Enemy at the Gates

I remember I almost went nuts in that Pavlov’s house… Imaging how it was in reality… I guess they did not have “reload mission” option.

Yea mate, they hadn’t the “game load”-option, therefore there were so much blood in Stalingrad.
But to the honnor of game developers the battle for Pavlov house was really existed. And they tryed to restore the atmosphere of Stalingrad as correct as it possible in PC-game.
Thank very much for this to them.


What seems so bizarre is that German armaments production was so low until late in the war. Although the reichs soldiers were battling desperately the country was not mobilized for war. They would not have a chance with so few weapons.

The wehrmacht used less than 3,600 tanks in the beginning of operation barbarossa which is tiny compared to what the Soviets had.

Sorry to ask, but what the german armament have to do with this post ? :eek:

A very interesting part of that movie.


Gentlemen, let’s be honest. It’s a good film/movie but as with most Hollywood movies, it is a little fast and loose with the truth. I am sure that there is, somewhere, a movie that is close to true events (I’m talking Hollywood here), but I have never seen one - and I have seen a good many.

Even when a (Hollywood)film is made from a book it is adapted to entertain. One must consider the marketability of the film. Of course there is much portrayed in the film which is false, but that is what appeals to the mass (in the first instance American) market. Consider, the bogeyman of the western hemisphere for the past fifty, sixty years, has been the USSR/Russia. Attitudes don’t change over night. If the bogeyman has been demonised for all of those decades (and before, incidentally) it wont change for a long time. If the Russians are being portrayed, historically(as they are in this film), as the Soviet Union, then they must be demonized, how else does one justify so much B.S. that has passed before?.. it’s just the way of it!

There could be better films made of true sniper operations. At least this one demonstrated that the best weapon to use against a sniper, is a sniper (set a thief to catch a thief). It would require a good book to have a film made of it (so get writing), but then there is, still, the added ‘artistic license’ of the studio producing it - how does one deal with that?

I enjoyed the film, in the first instance, simply because Rachel Weis looked great in Russian uniform (I’ve never seen her looking so good) and, indeed, out of it - for a fleeting moment. :wink:

The movie was okay. Much different from the book. I thought the would atleast have Major Konings hide under that scrap of metal, instead of walking out…

There are many examples of:

(1) Russian punishment battalions being sent in a frontal attack to allow Commanders to test and identify where the German strong points were. Risk of death was very high as the objective was more reconnaisanec than to take land.

(2) Unimaginative tactics by Russian commanders lead to many frontal assaults on German positions. To the point that in the battle for Moscow Zhukov at one stage issued an order banning the use of direct frontal attacks.

May be it is an untypical stereotype but it did happen on many occasions particularly in the early stages of the war.

Personally I liked the film as it showed a beat up city with corpses scattered around in a grim way - visually it reflected how I thought Stalingrad -probably was at the time. The fighting in the sewers etc also brought to life the grim struggle that took place there.

What I didn’t like was the stupid love interest that Hollywood has to add to any film. When the main character is heading to the city and on the train sees the pretty woman I knew it was going to follow a standard Hollywood pattern. Stupid stupid stupid.

Well right this tactic were widly used in the 1941.
BTW tehe Germans also applyed this tactic in the 1941 for instance in the Leningrad , Moscow and even in Stalingrad)
In the Stalingrad the soviet tactic was to wear out the germans and do not let them to use the tactical germans advantage.Abd Germans vise verse tryed to capture the city by the one frontal attack.
The reason of germans defeat in the there was firstly the failure of that frontal attak of the fortified city.

enemy at the gates is a good movie but i think there could have been a lil’ bit more combat it is a bit boring the only combat is betwen those two snipers

I thought it was a good movie. A damn sight better than the speudo patriotic dreck that was produced during WW2, but then the purpose at the time was propaganda and not necessarily inconvenient or uncomfortable facts. I thought the principal actors were quite good. The movie did a good job of recreating the “feel” of the horror of Stalingrad. I understood Saitsev was a real sniper and that the Russians had quite a goodly number of snipers, many of them women. The details probably don’t matter so much as the overall feel of that city on the Don as a constant, desperate nightmare. The Germans were really dumb to pursue that chimera. The Russians suckered them in, nailed them down, then surrounded them and then slowly, very slowy, ground them down until Van Paulus surrendered. We will never know what a horrible hell hole this was. But I bet our Russian friends can tell us something. Here was a battle that from the German perspective really did not need to be fought - a quarter of a million men invested in a losing proposition - wow.

It’s based on a true story. Do the research. If they changed the ending it wouldn’t have been accurate.

Can’t people just sit and learn. Why does every movie have to special effects and all that other shit?

It’s just good business…for Hollywood.

…Believe it or don’t but I’m making an online comic version of this movie…Though I’m not the best artist.

It’s one of my favorite movies…because it has sniping in it^_^ and because I like the story.

I decided to kill two birds with one stone and mix the story of Enemy At The Gates with the character images of my favorite online comic “Anarchy 2090”(It has nothing to do with anti-government stuff). The author of the comic was thrilled when I told her about this idea.

The characters you see are as…




I don’t want to spam so I’ll stop there

Good idea WW2Dude.
So when and where we could to watch this online masterpices?

Well my friend, where else than Drunkduck.com?

This is one of three known online comic places I know of. The second is SmackJeves.com, and the most popular online comic site in the world is Tokyopop.com but that place is all manga and mostly pro artists post there. Every year Tokyopop holds a contest, the best manga gets published…easy? Hell no.

A manga is not all just random comics, Each book that makes up a series is a chapter and each chapter is 80 pages long. Anything can become a manga, Drama, si-fi, horror, action, and in my case WW2. My “4 Wars” story is awsome but I’m still working on it.

This is the link to EATG, I really SUCK and drawing wolves, so I’m gonna hold back on the comic untell I get better. I’m hoping to get a program that helps me make grade A comics.

Also, if i was to work on 2 comics…what story should I do? Saving Private Ryan? Band Of Brothers? Any story that you think would look good.


I found this for you Chevan, A Russian super hero.

mongol biker.jpg

Oh russian hero;)Thanks mate
I have one more

This is the real heroes, as they presented in the west media

Tell us who they are Chevan.(looks like a cold day)