attempting to denigrate them.

Your comment to me says more about your paranoia than your extremely stilted reading of mine says about my character.

I will now be passing on all your posts to the AMS trickcyclists and will await their assessment with interest.

South African Inventions

Listed here is some of the Major South African inventions. Who could of thought such a country could change the world so much?

Speed Gun-Henri Johnson

Pratley Putty (Famous glue that held pieces of the Apollo XI together-It went to the moon!!!)-George Pratley

CAT scan- Allan Cormack and Godfrey Hounsfield (They got a Nobel Prize)

The Heart Transplant- Dr Chris Barnard

Oil from Coal- South Africa.

Dolos (Those wierd shaped conrete blocks weighing ten tons to protect harbors. Im sure everyone here has seen one. )-Aubrey Kruger

APS therapy-Gervan Lubbe

Exhaust system-(Please fill)

And more…[/b]

ZA also carried out the world’s first penis extension - on a Taiwanese chap.
His wife looked most pleased !