Extreme dullardy - good or bad? (PARODY WARNING)

Oh, oh, oh, the irony! A parody thread about dullardy is being modded by having pointers to actual, genuine, tangible dullardy taking place in this parody thread removed and replaced with even more dullardic “I’m off topic” mod-edits!

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry! You can’t make this stuff up! :twisted:

EDIT: Oh, and now posts are disappearing! Even ones which are tangibly “on topic”, whatever the mod in question seems to interpret that as!

Oh, FFS, erwin - you don’t even understand what the effing topic’s about!

Stop with the nazi modding on my thread! :evil:[/quote]

But it seems very ‘in character’ !

Not (yet) edited by Erwin as at 11:15 hrs


Have you also noticed the WARNING thread that’s appeared to claim (in a roundabout way) that he hasn’t been editing the posts?

Dullardy - Parody - The topic of the thread

Deletion for being off topic, when parodying dullardy, can the MOD in this Forum be a native english speaker please!

Ah, but what you fail to understand is that you must show respect to a 2Lt.
Of course in the real world we know that one shows respect to the Commission and the rank, the actual Offr has to earn personal respect himself.

We will have a forum only for off topic,why don’t you be patient and wait a bit?.

there we can fight,insult,and those stuff.


So I must salute his comically overblown signature but not his username??? :? It all begins to make sense.

editted for typos.

Will that forum be called “off topic - general”
I think I have already found that one! :lol:

or will it be called, off topic - off topic

but Erwin you’ve been deleting posts that have been ON TOPIC for this thread. Just because you cant understand what is being written about dont delete straight away, try asking a grown up first what it means.

Will that forum be called “off topic - general”
I think I have already found that one! :lol:

or will it be called, off topic - off topic[/quote]

it will be a place were we say the first thing we want,and nobody will moderate or nothing…

I guess :twisted:

i perfectly understand those fuchs,don’t worry.

thanks btw.

Erwin please tell me why you deleted my post.

“Fascist I am not a Turk, dont call me a turk”

Did you comprehend what I said in that post, answering yes or no.

Was it a Parody of Dullardy?
Was my claiming that I would block the thread a parody?

Yes or no?
are you a hairyax-wound?

but you forgot to post the rest of that post!.

and what is hairyax?.

well,i will abandon this,ask me your questions in the future out off topic forum!,see ya there.

From the above post You clearly do not undertand parody, and have got power happy with you Modding powers.

N.B. you accused me of adding “editted by Erwin Schatzer” but you jsut agreed you had editted my post. Try to avoid this infuture to avoid looking like a sirloin curtain collection.

FAKE,oh,btw,OUT OFF TOPIC[/quote]

That’s it.

Erwin, I am calling you a LIAR !

Yep, you heard right

You deleted a parody post in a thread entitled parody in the Off Topic forum, (ie this thread,) and then claim it never happened !

Erwin, you have now proven yourself to be a LIAR.

You have NO honour !

You should not be in a position of authority over others !

He’s deleted several of my posts too!!!

I tried to get a hole I’m sparticus thing going with the off the topic things but they’ve all gone.


you proved that you are a partisan in this forum,who always acts under the role of victim,specially to call the attention of high autorities of the site.
i did the correct,if i have to do it again,i will do.

i don’t claim it never happened,i claim that i deleted the out off topic things,no the parody,dullardy and those things,bluffcove.

I have a ENORMOUS honor,im an fuc**** arrogant,patriot,nationalist,and obsesionated about the off topic post.
but i have honour!.

You should not be in a position of authority over others !

im just doing my work in this forum,and i will continue.

I’m surprised you didn’t come out with “but I was only obeying orders” a lot of your mates tried that excuse too.

Lets petition Gen.Sandworm. He has gone way over the mark now!!!

Remember Erwin you have to sleep sometime!!!