Enemy at the Gates

yes it was a very good movie but i can not find a store that sells it i have been every where and no one sells it

American Sniper, did you get the idea of having Vassili Zaitsev as your avatar from the movie “Enemy at the Gates”?, when i watched the movie when it first came out years ago i had never heard of the famous sniper from the Urals before.

Try Amazon or Ebay.

I actually really liked the music off Enemy at the Gates, its quite haunting and dramatic and was made by “James Horner”.
Did anyone else acctually take not o the music in the movie?

I asked the Great Patriotic War veterans, who wached this movie & were in Stalingrad Battle: Whether the events displayed were truthful? Well, here you are 2 greatest lies -

  • There were NO commisars, shooting their own men.
  • Russian Red Army HAD weapon. The people had not run to collect bullets from dead men’s rifles.

the biggest annoyance of this movie is that it proflagated the sterotype of commmunist dog human wave attack. there are scores of misinformed people that think the red army was 5 bullets and one mosin.

It didn’t happen in most cases, but there were some times where they had to do that because of too many men and not enough supplies.

Actually this was probably a bit more common in the Penal brigades. They where mostly used for these type of attacks. Then flank them with your better equipped soliders.

I thought the movie was great. In response to the Soviet veterans who claim that they were always well-supplied or were never fired upon than their own officers, they were either officers themselves, or lying because of their resident pride in their former country. I’ve seen plenty of interviews with other vets that claim that there were plenty of instances such as this. Even Stalin once said that in the Red Army, it takes more courage to retreat than to advance.

i give it 5 stars, my fav wwII movie yet,

I think there was a certain degree of greater symbolism in the film. While not every detail was 100% accurate, they were conveying a greater truth in that early Soviet doctrine against the Germans was both counter-productive and self-destructive, especially since the Red Army was led by inexperienced survivors of purges, or political hacks…

To bad Vice President Dick Cheney didn’t get 150 kills as a German sniper.:slight_smile:

it´s a good sniper movie

It’s just okay, but I must say Jude Law’s acting is terrible. That’s all I’ll say about this movie.

Joseph Vilsmaier’s Stalingrad of 1993 is a far more accurate and gritty portrayal of the battle. No Hollywood bullshit with this one.

Regards Digger:D

As I have read and researched:

-There was never an ace German sniper who was called in from Berlin to eliminate a Soviet sniper by the name of Vasilli Zeitsev (Or however you spell it)

-There were many more Soviet snipers with a higher kill count than Zeitsev.

-Basically, the Soviet Propoganda Machine took Zeitsev and turned him into a hero because they had none at that time.

Well guy i didn’t wish to notice this thread , but i must…

I asked the Great Patriotic War veterans, who wached this movie & were in Stalingrad Battle: Whether the events displayed were truthful? Well, here you are 2 greatest lies -

  • There were NO commisars, shooting their own men.
  • Russian Red Army HAD weapon. The people had not run to collect bullets from dead men’s rifles

This one is true in this thread regarding the film.


Even thou this film is wildly inaccurate and all hollywooded up. I think it was a Western attempt to acknowledge the struggles of the Russian/Soviet people against the Nazi regieme. Hopefully spark interest in what happened in the east.

Yes Gen , but what is strange why the this “attempt to acknowledge” has begin from the calumny to the Red Army and veterans which saved the Stalingrad ( and perhaps all the USSR) from the Germans henocide.
Not it’s strange that ONE of the Greatest battle in WW2 was represented the lie in this film, where Red Army was showed as herb of suicidal idiot under commander of bloody NKVD.
In fact Red Army lost for this period 1 mln peoples - but the Germany ( whith its allies) lost about 800 000.
I think you have to agre this is not correspond the scene in the film like unarmed soviet soldier run to the Germans mashin-guns.
There is just single fact which really distrees me - this SHIT ( i mean lie scenes in film)become the basis of my favorite games CoD and MoH series.


Well at least it made for some good ways to waste time! :smiley:

Not so good as if it could base on real facts.
Neverhteless i had a great enjoj when in first CoD defended the Pavlov hause in Stalingrad mission. This scene had a real basis in battle but not in this biased film.