Empires and Inventions.


Ever heard of the Bergius process (developed 1913 in Germany) or the Fischer-Tropsch process (developed 1925, also in Germany) for making petrol out of coal?

Coal is Germany´s most abundand natural energy resource, while we have very little oil, so Germany´s chemical industry concentrated for a long time on manufacturing oil out of localy mined coal, especially during war time.
German coal only became uneconomical in the 1970s, when imported coal from e.g. Australia or China became cheaper. The reason is that while German coal is of good quality, the coal seams, especially in the Ruhr area, are up to 800 meters underground and are only up to 3-4 meter thick. Australian can be dug up using strip mining technologies, since the seams are only covered by e.g. 50 meters of dirt, and the thickness of the seams is up to 20 meters, so instead of high tech mining. like in Germany, they can use ordinary diggers to get it. The Chinese on the other hand don´t bother about safety for their miners and they get paid third world wages, due to this, up to now, Chinese and Australian coal is, even included the transport, cheaper than German coal. Currently there are only 10 active coal mines left in the Ruhr area, in the 1950s there were hundreds.
There is a change coming though:
There is still a lot of steel industry in the Ruhr area, which requires coke for smelting the iron. In the past the steel mills were often built beside coal mines and had their own coke plants. In the 80s, the managers closed the coke plants, since the Chinese could supply coke at a lower price than localy manufactured coke.
But now the Chinese are catching up on steel manufacture for their own market and refuse to export coke. This drove steel prices in Germany up and there are thoughts now to reopen some coal mines and to build new state of the art coke plants. This shows the dangers of making your economy too dependend on some other country.

German chemical industry was always coal centered (as seen with the Nylon versus Perlon).


Without noticing? I was not even home. I could not notice. The dog had an automatic feeder and waterer in a huge wooden box that I built myself AND a dog house made of very expensive treated wood with a shingled roof as well, in a larger fenced yard that was mostly shaded by numerous large trees regardless of the time of day! The dog was EXTREMELY well cared for. He was spoiled rotten in fact, and was a house dog for the most part. You don’t know what you are talking about when you suggest that neglect was involved. His condition was one that was quite the oposite of neglected. I doubt you ever knew a pet that was as well cared for as he! Just the other day, I was brushing his teeth to remove a spot of tartar on them after giving him a flea & tick shampoo, which he received regularly!

You have accuse without understanding how well he was cared for and how pampered his condition was. There was no neglect involved. He was never neglected for 1 second. It was simply a trajic accident. I hope now you understand that your accusation was in error.

I know this much. You never owned a pet that was as loved or pampered as mine was. Someone as shallow as you could not care for an animal the way mine was cared for. That much is certain. Anyone that tosses insults at a person about how they supposedly cared poorly for their beloved pet which has just died ranks very low in the scheme of things.

Like I give a crap? I see that you rely on others for your opinions. They will form an opinion based on very limited facts and provide you with an “assesment” that supports your half-informed mind. That is perfect for you. It was however, inconsiderate to say what you said in light of the terrible thing which had occurred, and that revealed your true character. You’re about 2 steps down the ladder from being the kind of person that I am. You have made that clear to me.

Sorry, but AC current generator was invented by an American…

“On 20 March 1886 William Stanley provided alternating current electrification to offices and stores on Main Street in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He thus demonstrated the first practical system for providing electrical illumination using alternating current with transformers to adjust voltage levels of the distribution system.”

interesting fact about the word robot is not invented by americans, instead they mean “force to work” in czech republic language
btw, delete a whole bunch of post to aviod flame war again

Erwin, Bluffcove, Trev, your kindness is appreciated. Thank you. He was left alone for 2 days with his automatic feeder and waterer.

Any loss of a pet is tragic and deserves sympathy.

However, I must take issue with the idea of leaving a dog alone for 2 days. I have a rescued dog that was locked up for days on end by a previous owner. We just got back from taking it for a 90 minute walk on a summer evening, and the dog still wanted more. I feel bad about leaving the beast for even a morning or an afternoon!

Leaving a social animal such as a dog alone for 2 days is psychological cruelty. :evil:

“On 20 March 1886 William Stanley provided alternating current electrification to offices and stores on Main Street in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He thus demonstrated the first practical system for providing electrical illumination using alternating current with transformers to adjust voltage levels of the distribution system.”

In 1882, Goulard and his English colleague Gibbs patented a system of distributing power using alternating current and two-coil induction devices. They used devices (then known as secondary generators) of the Ruhmkorff type in the first alternating current distribution system and had a 1:1 ratio and were used with their primaries in series.

Not at all. It was done rarely and the dog had every ammentiy. He never wanted for anything. As for walks, he was walked daily and brought into the house to be played with, petted, fed, cared for, and to just lie around at our feet being sweet-talked.

Leaving a social animal such as a dog alone for 2 days is psychological cruelty.

It was done rarely

Doesn’t matter. My dog either goes in kennels or with relations if it is to be left alone for more than 8 hours.

Check with the ASPCA:

Every dog needs daily exercise for mental and physical stimulation.

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France. A power transformer developed by Gaulard of France…”

Appearently, the invention of an alternating current generator is French, not British or American!

How nice for you. The dog never wanted for anything and was provided everything he needed. He was better cared for and more time was spent with him than the vast majority of pets anywhere. Your assumption is falicy.

As I have told you, you idiot, the dog got more excersize and stimulation than the vast majority of pets. Read that again and again until it sinks into your skinny noodle.

Every dog needs daily exercise for mental and physical stimulation.

As I have told you, you idiot, the dog got more excersize and stimulation than the vast majority of pets on a daily basis. Read that again and again until it sinks into your skinny noodle. :roll:


“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France. A power transformer developed by Gaulard of France…”

Appearently, the invention of an alternating current generator is French, not British or American![/quote]

Selective editing again, Ironman?

The above paragraph, in full reads :
[i]Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.

A power transformer developed by Gaulard of France and John Gibbs of England was demonstrated in London, and attracted the interest of Westinghouse. Gaulard and John Gibbs , first exhibited a device in London in 1881 and then sold the idea to American company Westinghouse. They also exhibited the invention in Turin in 1884, where it was adopted for an electric lighting system. [/i]
(My bold letters)

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

…and the paragraph states that a Frenchman invented it. Stiffle yourself!


“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

…and the paragraph states that a Frenchman invented it. Stiffle yourself![/quote]

Don’t be a complete idiot Ironman.
It was patented by both men.
Does stiffle mean the same as stifle?

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

…and the paragraph states that a Frenchman invented it. Stiffle yourself![/quote]

Don’t be a complete idiot Ironman.
It was patented by both men.
Does stiffle mean the same as stifle?[/quote]

A ptent does not mean invented. It was invented by the Frenchman, and the article quotes states so.

Read it again for your skinny noodle:

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

Silly boy. :lol:

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

…and the paragraph states that a Frenchman invented it. Stiffle yourself![/quote]

Don’t be a complete idiot Ironman.
It was patented by both men.
Does stiffle mean the same as stifle?[/quote]

A ptent does not mean invented. It was invented by the Frenchman, and the article quotes states so.

Read it again for your skinny noodle:

“Lucien Gaulard (1850 - November 26, 1888) invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy. Gaulard was born in Paris, France.”

Silly boy. :lol:[/quote]

Ahhhh, it becomes so clear when you explain it, dear boy.
The Frenchman invented it, and let the Englishman have a share in the patent out of the goodness of his heart.
How selfless.

So, it wasn’t a British invention then. Correct.

As the poster of the French/English AC invention message, I don’t recall claiming it was a British invention.

So, it wasn’t a British invention then. Correct.[/quote]

Actually, dear boy, you have me confused with someone else again.
I never suggested it was, I merely picked up on your selective editing of quotes.
The only electrical devices I mentioned as British inventions were the electro-magnet and the electric motor.
As for the transformer you seem so concerned with, it appears to have been a joint venture, wouldn’t you say?