Extreme dullardy - good or bad? (PARODY WARNING)

this isn’t a parody.[/GO BACK TOPIC!!!

It is a parody. It’s in the subject title you lunatic!!!


Sounds like King Canute ordering the tide back :lol:

and what has the parody with me?.

btw,im afraid im not the lunatic here…

Nothing so why dont you go and sit in a corner suck your thumb and let people write here who understand the meaning of the thread. While you’re at it what about bringing back some of those posts you deleted for no reason.

Yes you are!!!

You’re as nutty as squirrel shit!!!

Erwin do you even understand half of the stuff that is written in here?

Why delete or edit posts that you don’t understand?

I’m not saying your thick or anything, but due to the language differences you wont necessarily understand everything that’s going on here.

In the same way I find your jokes not funny you would find mine not funny.

Stop being an arse and leave this thread alone.

If we swear or abuse someone by all means delete, but you are deleting posts that did not swear or abuse someone.

100yard stare sorry but I was offensive and did swear hence my psot got dleete

In the spirit of “parodying a dullard” I threatened to delete the thread because Id been accused of being a turkey and that was offensive, the IRONY is only now becoming apparent!

When there is no other way of curbing megalomania it must be done, but what do you mean by ‘always’ ?
Always implies on every occasion - I have not previously reported you to the Admin staff, unlike yourself who ran bleating to the then moderators when I posted one of the profane PMs you had sent to me.
Whinging and butt kissing at the same time - good multi-tasking !

No, you followed your own agenda.

Once again you are LYING

That you are patriotic is not the point.
Arrogance I can on occasion admire - when the person exhibiting it has actually accomplished something worthy of that arrogance.
You my china, have done nothing of the sort !
Jacked on your ‘commando’ cse right at the beginning by your own admission.
You have lied like a cheap NAAFI wristwatch.

Honour ? You are not fit to speak the word !

As someone else mentioned, “I vass only followink orderss !” is no longer a defence, and in any case you were not even doing that !

You are held in contempt by the majority of the regular posters.

I hate the French, I hate the Welsh, I hate Metrosexuals. I want to burn the brities and the Killer monkeys.

See I am a fair MOD. I hate whites and darkies equally, Britie coward gay scum.


you are 1/4 welsh,and 3/4 british


the term darkies is discriminative

So is ‘killer monkeys’, certain people have used it on here before, hence Bluff saying it in his PARODY

Here is a list of my favourite argentinians.




Ok I’ll settle for this guy.

God must have got a little upset when he said he had the hand of god.

Is that a Tibetan shoping list written down his amply sized arm?



My dad always said you can’t go wrong with a DIPTANK.

A4 paper

What is best

Challenger 2
those little bitty post it notes
A cool pint on a hot sunday.

A cool pint on a hot sunday.

The best flavour reisen chew is alacante!
I can prove it.