Empires and Inventions.

So, it wasn’t a British invention then. Correct.[/quote]

Actually, dear boy, you have me confused with someone else again.
I never suggested it was, I merely picked up on your selective editing of quotes.
The only electrical devices I mentioned as British inventions were the electro-magnet and the electric motor.
As for the transformer you seem so concerned with, it appears to have been a joint venture, wouldn’t you say?[/quote]

No, since the encyclopedia says the Frenchman inventred it. Silly boy.

So, it wasn’t a British invention then. Correct.[/quote]

Actually, dear boy, you have me confused with someone else again.
I never suggested it was, I merely picked up on your selective editing of quotes.
The only electrical devices I mentioned as British inventions were the electro-magnet and the electric motor.
As for the transformer you seem so concerned with, it appears to have been a joint venture, wouldn’t you say?[/quote]

No, since the encyclopedia says the Frenchman inventred it. Silly boy.[/quote]

Actually, dear child, it doesn’t.
It says “invented devices for the transmission of alternating current electrical energy”.
Where does this refer to the patented transformer?

No, the encyclopedia and scientific world credit the Frenchman for inventing it.

Oh, and your signature displays your ignorance and lack of worth. If it was intended to upset me, it fails. It only shows me how insensitive, ignorant, and deperate you are to pass along the abuse you received as a child. :lol:

No, the encyclopedia and scientific world credit the Frenchman for inventing it.

Oh, and your signature displays your ignorance and lack of worth. If it was intended to upset me, it fails. It only shows me how insensitive, ignorant, and deperate you are to pass along the abuse you received as a child. :lol:[/quote]


No, the encyclopedia and scientific world credit the Frenchman for inventing it.

Oh, and your signature displays your ignorance and lack of worth. If it was intended to upset me, it fails. It only shows me how insensitive, ignorant, and deperate you are to pass along the abuse you received as a child. :lol:[/quote]


VE, the laughter was in no way aimed at you.
Just a random thought about some previous threads.

VE, the laughter was in no way aimed at you.
Just a random thought about some previous threads

Please feel free to laugh at me or anyone/thing else! :smiley: 'Tis a free world after all…

As for Ironman, may I state that I regret the passing of your dog and extend my sympathies. I reiterate my animal welfare concerns once more and leave it at that. I will retain the first part of your chastening remark for my own use in my signature block.

Now I may sleep!

Your animal welface concerns are unwarranted, as has been explaind to you. The fact that you keep bringing it up bespeaks of your true character.

please,dont make comments about ironmans dog,we musnt be agressive.
we must think that could happen to us.
ironman,feel free to insult or say anything you want,because you aren`t obligated to tolerate insults like this.

you must know that your dog is in a better place like i said,snap-snap wants to see you happy.

again,my apologizes.

A true gentleman.

A true gentleman.[/quote]
muchas gracias señor

It was inconsiderate of me, in the light of the passing of your own dog by poison, to mention that someone else had laid poison in an illegal manner which had affected mine ?

Do you have any idea of the meaning of the words you use ?
Please purchase a dictionary. Webster’s Unabridged will do, they are freely available in the United States.

Your opinion of where I may or may not be on your ‘ladder’ is of no consequence to me, especially as it comes from the same source as your knowledge of military firearms, ie your fantasy.

If you wish to be taken with a modicum of of seriousness on this site you should get that chip off of your shoulder and read what is actually written by posters, rather than putting your own slant into other people’s words.

It was inconsiderate of me, in the light of the passing of your own dog by poison, to mention that someone else had laid poison in an illegal manner which had affected mine ?

Do you have any idea of the meaning of the words you use ?
Please purchase a dictionary. Webster’s Unabridged will do, they are freely available in the United States.

Your opinion of where I may or may not be on your ‘ladder’ is of no consequence to me, especially as it comes from the same source as your knowledge of military firearms, ie your fantasy.

If you wish to be taken with a modicum of of seriousness on this site you should get that chip off of your shoulder and read what is actually written by posters, rather than putting your own slant into other people’s words.[/quote]

Your inconsideration allows you to not see the inconsiderate quality of it.
Please, let’s not discuss my dog anymore. I have asked you guys not to, since it is a very personal thing that I bear. It does not serve anyone to bring it up. If anyone wants to criticize me or something I say, be descent enough to leave my dead dog out of it.

Enough about the dog. Drop it already… everyone. Goddamn like a bunch of kids. :roll:

yes general,thanks

Bluffcove was stating how he doesnt want to talk about your dog and more coz he just loves listening to the mods. He also says that we should drop the subject of IRONMAN’s dog.

Edited by Gen. Sandworm

hear hear!

Sandworm was just saying he wants me to be a mod! because he feels im an upstanding citizen :twisted:

Uh no I didnt…your not trying to start a war with a mod are you??? Coz that would be pretty dumb.

chinese invention
paper, firepowder, rockets
one of the first country to use gernades